2023-05-12 11:30
  • 程峰
  • 程峰 - 研究员-清华大学-医学院-个人资料




2014- 至今 清华大学医学院公共健康中心 研究员 2003-2014 家庭健康国际组织 总监 全球健康战略 副总裁 1999-2003 中国预防医学科院中英性病艾滋病 项目经理、研究员 1985-1999 湖北省医学科学院 主任医师 1991-1995 昆士兰大学和利物浦大学热带医学硕士、博士学位 1980-1985 同济医科大学预防医学 学士


传染病与免疫规划 抗生素的耐药性与药品质量 人口与健康(流动、生殖健康、老龄化) 室内空气污染与健康 南南卫生合作与中国外援 戒烟技术 健康大数据


1. Gao LM, Jing J, Cheng F. From assistance to communitas-Changing of China’s position of global health governance from Ebola outbreak in Africa. Chin J of Health Policy. 2016 Vol 9(1): 61-67 2. Cheng F (chapter author). International Cooperatives Study on Family Planning. Beijing: Intellectual Property Publishing House 2016 3. Cheng F. Aid, Cooperation and Harmonization (Commentary on China Africa Health Cooperation). People’s Daily. December 2, 2015 4. Cheng F. China and UHC in Africa. Devex Intl Development. April 21, 2015 5. Cheng F. China-Africa Health Collaboration (Editorial).The Lancet. 2015 Vol 385: 1262 6. Cheng F (Chief editor). China Africa Health Cooperation-Exploration and Innovation of International Development Aid Theories. Beijing: People’s Medical Publishing House 2015 7. Cheng F, Lv NQ, Xu HQ,Barone M,Lee R,Goldstein M, Li P. Clinical studies of Shang Ring male circumcision in China and Africa. National Journal of Andrology. 2014 (4): 1-8 8. Cheng F, Chen L, Gold D, et al. Fostering China’s Increasing Engagement in Global Health. Global Health Journal 2014 March 1(1): 19-22 9. Zhao FJ, Li P, Lv NQ, RichardLee, Peng GF, Cheng F, Li Z, Xu HQ, Barone M, Goldstein M, Xia SJ. Male circumcision on decreasing genital tract infection and preventing reproductive tract tumor. National Journal of Andrology. 2014 (11): 969-977 10. Ming Z, Prybylski D, Cheng F, et al. Two-year prospective cohort study on quality of life outcomes among people living with HIV after initiation of antiretroviral therapy in Guangxi, China. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care. 2014; 25(6):603-13 11. Cheng F (Associate editor). The Pathfinder in New Phase of China-Africa Health Cooperation. Beijing: World Affairs Press 2013 12. DeSilva MB, Gifford AL, Xu KY, Zhong L, Cheng F, et al. Feasibility and Acceptability of a Real-Time Adherence Device among HIV-Positive IDU Patients in China. AIDS Research and Treatment Vol 2013, Article ID 957862 13. Ming ZQ, Cheng F, LiuQ, et al. A Qualitative Exploration of the Role of Antiretroviral Therapy on Chinese Rural Life. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences2012 Feb 25(1) 69-76

