2023-05-11 21:53
  • 张楠
  • 张楠 - 副研究员 -南开大学-电子信息与光学工程学院-个人资料




1981年9月生于天津市,2004年6月本科毕业于南开大学物理学院;2009.6 毕业于南开大学现代光学研究所, 获光学工程专业博士学位。同年留校任教。




1. Peipei Feng, Nan Zhang*, Han Wu, Xiaonong Zhu, Effect of ambient air on femtosecond laser ablation of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite, Optics Letters, 40(1),17-20 (2015). 2. Wenxia Bao, Nan Zhang*, Peipei Feng, Han Wu, Xiaonong Zhu. Time and species dependent ambient air's effects on carbon clusters generated during femtosecond laser ablation of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite. European Physical Journal D, 69(12), 270. (2015) 2. 冯培培,吴寒,张楠*,“超短脉冲激光烧蚀石墨产生的喷射物的时间分辨发射光谱研究”,物理学报,64, 214201 (2015)。 3. 包文霞,张楠,孔梦清,朱晓农. “利用扫描式三阶相关技术测量超短脉冲激光的特性研究”,中国激光,42(7),252-258(2015,7). 4. 杨景辉,张楠*,朱晓农,“利用相干光照明的纹影成像装置研究飞秒激光脉冲烧蚀铝靶喷射物相位的超快时间演化”,物理学报,62(13),134203(2013) 5. Nan Zhang, Jinghui Yang, Wenxia Bao, and Xiaonong Zhu, “Determination of temporal structure of femtosecond laser pulses by means of the laser-induced air plasma”, Chinese Physics B 22(5)054209 (2013). 6. Han Wu, Nan Zhang, Xiaonong Zhu, Investigation of the particle size distribution of the ejected material generated during the single femtosecond laser pulse ablation of aluminium, Applied Surface Science 317, 167–171 (30 October 2014). 7. Wenxia Bao, Nan Zhang, Xiaonong Zhu. Study of dispersion compensation effect of femtosecond laser amplifier using home-made third-order autocorrelator. Optics and Laser Technology, 54, 242-248 (2013) 8. Zhijun Xu, Xiaonong Zhu, Yang Yu, Nan Zhang, Jiefeng Zhao, Super-luminescent jet light generated by femtosecond laser pulses, Scientific Reports 4, 3892 (2014). 9. 刘莎, 李亚飞, 蔡先勇, 张楠*. 像散飞秒贝塞尔光在石英玻璃中刻写双芯光波导的研究. 物理学报. 2016, 65 (19): 194210 10. Han Wu, Tian Zhou, Nan Zhang*, Xiaonong Zhu, Assessments of the relation between the degree of order of the ultrafast laser deposited carbon film and the features of the Raman spectrum’s D band, Surface and Coatings Technology, 311,55-62. (2017).

