Morshed Chowdhury
Morshed Chowdhury received his PhD from Monash University, Australia in 1999. Dr. Chowdhury is an academic staff member in the School of Information Technology, Deakin University, Australia. Prior to joining Deakin University, he was an academic staff in Gippsland School of Computing and Information Technology, Monash University, Australia. Dr. Chowdhury has more than 12 years of industry experience in Bangladesh and Australia. As an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) fellow he has visited a number of International Laboratory/Centers such as Bhaba Atomic Research Centre, India, and Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, USA, International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)-Italy. Dr. Chowdhury's current research interests are security of Internet of Things, wireless network security, health data analytics and documentation security etc. He has published more than 165 research papers including a number of journal papers, conference papers and book chapters. He has organized a number of international conferences and served as a member of the technical and program committee of several international conferences since 2001. He has also acted as reviewer of many journal papers.研究领域
Information Technology"" 相关热点
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