2023-05-11 22:01
  • 曾尚红
  • 曾尚红 - 副教授,硕士生导师-内蒙古大学-化学化工学院-个人资料




Shanghong Zeng, Yong Du,Haiquan Su and Yulong Zhang, Promotion effect of single or mixed rare earths on cobalt-based catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, Catalysis Communications, 2011, 13(1): 6-9.
ZENG Shanghong, DU Dongping, BAI Fenghua, SU Haiquan,Bridging Complexes of Rare Earth and Cobalt Cluster as Catalyst Precursors for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis, 2010,Journal of Rare Earths, 2011, 29(4):349-353.
S. H. Zeng, H. Q. Su, Y. Liu, Y. Wang, D. F. Wang, CuO-CeO2/Al2O3/FeCrAl monolithic catalysts prepared by in situ combustion synthesis method for preferential oxidation of carbon monoxide, Journal of Rare Earths, 2011, 29(1): 69-73.
王 艳,张 文 丽,王 奇,王 鹏 展,苏 海 全,曾 尚 红*,富H2中优先氧化CO的CeO2/CuO催化剂的研究进展, 化工进展,2011, 30(6): 2-9.
曾尚红,张蕾,潘慧,白凤华,杨绪壮,苏海全*,CH4/CO2重整制合成气Ni/CexZr1-xO2催化剂性能研究,中国稀土学报,2011,29 (4).
张文丽 刘娜 丁素萍 费玥 王奇 曾尚红*,逆CeO2/CuO催化剂用于优先氧化CO的性能研究,化工进展,2011.
曾尚红,苏海全,王岩,刘国扬,王坤,潘慧。制备方法对CuO-CeO2/Al2O3/FeCrAl催化剂结构、粘附性和催化性能的影响, 催化学报,2010, 31(4): 479-484.
H. Q. Su, S. H. Zeng, H. Dong, Y. Du, Y. L. Zhang,R. S. Hu. Pillared Montmorillonite Supported Cobalt Catalysts for the Fischer-Tropsch Reaction, Applied Clay Science, 2009, 46:325-329. SIC(2.005)
S. H. Zeng and Y. Liu, Nd or Zr modified CuO-CeO2/Al2O3/FeCrAl monolithic catalysts for preferential oxidation of carbon monoxide in hydrogen rich gases, Applied Surface Science, Applied Surface Science, 2008, 254(15): 4879-4885. SIC(1.576)
曾尚红,刘 源。微乳液法制备CuO-CeO2/Al2O3/FeCrAl催化剂及其在优先氧化反应中的应用,催化学报,2008,29(5). (SCI收录)
S. H. Zeng, Y. Liu and Y. Q. Wang, CuO-CeO2/Al2O3/FeCrAl monolithic catalysts prepared by sol-pyrolysis method for preferential oxidation of carbon monoxide, Catalysis letters, 2007, 117(3-4): 119-125. SIC(1.867)
Shanghong Zeng, Xue Bai, Xiaoyan Wang and Yuan Liu, Preferential oxidation of CO in H2-rich gas over CeO2 aerogel supported copper catalysts, Abstracts of papers of the American Chemical Society, 231: 61-PETR MAR 26 2006.
Zeng Shanghong, Bai Xue, Wang Xiaoyan, Yu Wenguo and Liu Yuan, Valance state of active copper in CuOx/CeO2 catalysts for CO oxidation, Journal of Rare Earths, 2006, 24(2): 177-181. SIC(0.54)
Zeng Shanghong, Bai Xue and Liu Yuan, Preferential oxidation of carbon monoxide in excess hydrogen over Au/Co3O4-CeO2 catalysts, Journal of Rare Earths, 2005, 23(6): 695-700. SIC(0.54)
董慧,曾尚红,苏海全,杜永,张玉龙,胡瑞生。铈铝柱撑蒙脱土的制备及其负载钴催化剂的费托反应性能,中国稀土学报,2009, 27(1): 14-18.
曾尚红,董慧,苏海全,张玉龙,胡瑞生. 柱撑蒙脱土负载的钴系催化剂的制备, 内蒙古大学学报, 2009, 40(3): 274-279.
丁 宁 ,曾尚红,苏海全,杨海龙. Co基费托合成催化剂载体的研究进展, 化工进展增刊, 2009, 28: 14-19.
曾尚红,郭强,刘源,富氢气中优先氧化除去CO催化剂的研究进展,化工进展,2005,24(5): 475-479.
韦广梅,曾尚红,微反应器的发展现状,世界科技研究与发展,27(5): 45-50.
苏海全,张晓红,丁 宁,杜 永,马 云,白风华,曾尚红,于世泳. 费托合成催化剂的研究进展, 内蒙古大学学报, 2009,40(4): 499-513.
吴宪江, 于世泳*, 曾尚红,苏海全, 王宇辉,曹祯,镨钕掺杂对γ-Ce2S3红颜料性能的影响,中国稀土学报,2011,29 (5):.

