2023-05-11 21:59
  • 包智华
  • 包智华 - 副教授 硕士研究生导师-内蒙古大学-生态与环境学院-个人资料




1992.9-1996.6内蒙古民族学院(现内蒙古民族大学)化学教育专业 理学学士
2001.4-2002.3日本茨城大学农学部 研究生
2002.4-2004.3日本茨城大学 农学部资源生物科学专业 农学硕士
2004.4-2007.9日本东京农工大学 大学院联合农学研究科生物生产专业 农学博士

1996.11-2001.3 内蒙古自治区通辽市科左后旗城建局
2007.10-2008.3 日本茨城大学农学部 非常勤研究员
2008.4-2011.3 日本独立行政法人农业环境技术研究所 特别研究员
2011.4-2011.5 日本茨城大学农学部 研究助理
2011.6-2014.7 日本东北大学大学院生命科学研究科 产学官连携研究员
2014.8-至今 内蒙古大学环境与资源学院 副教授




(1) Bao Z, Shinoda R, Minamisawa K.,Draft genome sequence of Methylosinus sp. strain 3S-1, an isolate from rice root in a low N paddy field. 2016.Genome announcements.4.
(2) Minamisawa K., Imaizimi-Anraku H.,Bao Z., Shinoda R., Okubo T., Ikeda S., Are symbiotic methanotrophs key microbes for N2 fixation in paddy rice root?Microbes and Environments,2016. 31(1), 4-10 (SCI, IF: 2.23)
(3) Masuda S.,Bao Z., Okubo K., Sasaki K.,IkedaS., ShinodaR., KondoR., Mori Y.,Anda M., Minamisawa K., Sulfur fertilization changes community structure of rice-root-and soil-associated bacteria.Microbes and Environments, 2016. 31(1), 70-75 (SCI, IF: 2.23)
(4) Matsushita Y,Bao Z, Kurose D, Okada H, Takemoto S, Sawada A, Nagase H, Takano M, Murakami H, Koitabashi M, Yoshida S, Saito M, Sano T, Tsushima S.Community structure, diversity, and species dominance of bacteria, fungi, and nematodes from naturally and conventionally farmed soil: a case study on Japanese apple orchards.Organic Agriculture, 2015. 5:11-28.(SCI,IF:0.5)
(5) Matsushita Y, Yamamura K, Morimoto S,Bao Z, Kurose D, Sato I, Yoshida S, Tsushima S.Analysis of variations in band positions for normalization in across-gel denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis.Journal of Microbiological Methods, 2015.112:11-20. (SCI, IF:2.096)
(6)Bao Z,Okubo T, Kubota K, Kasahara Y, Tsurumaru H, Anda M, Ikeda S, Minamisawa K.Metaproteomic Identification of Diazotrophic Methanotrophs, and their Tissue Localization in Field-grown Rice Roots. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 2014. 80(16):5043-5052. (SCI, IF: 3.95) *被该杂志选为亮点文章(http://aem.asm.org/content/80/16/4787.full)
(7)Bao Z,Watanabe A.,Sasaki K., Okubo T., Tokida T., Liu D., Ikeda S., Imaizumi-Anraku H., Asagawa S., Sato T., Mitsui H., Minamisawa K.*.A rice gene for microbial symbiosis, OsCCaMK, reduces CH4 flux in a paddy field with low nitrogen input. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2014. 80(6): 1995-2003. (SCI,IF:3.95) *被该杂志选为亮点文章(http://aem.asm.org/content/80/6/1809.full)
(8)Okubo T., Tokida T., Ikeda S., Bao Z., Tago K., Hayatsu M., Nakamura H., Sakai H., Usui Y., Hayashi K., Hasegawa T., Minamisawa K. Effects of elevated carbon dioxide, elevated temperature, and rice growth stage on the community structure of rice root–associated bacteria. Microbes and Environments, 2014. 29(2):180-190 (SCI, IF:2.44)
(9) Ikeda S., K. Sasaki, T. Okubo, A. Yamashita, K. Terasawa, Z. Bao, D-Y. Liu, T. Watanabe, J. Murase, S. Asakawa, S. Eda, H. Mitsui, T. Sato, K. Minamisawa*. Low nitrogen fertilization adapts rice root microbiome to low nutrient environment by changing biogeochemical functions. Microbes and Environments, 2014.29(1): 50-59 (SCI, IF:2.44)
(10)Bao Z., Y. Sato, R. Fujimura and H. Ohta*. Alsobacter metalliduransgen. nov., sp. nov., a thallium-tolerant bacterium in the order Rhizobiales.International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2014,64(3):775-80. (SCI, IF:2.112)
(11)Bao Z., K. Sasaki, T. Okubo, S. Ikeda, E. Hanzawa, K. Kakizaki, T. Sato, H. Mitsui, K. Minamisawa*. Impact of Azospillium sp. B510 inoculation on rice-associated bacterial community in paddy field. Microbes and Environments, 2013, 28(4):487–490. (SCI, IF:2.44)
(12)包智华,南泽 究. 地球温暖化和土壤微生物特集-水稻根圈的甲烷氧化,生物科学遗传,New Technology New Science出版 (单行本), 2013, 67:596-600. (日文) 第一作者
(13)南泽 究,包智华,板仓 学.作物根圈的微生物与氮素的相互作用. 2013, 土壤微生物, 67: 49-53. (日文)
(14)Bao Z., Y. Matsushita, S. Morimoto, Y. Takada-Hoshino, C. Suzuki, K. Nagaoka, M. Takenaka, Y. Urashima, H. Sekiguchi, A. Kushida, K. Toyota, M. Saito, S. Tsushima*. Decrease in fungal biodiversity along an available phosphorous gradient in arable Andosol soils in Japan. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 2013, 59(6): 368–373. (SCI, IF:1.119)
(15)Okubo T., T. Tsukui, H. Maita, S. Okamoto, K. Oshima, T. Fujisawa, A. Saito, H. Futamata, R. Hattori, Y. Shimomura, S. Haruta, S. Morimoto, Y. Wang, Y. Sakai, M. Hattori, S. Aizawa, K.V.P. Nagashima, S. Masuda, T. Hattori, A. Yamashita, Z. Bao, K. Minamisawa* et al. Complete Genome Sequence of Bradyrhizobium sp. S23321: Insights into Symbiosis Evolution in Soil Oligotrophs. Microbes and Environments, 2012, 27(3):306-315. (SCI, IF:2.44)
(16)Bao Z., Y. Ikunaga, Y. Matsushita, S. Morimoto, Y. Takada-Hoshino, H. Okada, H. Oba, S. Takemoto, S. Niwa, K. Ohigashi, C. Suzuki, K. Nagaoka, M. Takenaka, Y. Urashima, H. Sekiguchi, A. Kushida, K. Toyota, M. Saito, S. Tsushima*. Combined analyses of bacterial, fungal and nematode communities in Andosolic agricultural soils in Japan. Microbes and Environments, 2012,27(1):72-79. (SCI, IF:2.44)
(17)松下裕子,森本晶,包智华,对马 诚也*. DGGE凝胶做成时温度对条带线变形的影响,土壤微生物,2010, 64:107-112. (日文)
(18)包智华, 对马 诚也*.回归木分析在土壤微生物生态研究中的应用,土壤微生物, 2009, 63: 39-44. (日文)
(19)Bao Z., Y. Sato, M. Kubota and H. Ohta*, Isolation and characterization of thallium-tolerant bacteria from heavy metal-polluted river sediment and non-polluted soils, Microbes and Environments, 2006,21(4): 251-260.

