2023-05-12 11:30
  • 迟巍
  • 迟巍 - 副教授-清华大学-经济管理学院-个人资料




2003 美国明尼苏达大学(University of Minnesota) 人力资源管理与工业关系 博士\r
1998 中国人民大学 经济学 学士\r
2017-至今 清华大学经济管理学院 长聘副教授 \r
2008-2017 清华大学经济管理学院 副教授\r
2005-2008 清华大学经济管理学院 助理教授\r
2003-2005 美国堪萨斯州立大学(Kansas State University) 助理教授\r




Zhou, J., Li, N., & Chi, W. 2022. Getting ahead or getting along? How motivational orientations forge newcomers' cohort network structures, task assistance, and turnover. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 43(3), 410-429.\r
Han, Y., Chi, W., & Zhou, J.2022. Prosocial imprint: CEO childhood famine experience and corporate philanthropic donation. Journal of Business Research, 139, 1604-1618.\r
Bai, C. E., Chi, W., Liu, T. X., Tang, C., & Xu, J. 2021. Boosting pension enrollment and household consumption by example: A field experiment on information provision. Journal of Development Economics, 150, 102622.\r
Chi, Wei, Liao, H., Wang, L., Zhao, R., Ye, Q. 2019. Incentives to move up: Effects of pay gaps between levels on employee performance. Human Resource Management Journal, 29: 238-253.\r
Chi, Wei, Liu, Tracy X., Qian, X., Ye, Q. 2019. An experimental study of incentive contracts for short and long-term employees. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 159: 366-383.\r
Zhou, Jinyi, Chi, Wei, Zhu, W. No good deed is too small: Experimental studies of identities and workplace saving behavior. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017(1): 12596.\r
Chi, Wei, Kleiner, Morris, & Qian, Xiaoye. 2017. Do occupational regulations increase earnings? The impact of professional certification and licensing on wage determination in China. Industrial Relations, 56(2): 351-381.\r
Hu, S., Wan, Z., Ye, Q., & Chi, Wei. 2017. Supplier behavior in capacity investment competition: An experimental study. Production and Operations Management, 26(2): 273-291.\r
Chi, Wei, Li, Wendong, Wang, Nan, and Song, Zhaoli. 2016. Can genes play a role in explaining frequent job changes? An examination of gene-environment interaction from human capital theory. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101(7):1030-1044.\r
Chi, Wei, Qian, Xiaoye. 2016. Human capital investment in children: an empirical study of household child education expenditure in China, 2007 and 2011. China Economic Review, 37: 52-65.\r
Budd, J.W, Chi, Wei, Wang, YJ, Xie, Qianyun. 2014. What do unions in China do? Provincial-evidence on wages, employment, productivity, and economic output. Journal of Labor Research, 35(2): 185-204.\r
Bai, Chong-en, Chi, Wei, Qian, Xiaoye. 2014. Do college entrance examination scores predict undergraduate GPAs? A tale of two universities? China Economic Review, 30: 632-647.\r
Chi, Wei, Li, Bo. 2014.Trends in China's gender employment and pay gaps: estimating gender pay gaps with employment selection. Journal of Comparative Economics, 42(3), 708-725.\r
Chi,Wei, Qian, Xiaoye. 2013. Regional disparity of labor's share in China: Evidence and explanation. China Economic Review, 27: 277-293.\r
Chi, Wei. 2012. Capital income and income inequality: Evidence from Urban China. Journal of Comparative Economics, 40(2):228-239.\r
Chi, Wei, Li, Bo, Yu, Qiumei. 2011. Decomposition of the increase in earnings inequality in urban China: a distributional approach. China Economic Review, 22: 299-312.\r
Chi, Wei, Richard Freeman, Morris Kleiner. 2011. Adoption and Termination of Employee Involvement Programs. LABOUR, 25(1):45-62.\r
Chi, Wei, Qian, Xiaoye. 2010. The role of education in regional innovation activities: spatial evidence from China. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy,15(4):396-419\r
Chi, Wei, Zhang, Haiyan. 2010. Are stronger executive incentives associated with cross-listing? Evidence from China. China Economic Review, 21: 150-160.\r
Chi, Wei, Wang, YJ. 2009. Ownership, Performance, and Executive Turnover. Journal of Asian Economics, 20: 465-278.\r
Chi, Wei, Li, Bo. 2008. Glass Ceiling or Sticky Floor? Examining the Gender Earnings Differential across the Earnings Distribution in Urban China, 1987-2004. Journal of Comparative Economics, 36: 243-263.\r
McCall, B. P., Chi, Wei. 2008. Unemployment Insurance, Unemployment Durations, and Re-employment Wages. Economics Letters, 99(1): 115-118.\r
Chi, Wei. 2008.The Role of Human Capital in China’s Economic Development: Review and New Evidence. China Economic Review, 19:421-436.\r
王曦若,迟巍. 高管团队人力资本异质性与企业创新投入的关系----高管团队地位不平等的调节作用. 技术经济,2018,第8期\r
钱晓烨,迟巍,史瑶.义务教育阶段城镇家庭教育支出的构成及不平等:来自2007和2011的实证证据. 教育与经济,2015,第2期\r
钱晓烨,杨百寅,迟巍.心理资本与区域创新活动:来自我国地级市的实证研究. 中国软科学, 2014(2): 179-192\r
李雪,钱晓烨,迟巍. 职业资格认证能提高就业者的工资收入吗? 对职业资格认证收入效应的实证分析. 管理世界,2012,第9期\r
迟巍,钱晓烨,吴斌珍. 我国城镇居民家庭教育负担研究. 清华大学教育研究,2012,第33卷第3期\r
迟巍,蔡许许. 城市居民财产性收入与贫富差距的实证分析. 数量经济技术经济研究,2012,第29卷第2期\r
叶青,迟巍. 面对共同供应商时的市场进入决策. 管理科学学报,2012,第2期\r
叶青,迟巍. 面对相同供应商时市场进入决策的博弈分析. 系统工程理论与实践,2012,第32卷第6期\r
迟巍,钱晓烨,吴斌珍. 家庭教育支出平等性实证研究. 教育与经济,2011,第4期\r
钱晓烨,迟巍. 国民收入初次分配中劳动收入份额的地区差异. 经济学动态,2011,第5期\r
钱晓烨,迟巍,黎波. 人力资本对我国区域创新及经济增长的影响的空间计量实证研究. 数量经济技术经济研究,2010,第4期\r
张海燕,迟巍. 香港上市有助于提高我国的公司治理结构吗? 中国软科学,2008,第10期\r
迟巍,黎波,余秋梅. 基于收入分布的收入差距扩大成因的分解,数量经济技术经济研究, 2008年第9期\r
迟巍. 中国城市性别收入差距研究. 统计研究,2008,第8期\r
迟巍. 人力资本在中国经济发展中的角色的实证研究. 经济学报,2008,第1期第3卷\r
王一江,迟巍,孙文凯. 影响腐败程度的权力和个人因素. 经济科学,2008,第2期\r
迟巍,叶欣. 收入差距研究的中外比较. 经济学动态,2007,第9期\r
黎波,迟巍,余秋梅. 一种新的收入差距研究的计量方法--基于分布函数的半参数化估计. 数量经济技术经济研究,2007,第8期\r
迟巍. 内生性经济增长的实证研究. 中国软科学,2007,第4期

