2023-05-12 11:30
  • 陈卓
  • 陈卓 - 助理研究员-清华大学-环境学院-个人资料




2010–2014 澳大利亚悉尼科技大学 环境工程专业 博士\r
2009–2010 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学 环境工程专业 硕士\r
2005–2009 成都理工大学 环境工程专业 学士\r
2018– 清华大学 环境学院 助理研究员\r
2014–2018 清华大学 博士后\r
国际标准化组织水回用技术委员会(ISO/TC282 Water Reuse)城镇水回用分技术委员会分散式水回用系统(SC2/WG4)工作组召集人、ISO/TC282/SC2专家\r
《Water Reuse》国际期刊(影响因子:3.154)编辑\r




Shi Q, Chen Z*, Wei F Q, Mao Y, Xu Q, Li K X, Lu Y, Hu H Y. 2022. Identification of surrogates for rapid monitoring of microbial inactivation by ozone for water reuse: A pilot-scale study. Journal of Hazardous Materials 424, 127567.\r
Chen Z, Wang D, Dao G H et al. 2021. Environmental impact of the effluents discharging from full-scale wastewater treatment plants evaluated by a hybrid fuzzy approach. Science of the Total Environment 790, 148212.\r
Wu Y H, Chen Z*, Li X, et al. 2021. Effect of ultraviolet disinfection on the fouling of reverse osmosis membranes for municipal wastewater reclamation. Water Research 195, 116995.\r
Liao Z T, Chen Z*, Wu Y H, Hu H Y*, et al. 2021. Identification of development potentials and routes of wastewater treatment and reuse for Asian countries by key influential factors and prediction models. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 168, 105259.\r
Cao K F, Chen Z*, Shi Q, et al. 2021. An insight to sequential ozone?chlorine process for synergistic disinfection on reclaimed water: Experimental and modelling studies. Science of the Total Environment 793, 148563.\r
Shi Q, Chen Z*, Liu H, Lu Y, Hu H Y*, et al. 2021. Efficient synergistic disinfection by ozone, ultraviolet irradiation and chlorine in secondary effluents. Science of the Total Environment, 758, 143641.\r
Liao Z T, Chen Z*, Hu H Y, et al. 2021. Wastewater treatment and reuse situations and influential factors in major Asian countries. Journal of Environmental Management, 282, 111976.\r
Shi X J, Chen Z*, Lu Y, et al. 2021. Significant increase of assimilable organic carbon (AOC) levels in MBR effluents followed by coagulation, ozonation and combined treatments: implications for biostability control of reclaimed water. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 15(4), 68.\r
Mao Y, Chen X W, Chen Z*, et al. 2021. Characterization of bacterial fluorescence: insight into rapid detection of bacteria. Water Reuse 11(4), 621-631.\r
Pan S H, Chen X W, Cao C Y, Chen Z*, et al. 2021. Fluorescence analysis of centralized water supply systems: indications for rapid cross-connection detection and water quality safety guarantee. Chemosphere 277, 130290.\r
Zhang T, Xu Q, Shi Y L, Chen Z* et al. 2021. Study on the influence of operational and management processes of a water reclamation plant since COVID-19 situation. Environmental Pollution 285, 117257.\r
Chen Z, Wu G X, Wu Q Y, Shi Q, Ngo H H, Saucedo OAV, Hu H Y. 2020. Water Eco-Nexus Cycle System (WaterEcoNet) as a key solution for water shortage and water environment problems in urban areas. Water Cycle, 1, 71-77.\r
Cui Q, Liu H, Yang H W, Lu Y, Chen Z*, Hu H Y*. 2020. Bacterial removal performance and community changes during advanced treatment process: A case study at a full-scale water reclamation plant. Science of the Total Environment, 705, 135811.\r
Zhang T, Tao Y Z, Yang H W, Chen Z*, Wang X M*. 2020. Study on the removal of aesthetic indicators by ozone during advanced treatment of water reuse. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 36, 101381.\r
Chen Z, Wang D, Sun M X, et al. 2018. Sustainability evaluation and implication of a large scale membrane bioreactor plant. Bioresource Technology 269, 246-254.\r
Chen Z, Yu T, Ngo, H H, Lu Y, Li G Q, Wu Q Y, Li K X, Bai Y, Liu S M, Hu H Y. 2018. Assimilable organic carbon (AOC) variation in reclaimed water: Insight on biological stability evaluation and control for sustainable water reuse. Bioresource Technology, 254, 290-299.\r
Chen Z, Wu Q Y, Wu G X, Hu H Y. Centralized water reuse system with multiple applications in urban areas: lessons from China's experience. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2017, 117, 125-136.\r
Sun Y, Chen Z, Wu G X, Wu Q Y, Zhang F, Niu Z, Hu H Y. Characteristics of water quality of municipal wastewater treatment plants in China: implications for resources utilization and management. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 131, 1-9. (共同一作)\r
Chen Z, Ngo H H, Guo W S, Lim R, Wang X C, O’Halloran K. A comprehensive framework for the assessment of new end uses in recycled water schemes. Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 470-471, 44-52.\r
Chen Z, Ngo H H, Guo W S, Pham T T N, Lim R, Wang X C. A new optional recycled water pre-treatment system prior to use in the household laundry. Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 476, 513-521.\r
Chen Z, Ngo H H, Guo W S, Listowski A, O’ Halloran K, Thompson M. A critical review on the end uses of recycled water. Critical reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 2013, 43, 1446-1516.\r
Chen Z, Ngo H H, Guo W S. Risk control in recycled water schemes. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 2013, 43(22), 2439-2510.\r
Chen Z, Ngo H H, Guo W S, Wang X C. Analysis of Sydney’s recycled water schemes. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2013, 7(4), 608-615.\r
Chen Z, Ngo H H, Guo W S. Analysis of social attitude to the new end use of recycled water for household laundry by the regression models. Journal of Environmental Management, 2013, 126, 79-84.\r
Chen Z, Ngo H H, Guo W S, Listowski A, O’ Halloran K, Thompson M. Multi-criteria analysis towards the new end use of recycled water for household laundry: A case study in Sydney. Science of the Total Environment, 2012, 438(1), 59-65.\r
Chen Z, Ngo H H, Guo W S. A critical review on sustainability assessment of recycled water schemes. Science of the Total Environment, 2012, 426(1), 13-31.\r
陈卓,郝姝然,徐傲,白雪,胡梦婷,巫寅虎,胡洪营*. 2022.《水回用导则 再生水厂水质管理》国家标准解读. 给水排水, 48(2), 116-121.\r
陈卓,郝姝然,白雪,胡梦婷,巫寅虎,胡洪营*. 2022.《水回用导则污水再生处理技术与工艺评价方法》国家标准解读. 给水排水, 48(2), 122-127.\r
陈卓,胡威,巫寅虎,黄南,白雪,胡梦婷,吴乾元,胡洪营*. 2022.《水回用导则 再生水分级》国家标准解读. 给水排水, 48(2), 151-155.\r
陈卓,崔琦,曹可凡,陆韻*,巫寅虎,胡洪营*. 2021. 污水再生利用微生物控制标准及其制定方法探讨. 环境科学, 42(5), 466-472.\r
陈卓,郝姝然,高强,毛宇,黄南,巫寅虎*,胡洪营*.2021.《再生水利用效益评价指南》标准解读. 中国给水排水, 37(18), 1-7.\r
毛宇,陈卓*,陆韻,吴乾元,巫寅虎,胡洪营*.2021. 高铁酸盐对微生物的灭活特性及影响因素. 环境工程, 1-13.\r
刘俊含,陈卓*,徐傲,陆韻,巫寅虎,郝姝然,胡洪营*.2021. 澳大利亚污水处理与再生利用现状分析及经验. 环境工程, 1-13.\r
陈卓,胡洪营*,吴光学,吴乾元,刘书明,文湘华. ISO《城镇集中式水回用系统设计指南》国际标准解读. 给水排水, 2019, 03, 139-144.\r
陈卓,吴乾元,杜烨,孙艳,陆韻,杨宏伟,刘书明,胡洪营*.世界卫生组织(WHO)《再生水饮用回用:安全饮用水生产指南》解读. 给水排水, 2018, 44(6), 7-12.\r
崔琦,陈卓*,李魁晓,时玉龙,巫寅虎,王文龙,吴乾元,吴光学,胡洪营*.再生水系统的可靠性—内涵及其保障措施. 环境工程, 2019, 37(12), 75-79.\r
陈卓, 吴乾元, 杜烨, 孙艳, 陆韻, 杨宏伟, 刘书明, 胡洪营. 世界卫生组织(WHO)《再生水饮用回用:安全饮用水生产指南》解读. 给水排水, 2018, 44(6), 7-12.\r
Chen Z, Hu H Y, Sun Y X. Water reuse in china: current status, policies and experience. In: Handbook of Water and Used Water Purification, Springer Nature, 2022\r
Chen Z, Ngo H H, Hu H Y, Guo W S, Wu G X, Shi L, Sun M X, Wang D. Sustainability analysis of large-scale membrane bioreactor plant. In: Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Elsevier, 2020\r
Chen Z, Ngo H H, Guo W S, Eslamain, S. Water shortages; Water reuse environmental benefits. In: Urban water reuse handbook, CRC Press Taylor and Francis, UK, 2015.\r
Gondhalekar D, Hu H Y, Chen Z, et al. Operationalizing the urban water energy food nexus in China and India. In ORE Environmental Science, Oxford University Press, 2021.\r
Ngo H H, Guo W S, Chen Z, Surampalli Y R, Zhang C T. Chapter 1: Green technologies for sustainable water management: Introduction and overview. In: Green technologies for sustainable water management, ASCE, USA, 2016.\r
Ngo H H, Guo W S, Chen Z. New submerged membrane bioreactors (SMBRs) for sustainable water. In: Advances in Industrial Biotechnology, Singh, R.S., Pandey, A. and Larroche, C. (Eds.). IK International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., India, 393-411, 2012.

