2023-05-11 21:46
  • 伊琳娜•博尔多诺娃
  • 伊琳娜•博尔多诺娃 - 讲师-南开大学-外国语学院-个人资料




BuryatState Uuniversity, Ulan-Ude, Russia Department of Russian Philology Professor
2009 - 2017 East-SiberianStateUniversity of Technology, Ulan-Ude, Russia
2003-2009 Department of Public Relations Part-time associate professor East-SiberianStateUniversity of Technology, Ulan-Ude, Russia
1998-2003 Department of Public Relations Associate professor Buryat State university, Ulan-Ude, Russia Department of English Philology
1987-1996 Assistant Professor
Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy (Habilitation), 2010
Post-graduate, Candidate of Sciences in Philosophy (Ph.D), 1998
Diplom of higher education, 1987
Moscow State University, Russia
Irina Boldonova is the author of more than 100 publications in Russian and English, among them:
1. Hermeneutics of Interpersonal Communication. Monograph. – Ulan-Ude: BSU Press, 2004.- 296 pages.
2. Interpersonal Communication: social and philosophical aspects.. Monograph. – Ulan-Ude, 2005. – 146 pages.
3. Basics of Communication Theory. Manual. – Ulan-Ude: ESSTU Press, 2002. – 220 pages.
4. Literary Hermeneutics. Textbook. – Ulan-Ude: BSU Press, 2013.
5. Eurasian Frontier: Values, Challenges and Interactions in Intercultural Dialogue. (EditorI. Boldonova). - LAPLambert, Saabruecken, Germany, 2013. – 144 pages
6. Dialogue of Nature and Society: The Baikal Region in the Context of Globalizing Eurasian civilization. Ulan-Ude: ESSUTMPress, 2015. – 168 p.
7. Eurasian Frontier in the Dialogue of East and West. Ulan-Ude. Buryat State University Press, 2016. - 286 pp.
8. Russian Literature in Views of Philosophical Ideas . – Textbook. Ulan-Ude: BSU Press, 2016 – 88 p.
9. Eurasian Frontier: Interrelation of Eurasian Cultures in a Global Age / edited by Irina Boldonova, Vensus A. George. First edition. | Washington, DC : The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 2016. | Series: Cultural heritage and contemporary change. Series IVA, Eastern and Central European philosophical studies ; Volume 55.
Russian as a foreign language. Basic course for the 1st year.
Russian as a foreign language. Basic course for the 2st year.
Russian as a foreign language. Basic course. Advanced level for the 3d year.
Russian as a foreign language. Conversation for the 2st year.
Russian as a foreign language. Listening and Comprehension the 2st year.
Comparative Linguistics for Master students
History of Russian Culture for Master students
Linguistic anf Cultural studies doe Master students




H.-G. Gadamer & J. Derrida encounter on dialogue. // Contexts of Dialogism. Artes Liberalres. University of Warsaw. Warszawa, 2018. – P. 97-123.
Boldonova I., Mu Feng Ling. Reception of Russian Films by Chinese Students, Russian Learners. Vestnik of BSU / Issue. 2. - 2018. – P. 116-121.
3. Boldonova I., Nadagurova A. A Circle of Concepts in M. Zhigzhytov’s trilogy “Nearby the Sea” as the Way of Point of View Revealing / Vestnik of BSU. - 2015. Issue. 10(1). – P. 15-20
Boldonova I., Naydanova V. The Genre of Literary Portrait in Literary Critics of Buryatia of the XX century. / Vestnik of Zabaikalsky University. - № 12 (103). – 2013. - P. 98-102.
Hermeneutics at a University Environment: Perspectives of Intercultural Communication / University-in-differance. – Warszawa: Wydział “Artes Liberales” Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2016. – P. 221-239.
Boldonova I., Imihelova S. Reflextion of Crisis in Person’s Self-identity in Post-Soviet Literature. / Vestnik of BSU. Issue 2. – 2017. - P. 148-157.
The Baikal Region’s National Ethnic and Ecological Traditions as the Source of Environmental Ethics / Social responsibility, ethics and sustainable business: theory and practice /ed.: Alin Stancu, Georgiana F. Grigore. - Bucureşti : Editura ASE, 2014. – Р. 68-78
Boldonova I., Tsetsura K.Volunteering Movement in Russia: Regional Presence and Future Perspectives Styles of Communication. – Vol.7 # 1/ 2015. – P. 7-22.
The Buryat-Mongols’ Way of Being and Their National Image of the World //Colloquia Humanistica 5 (2016) Nation. “Natsiya”. Ethnie. – P. 75-90.
10. Boldonova I. (2016): Environmental Hermeneutics: Ethnic and Ecological Traditions in Aesthetic Dialogue with Nature. In: Journal of Landscape Ecology, Vol.: 9 / No. 1., 6-19.
Irina Boldonova, Darima Boronoeva, The Buryats in China (Shenehen Buryats): the Role of School Education // Styles of Communication. - Volume 5, Issue No. 1 / 2013. – P. 7-25.
12. The Image of Baikal as the Way of Comprehension of Being Fundamental Truth / Vestnik of BSU– Issue 10. – 2013. – P. 147-151.
13. Boldonova I., Danchinova M. Reflection of Ritual Actions of the Buryats in the National Literature. Отражениеобрядово-ритуальныхдействийбурятвнациональнойлитературе. / Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology. – Vol.7. - #9. – Sep. 2012. – P.105-107.
14. Man by Baikal Lake: to the Question of Aesthetic Cognition Natural Objects. / Vestnik of BSU.– 2013. – Issue. 14/2013. – P. 207-210.
15. Communicative aspect of literary hermeneutics / Vestnik of BSU. – Vol.2. – 2012. - P. 165-173.
16. Hermeneutic Aspect of Aesthetics of Nature. In: Environmental Ethics and Technology in the XXI century. 2012. Ulan-Ude: ESSTU Press. 46-53.
17. Hermeneutic Analysis of Literary Texts: Communicative Aspect. In: Vestnik of Buryat State University. – Series. 2: Language. Literature. Culture. 2012. – P. 171-175.
18. Hermeneutic Existentials of artistic being in Modern Buryat Poetry (B. Dugarov, N. Nimbuev, D. Dorzhieva). / Russia – Asia: Values and Social Experience. - Ulan-Ude: Buryat State univ. Press, 2012. – P. 29-35.
19. Hermeneutics of Literary Communication: Transversal Values in Intercultural Discourse. / The Role of Philosophy in Contemporary World. – Shanghai: Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, 2012. – P. 36-45.
20. Hermeneutic historicism: artistic image of Chengishan in modern Buryat Literature as a Factor of National Revitalization. / Vestnik of BSU. – Vol. 6. – 2012. – P. 268-274.
21. Literary Hermeneutics is a Form of Philosophic Approach to Literature. – A Collection of scientific articles. – Ulan-Ude: East-Siberian State Technol. Univ. Press, 2012. – P. 11-18.
22. Eurasian Frontier and Methodological Issues of Intercultural Communication / Eurasian Frontier: concept “national” in the Russian, Mongolian, Chinese languages and literatures: materials of international round table. – Ulan-Ude: Buryat State univ. Press, 2011. – P. 3-9.
23. The Role of Hermeneutics in Moral and Spiritual Seeking / Intelligence in a changing society: social status, image, values and scenario of development: a Collection of scientific articles of the VIII International conference. – Ulan-Ude: Buryat university Press, 2010. – P. 234-239.
24. Hermeneutics of sustainable development: from dialogue between civilizations to solution of globalization issues / Global and Regional issues of Sustainable Development: a Collection of articles of the International conference. UNESCO Department. – Ulan-Ude: East-Siberian State Technological univ. Press, 2010. – P. 15-22.
25. Hermeneutics and Competence Approach in Education. // Vestnik of ChitSU, 2009. – P. 124-128.
26. Hermeneutics of oral interpersonal communication. // Vestnik of BSU, 2009. – P. 161-167.
27. Interpersonal Communication: oral and written discourses. // Vestnik of Yakutsk State university, 2009. – P. 120-125.
28. Ontological Foundation of Hermeneutic Theories in Communication Philosophy. // Vestnik of Chuvashsky State university, 2009. – P. 117-122.
29. About dialogic nature of H.-G. Gadamer’s Hermeneutics. // Vestnik of BSU. – 2009. - P. 21-26.
30. On H.-G.Gadamer’s «Truth and Method. The Hermeneutics of Interpersonal Communication» / The Dialogue of Cultural Traditions: A Global Perspective. Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change. Series I, Culture and Values, Vol. 39, Chapter XXXIX. – [General Editor George F. McLean]. – [electronic recourses]. URL: http://www.crvp.org/book/Series01/I-39/chapter-39.htm (last date: 12.12.2009).
31. The Role of Hermeneutics in Harmonizing of Interpersonal Relations / Ethics of Future: Aksiology of Sustainable Development. – ESSU Press, 2008. – P. 102-107.

