2023-05-12 11:22
  • 朱万诚
  • 朱万诚 - 工学博士/教授,硕士生导师-曲阜师范大学-化学与化工学院-个人资料




[20] Zhu, W.C.*; Zhang, Q.; Xiang, L.*; Zhu, S. Green Coprecipitation Byproduct Assisted Thermal Conversion Route to Submicron Mg2B2O5 Whiskers. CrystEngComm, 2011, 13, 1654-1663. (SCI. IF=3.842)<化学类二区,晶体学二区>
[19] Zhu, W.C.*; Zhang, G.L.; Liu, C.M.; Zhang, Q.; Zhu, S. Hierarchical Strontium Carbonate Submicron Spheres Self-assembled under Hydrothermal Conditions. Cryst. Res. Technol., 2010, 45, 845-850. (SCI. IF=0.946)<晶体学四区>
[18]Zhu, W.C.*;Li, G.D.; Zhang, Q.; Xiang, L.*; Zhu, S. Hydrothermal Mass Production of MgBO2(OH) Nanowhiskers and Subsequent Thermal Conversion to Mg2B2O5 Nanorods for Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene Resins Reinforcement. Powder Technol.,2010, 203, 265-271. (SCI. IF=1.887)<工程类三区>
[17] Zhang, Q.; Zhao, M.Q.; Tang, D.M.; Li, F.; Huang, J.Q.; Liu, B.L.; Zhu, W.C.; Zhang, Y.H.; Wei, F. Carbon-Nanotube-Array Double Helices. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2010, 122, 3724-3727. (SCI. IF=12.73)<化学类一区>
[16] Zhu, W.C.*; Zhang, G.L.; Li, J.; Zhang, Q.*; Piao, X.L.; Zhu, S. Hierarchical Mesoporous SrCO3 Submicron Spheres Derived from Reaction-Limited Aggregation Induced “Rod-to-Dumbbell-to-Sphere” Self-Assembly. CrystEngComm, 2010, 12, 1795-1802. (SCI. IF=4.006) <化学类二区>
[15] Zhu, W.C.*; Zhu, S.L.; Xiang, L.* Successive Effect of Rolling Up, Oriented Attachment and Ostwald Ripening on the Hydrothermal Formation of Szaibelyite MgBO2(OH) Nanowhiskers.CrystEngComm,2009, 11, 1910-1919. (SCI. IF=4.183) <化学类二区>
[14] Zhu, W.C.*; Zhang, X.Y; Xiang, L.*; Zhu, S.L. Hydrothermal Formation of the Head-to-head Coalesced Szaibelyite MgBO2(OH) Nanowires. Nanoscale Res. Lett., 2009, 4: 724-731. (SCI. IF=2.894)< 材料类二区>
[13] Zhu, W.C.*; Zhang, Q.; Xiang, L.*; Wei, F.; Sun, X.T.; Piao, X.L.; Zhu, S.L. Flux-assisted Thermal Conversion Route to Pore-free High Crystallinity Magnesium Borate Nanowhiskers at a Relatively Low Temperature. Cryst. Growth & Des.,2008, 8(8): 2938-2945. (SCI. IF=4.215) <化学类二区>
[12] Zhu, W.C.*; Xiang, L.*; Zhang, Q.; Zhang, X.Y.; Hu, L.; Zhu, S.L. Morphology Preservation and Crystallinity Improvement in the Thermal Conversion Route to Magnesium Borate Nanowhiskers at a Relatively Low Temperature. J. Cryst. Growth,2008,310:4262-4267. (SCI. IF=1.757) <晶体学三区>
[11] He, T.B.; Xiang, L.*; Zhu, W.C.; Zhu, S.L. H2SO4-assisted Hydrothermal Preparation of γ-AlOOH Nanorods. Mater. Lett., 2008, 62 (17-18):2939-2942. (SCI. IF=1.748) <材料类二区>
[10] Sun, X.T.; Xiang, L.*; Zhu, W.C.;Liu, Q. Influence of Solvents on the Hydrothermal Formation of Magnesium Hydroxide Fibers. Cryst. Res. Technol., 2008,43(10),1057-1061.(SCI. IF=0.921) <晶体学四区>
[9] Sun, X.T.; Shi, W.T.; Xiang, L.*; Zhu, W.C. Controllable Synthesis of Magnesium Oxysulfate Nanowires with Different Morphologies. Nanoscale Res. Lett.,2008,3(10),386-389.(SCI. IF=1.731) <材料类三区>
[8] Zhu, W.C.; Xiang, L.*; Zhang, X.Y.; Zhu, S.L. Influence of Process Parameters on Hydrothermal Formation of Magnesium Borate Hydroxide Nanowhiskers. Mater. Res. Innov., 2007, 11(4):188-192. (SCI. IF=1.723; EI 9840066)
[7] Zhu, W.C.; Xiang, L.*; He, T.B.; Zhu, S.L. Hydrothermal Synthesis and Characterization of Magnesium Borate Hydroxide Nanowhiskers. Chem. Lett., 2006, 35(10): 1158-1159. (SCI. IF=1.734) <化学类三区>
[6] Zhu, W.C.; Chen, J.; Wang, Y. Experimental study on the synthesis of ultra-fine calcium carbonate whiskers in rotating packed bed reactor. Mater. Sci. & Technol., 2005, 13(1):30-33,+37.(In Chinese)
朱万诚,陈建峰,王玉红,旋转填充床中合成微细晶须碳酸钙的试验研究,材料科学与工艺,2005,1, 3(1):30-3, 3+37.(EI.05179069967)
[5] Zhu, W.C.; Chen, J.; Wang, Y. Synthesis and Characterization of Ultra-fine Calcium Carbonate Whiskers in High-Gravity. Chinese J Chem. Phys., 2004, 17(2): 175-178. (In Chinese)
[4] Zhu, W.C.; Chen, J. Progress in synthesis of calcium carbonate whiskers. Modern Chemical Industry, 2004, 24(n suppl.): 21-22+24.(In Chinese)
朱万诚,陈建峰,晶须碳酸钙的合成进展,现代化工,2004, 24(n suppl.): 21-22+24.(EI.04448437185)
[3] Zhu, W.C.; Chen, J.; Wang, Y. On The Crystal Progress and Product Stability of the Ultrafine Calcium Carbonate Whiskers in High- Gravity Field. J. Qufu Normal Univ., 2003, 29(4): 77-81. (In Chinese)
朱万诚,陈建峰,王玉红,超重力场中微细晶须碳酸钙结晶过程及产品稳定性研究,曲阜师范大学学报(自然科学版),2003, 29(4):77-81.
[2] Zhu, W.C.; Wang, Y.; Chen, J. Synthesis of Ultra-fine Needle-like Calcium Carbonate Particles by High-Gravity Reactive Precipitation. J. Chem. Eng. Chinese Univ., 2002, 16(5):560-564. (In Chinese)
朱万诚,王玉红,陈建峰,超重力反应结晶法合成微细针状碳酸钙研究,高校化学工程学报,2002, 16(5):560-564.
[1] Zhu, W.C.; Wang, Y.; Chen, J.; Shi, Y. Synthesis of ultra-fine needle-like calcium carbonate particles by high-gravity technology and its characterization. J. Beijing Univ. Chem. Technol., 2002,29(5):16-18+24. (In Chinese)

