2023-05-12 09:29
  • 马治
  • 马治 - 副教授-宁夏大学-物理与电子电气工程学院-个人资料








Zhi Ma,Yanan Ma, Zhipeng Chen, Fu Zheng, Hua Gao, Hongfei Liu, Huanming Chen*, Modeling of hysteresis loop and its applications in ferroelectric materials, Ceramics International, 2018, 44 (4):4338-4343 DOI:10.1016/j.ceramint.2017.12.027
Zhi Ma*,Liying Xi, Hongfei Liu, Fu Zheng, Hua Gao, Zhipeng Chen, Huanming Chen*, Ferroelectric phase transition of BaTiO3single crystal based on a tenth order Landau-Devonshire potential, Computational Materials Science, 2017, 135 :109-118 DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2017.04.011
Zhi Ma, Chentao Cao, Qingfang Liu, Zhenkun Wang, Jianbo Wang*, Designed synthesis and magnetic properties of Co hierarchical nanostructures, Materials Letters, 2011, 65(9):1312-1315 DOI:10.1016/j.matlet.2011.02.001
Zhi Ma, Yi Zhang, ChenTao Cao, Jing Yuan, QingFang Liu, JianBo Wang*, Attractive microwave absorption and the impedance match effect in zinc oxide and carbonyl iron composite, Physica B: condensed matter, 2011, 406(24):4620-4624 DOI: 10.1016/j.physb.2011.09.03
Zhi Ma, Jianbo Wang, Qingfang Liu*, Jing Yuan, Microwave absorption of electroless Ni–Co–P-coated SiO2powder, Applied Surface Science, 2009, 255(13):6629-6633 DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2009.02.058
Zhi Ma, Qingfang Liu, Jing Yuan, Zhenkun Wang, Chentao Cao, Jianbo Wang*, Analyses on multiple resonance behaviours and microwave reflection loss in magnetic Co micro flowers, physica status solidi (b), 2012, 249(3):575-580 DOI: 10.1002/pssb.201147382
Zhi Ma, Chentao Cao, Qingfang Liu, Jianbo Wang*, A new method to calculate electromagnetic impedance matching degree in one-layer microwave absorbers, Chinese Physics Letters, 2012, 29(3):038401 DOI: 10.1088/0256-307x/29/3/038401
Zhi Ma, Chentao Cao, Jing Yuan, Qingfang Liu, Jianbo Wang*, Enhanced microwave absorption of BaTiO3-based ferroelectric/ferromagnetic nanocomposite, Applied Surface Science, 2012, 258(19):7556-7561 DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2012.04.086
Xi Li-Ying, Chen HuanMing, Zheng Fu,Gao Hua, Tong Yang,Ma Zhi*,Three-Dimensional Phase Field Simulations of Hysteresis and Butterfly Loops by the Finite Volume Method, Chinese Physics Letters, 2015, 32(9):097701 DOI: 10.1088/0256-307X/32/9/097701
Weiwei Pan,Zhi Ma, Jinhong Liu, Qingfang Liu, Jianbo Wang*, Effect of heating rate on morphology and structure of CoFe2O4nanofibers, Materials Letters, 2011, 65(21):3269-3271 DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2011.06.102
Chentao Cao,Zhi Ma,Chuansheng Ma, Qingfang Liu, Jianbo Wang*, Synthesis and characterization of Fe/C core-shell nanoparticles, Materials Letters, 2012, 88(2):61-64 DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2012.08.041
Zhenkun Wang, Erxi Feng, Weiwei Wang,Zhi Ma, Qingfang Liu, Jianbo Wang*, Adjustable magnetic anisotropy and resonance frequency of patterned ferromagnetic films by laser etching, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2012, 543(19):197-199 DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2012.07.071
Yang Tong, Man Liu, HuanMing Chen*, GuiPing Li, Hui Fang, Jie Wang,Zhi Ma,The effect of strain on the domain switching of ferroelectric polycrystals, Journal of Applied Physics, 2015, 117(7):074102 -074108 DOI: 10.1063/1.4907574
Huanming Chen*, Qin Wang, Hongbiao Dong, Liying Xi, Xuelin Lin, Fengchun Pan,Zhi Ma, Electroless Plating of Ni-P-W Coatings Containing Scattered Nb2O5on Sintered NdFeB Substrate, Materials Research, 2015,18(5): 1089-1096 DOI: 10.1590/1516-1439.032015
Huanming Chen*, Zhipeng Chen, Rui Zhang, Xueling Lin, FengChun Pan,Zhi Ma, Jianan Xu, Hongsheng Zhao, Electronic structures and optical properties of ZnO doped with Ba atoms: the first-principles calculations, optoelectronics and advanced materials-rapid communications, 2017, 11(3-4):207-211
Zheng fu*,Ma zhi, Gao hua, Pan fengchun, Li songtian, Cao jiangwei, Bai jianmin, Wei fulin,Magnetic properties and high frequency characteristics of isotropic FeCoZr thin films with stripe domains,Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2017,28(23), 17448–17452 DOI: 10.1007/s10854-017-7678-8
H. M. Chen*, Z. P. Chen, R. Zhang, X. L. Lin, F. C. Pan,Z. Ma, J. N. Xu, H. S. Zhao.Electronic structures and optical properties of ZnO doped with Ba atoms: the first-principles calculations. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications, 2017, 11 (3-4): 207-211.
Huanming Che*, Yanan Ma, Xinxin Lin, Dong Yang, Zhipeng Chen, Xiaowei Li, Xueling Lin,Fengchun Pan,Zhi Ma, Preparation of aligned porous niobium scaff old and the optimal control of freeze-drying process, Ceramics International 2018, 44 :17174-17179
Yanan Ma, Huanming Chen*, Fengchun Pan, Zhipeng Chen,Zhi Ma, Xueling Lin, Fu Zheng, Xiaobo Ma, Electronic structures and optical properties of Fe/Co-doped cubic BaTiO3Ceramics, Ceramics International 2019,45: 6303-6311

