王金华,男,1963 年 3 月生,江苏如东人,2004 年博士研究生毕业于上海交通大学数学系。南通市 第十一、二届政协委员,江苏省工业与应用数学学会常务理事、南通 市数学会大学数学分会理事长。长期从事组合设计理论、组合编码和 密码理论及其相关交叉领域的研究,先后主持三项国家自然科学基金 面上项目和一项南通市科技项目,在国际国内重要学术期刊上发表学 术论文 70 余篇,其中 30 余篇被 SCI 收录。曾在台湾新竹交通大学、 日本筑波大学访问研究。2013 年作为主要参与人获南通市高等教育 教学成果一等奖、2010 年获南通市优秀科技工作者称号、2015 年获 南通市优秀教育工作者称号。 一、主持项目情况: 1. 广义柯克曼方和 t-设计的构造及其应用研究(11371207),国家自然科学基金, 2014.01-2017.12,56 万, 主持 2. 组合编码密码中的若干理论问题研究(61272424),国家自然科学基金 2013.01-2013.12,20 万,主持 3. 编码密码学中若干组合对象研究(10971252), 国家自然科学基金, 2010.01-2012.12,23 万, 主持 4. Bent 函数及其在通信密码上应用研究(2014_BK), 南通市科技局, 2009.07-2011.06,2 万,主持 5. 生物信息科学中的组合构形及其相关问题的研究(07KJD110090),省教育厅 自然科学基金,2007.8-2009.12,1.5 万主持 二、获奖情况: 2010 年获南通市优秀科技工作者称号 2015 年获南通市优秀教育工作者称号 2015-南通大学 2014-2015 优秀教育管理工作者 2015-南通市自然科学论文三等奖 2013 年 3 月,南通市高等教育成果一等奖(排名第五) 2013 年 4 月,南通大学教育成果一等奖(排名第五)研究领域
1.Jinhua Wang and Lei Xie, Doubly Resolvable 4-Cycle Systems of 2Kv,Graphs and Combinatorics (2018) 34:313–337 2.Lingye Wang, R. Julian R. Abel, Dameng Deng, Jinhua Wang,Existence of incomplete canonical Kirkman packing designs,Discrete Mathematics 341 (2018) 536–554 3.Xinlin Miao, Bilian Zang and Jinhua Wang*, A NOTE ON α-LABELINGS OF 2k-SUN GRAPHS,Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics, 19, , 2018, 299-307 4.Aijun Yu; Lingye Wang; Su Wang; *Jinhua Wang,A note on the existence of a cylic or 1-rotaional kite systems, Ars Combinatoria, 126, pp 407-414, 2016/4/1. 5.Huangsheng Yu; *Dianhua Wu; Jinhua Wang,New optimal (v, {3, 5}, 1, Q) optical orthogonal codes, Advances in Mathematics of Communications,10(4), pp 811-823, 2016/11/1. 6.Zhanjun Wang; *Haiying Ma; JinhuaWang , Attribute-based online/offline encryptionwith outsourcing decryption , Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 32(6), pp 1595-1611, 2016/11/1. 7.Su Wang; Lingye Wang; *Jinhua Wang,A new class of optimal optical orthogonal codes with weight six,The Seventh Workshop Signal Design and Its Applications in Communications (IWSDA'15), 2015/9/13-2015/9/18, pp 66-69, Bangalore, 2015/10/1 8.Juan Du,R.J.R. Abel and Jinhua Wang*, Some new resolvable GDDs with k=4 and doubly resolvable GDDs with k=3,Discrete Math,338:2105-2118,2015. 9.Xiaohui Liu, Jinhua Wang* and Dianhua Wu, Two new classes of binary sequence pairs with three-level cross-correlation, Advances in Mathematics of Communications, 9: 117 – 128,2015. 10.Zhihua Yu, Jinhua Wang, Strongly Conflict-Avoiding Codes with Weight Three, Wireless Pers Commun (2015) 84:153-165 11.Zhang, Qingliang; Wang, Jinhua; *Liu, Weijun, A Characterization of by the set of orders of maximal Abelian subgroups, Monatshefte fur Mathematik, 175(2), pp 307-311, 2014/10. ; 12.Zhang, Q. L.; Wang, J. H.; *Liu, W. J.,A Characterization of the symmetric group of prime degree, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 40(2), pp 473-480, 2014/4. 13..J.R. Abel, N. Chan, C.J. Colbourn, E.R. Lamken, C. Wang and Jinhua Wang*, Doubly resolvable nearly Kirkman triple systems, J. Combin. Des. 21: 342–358, 2013. 14.Su Wang and Jinhua Wang*, Two classes of cyclic frames from finite geometries, Ars Comb, 110 : 55-63,2013. 15.Tang, Jianxiong; *Liu, Weijun; Wang, Jinhua, Groups PSL(n, q) and 3-(v, k, 1) designs, Ars Combinatoria, 110, pp 217-226, 2013/7. 16.Xu Yujuan; *Wang Jinhua, The Spectrum of Petersen Designs, Jounral of Natural Science Nanjing Normal University, 13(1), pp 14-25, 2012/6/20. 16.Hua Gao and Jinhua Wang*. Doyen-Wilson theorem for perfect hexagon triple systems. Discrete Math., 311:1006-1014 , 2011. 17.Xin Wang and Jinhua Wang*. A note on cyclic almost difference families. Discrete Math., 311:628-633, 2011. 18.Xin Wang and Jinhua Wang*. Optimal difference systems of sets and difference sets. Aequat. Math., 82: 155–164 , 2011. 19.Xin Wang and Jinhua Wang*. Partitioned difference families and almost difference sets. J. Statist. Plann. Inference, 141:1899-1909 , 2011. 20.Jinhua Wang*. Cube factorization of complete multiparite graphs. Ars Combin., 99: 243-256, 2011. 21.Jinhua Wang* and Dengju Ma. Petersen graph decompositions of complete multipartite graphs. Graph and Combin., 26:737–744, 2010. 22.Jinhua Wang* and Renwang Su. Further results on the existence of splitting BIBDs and application to authentication codes. Acta Appl Math., 109: 791–803 , 2010. 23.Jinhua Wang. Perfect dexagon triple systems with given subsystems. Discrete Math., 309: 2930-2933 , 2009. 24.Su, Renwang; Wang, Jinhua, On Kirkman Packing Designs K P D({3,4*,5*}, nu)s, Ars Combinatoria, 91, pp 219-230, 2009/4. 25.Jinhua Wang* and Hao Shen. Existence of (v, K1(3)∪{w*})-PBDs and its applications. Des Codes Cryptogr., 46:1–16, 2008. 26.R.J.R. Abel, E.R. Lamken and Jinhua Wang*. A few more Kirkman squares and doubly near resolvable BIBDs with block size 3. Discrete Math., 308: 1102 – 1123, 2008 27.Jinhua Wang*. A new class of optimal 3-splitting authentication codes. Des Codes Cryptogr., 38(3): 373-381,2006. 28.Jinhua Wang and Hao Shen,Embeddings of simple two-fold balanced incomplete block designs with block size four, Chin. Ann. Math. 26B:4(2005),643-650. 相关热点
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