2023-05-11 21:40
  • 王湘晖
  • 王湘晖 - 教授-南开大学-电子信息与光学工程学院-个人资料




1999年9月 考入南开大学现代光学研究所 2001年9月 转攻博 2004年6月 获得博士学位 2004年7月至今 南开大学现代光学研究所任教 2014年7月-2015年7月 美国 The University of Kansas 访问学者 专业技术职称: 2004年9月-2008年12月 讲师 南开大学 2009年1月-2016年12月 副研究员 南开大学 2017年1月至今 教授 南开大学




(1) Si Shen, Xianghui Wang*, Jingwei Sun, Fei Fan, and Shengjiang Chang. Investigation on refractive index sensing of single silver nanoparticle at tightly focused light illumination. Optoelectronics Letters, 13(1): 5-9, 2017. (2) Xianghui Wang, Si Shen, Jingwei Sun, Fei Fan, and Shengjiang Chang*. Surface and bulk second-harmonic responses from a glass slide using tightly focused radially polarized light. Optics Letters, 41(24): 5652-5655, 2016. (3) Xianghui Wang, Shima Fardad, Susobhan Das, Alessandro Salandrino, and Rongqing Hui*. Direct observation of bulk second-harmonic generation inside a glass slide with tightly focused optical fields. Physical Review B (Rapid Communication), 93(16): 161109(R), 2016. (4) Jingwei Sun, Xianghui Wang*, Shengjiang Chang, Ming Zeng, Si Shen, and Na Zhang. Far-field radiation patterns of second harmonic generation from gold nanoparticles under tightly focused illumination, Optics Express, 24(7):7477-7487, 2016. (5) Sun Jing-wei, Wang Xiang-Hui*, Chang Sheng-jiang, Zeng Ming, Zhang Na. Second harmonic generation of metal nanoparticles under tightly focused illumination, Chinese Physics B, 25(3): 037803, 2016. (6) Sai Chen, Fei Fan, Shengjiang Chang, Yinping Miao, Meng Chen, Jining Li, Xianghui Wang and Lie Lin. Tunable optical and magneto-optical properties of ferrofluid in the terahertz regime. Optics Express, 22(6):6313-6321, 2014. (7) Fei Fan, Wei Li, Wenhao Gu, Xianghui Wang and Shengjiang Chang. Cross-shaped metal–semiconductor–metal plasmonic crystal for terahertz modulator. Photonics and Nanostructures -Fundamentals and Applications, 11(1):48-54, 2013. (8) Ziwei Jiang, Jinjun Bai, Yu Hou, Xianghui Wang and Shengjiang Chang. Terahertz dual air core fiber directional coupler. Acta Physica Sinica, 62(2): 028702-1-6, 2013. (9) Fei Fan,Wenhao Gu, Xianghui Wang and Shengjiang Chang. Real-time quantitative terahertz microfluidic sensing based on photonic crystal pillar array, Appl. Phys. Lett., 102(12), 121113(1-4),2013. (10) Fei Fan, Sai Chen, Xianghui Wang and Shengjiang Chang. Tunable nonreciprocal terahertz transmission and enhancement based on metal/magneto-optic plasmonic lens, Opt. Express, 21(7), 8614-8621, 2013. (11) Fei Fan, Wenhao Gu, Sai Chen, Xianghui Wang and Shengjiang Chang. State conversion based on terahertz plasmonics with vanadium dioxide coating controlled by optical pumping, Opt.Lett. 38(9), 1582-1584, 2013. (12) Bingzhong Huo, Xianghui Wang*, Shengjiang Chang and Ming Zeng. Second harmonic generation of a single centrosymmetric nanosphere illuminated by tightly focused cylindrical vector beams. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 29(7):1631-1640, 2012. (13) Bingzhong Hou, Xianghui Wang* and Shengjiang Chang. Second harmonic generation of centrosymmetric nanospheres excited by doughnut beams, Optoelectronics Letters, 8(3): 161-164, 2012. (14) Yu Hou, Fei Fan, XiangHui Wang, GuoHua Zhao and ShengJiang Chang. Terahertz switch and polarization controller based on photonic crystal fiber, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 55(1):106-113, 2012. (15) Yu Hou, Fei Fan, Hao Zhang, Xianghui Wang and Shengjiang Chang, Terahertz Single-Polarization Single-Mode Hollow-Core Fiber Based on Index-Matching Coupling, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 24(8):637-639, 2012. (16) Fei Fan, Yu Hou, Ziwei Jiang, Xianghui Wang and Shengjiang Chang. Terahertz modulator based on insulator-metal transition in photonic crystal waveguide, Applied Optics, 51(20): 4589-4596, 2012. (17) Fei Fan, Shengjiang Chang, Chao Liu, Yu Hou, Xianghui Wang. Magnetically tunable silicon-ferrite photonic crystals for terahertz circulator, Optics Communications, 285(18): 3763- 3769, 2012. (18) Fei Fan, Shengjiang Chang, Wenhao Gu and Xianghui Wang. Magnetically Tunable Terahertz Isolator Based on Structured Semiconductor Magneto Plasmonics, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 24(22), 2080-2083, 2012. (19) Xianghui Wang*, Shengjiang Chang, Lie Lin, Linrui Wang and Shujuan Hao. Elimination of fluorescence intensity difference in orientation determination of single molecules by highly focused generalized cylindrical vector beams, Optik,122(9):773-776, 2011.

