2023-05-11 21:39
  • 王志
  • 王志 - 教授-南开大学-电子信息与光学工程学院-个人资料








1. Liang, H., Wang, Z., Liu, Y., Li, H., & Zhang, H.. Coupling Characteristics of Selective-Infiltration-Based Locally Tapered Photonic Crystal Fiber. IEEE Photonics Journal, 9(5), 7105007, 2017. 2. Luo, M., Liu, Y., Wang, Z., Li, Z., Zhou, W. Y., Guo, J., ... & Liu, X., Manipulative Dual-Microsphere Lasing Based on Nanosilica Waveguide Integrated in a Simplified Hollow-Core Microstructured Optical Fiber. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35(11), 2183-2189, 2017. 3. Liu, X., Liu, Y., & Wang, Z.. Double telecom band thermo-optic switch based on dual-line filled photonic liquid crystal fibres. Liquid Crystals, 44(3), 479-483, 2017. 4. Li, H., Wang, Z., Liu, Y., Liang, H., & Han, S., Coupling characteristics of twin-core few-mode all-solid photonic bandgap fiber and their application in mode separation. JOSA B, 34(9), 1811-1816, 2017. 5. Wang, Z., Wang, Z., Liu, Y. G., He, R., Wang, G., Yang, G., & Han, S. . Generation and time jitter of the loose soliton bunch in a passively mode-locked fiber laser. Chinese Optics Letters, 15(8), 080605., 2017. 6. Han, Y., Liu, Y. G., Wang, Z., Huang, W., Chen, L., Zhang, H. W., & Yang, K., Controllable all-fiber generation/conversion of circularly polarized orbital angular momentum beams using long period fiber gratings. Nanophotonics, 2017. 7. Wang, Z., Wang, Z., Liu, Y. G., Zhao, W., Zhang, H., Wang, S.,Yang G., and He R., ”Q-switched-like soliton bunches and noise-like pulses generation in a partially mode-locked fiber laser”, Optics Express, 2016, 24(13):14709-14716. 8. Liu, X., Gong, T., Liu, Y., & Wang, Z.. A novel refractometric sensor based on optofluidic integration of composite core photonic crystal fibers. Journal of Optics, 19(1), 015301, 2016. 9. Han, Y., Liu, Y. G., Huang, W., Wang, Z., Guo, J. Q., & Luo, M. M., Generation of linearly polarized orbital angular momentum modes in a side-hole ring fiber with tunable topology numbers. Optics express, 24(15), 17272-17284, 2016. 10. Guo, J., Liu, Y. G., Wang, Z., Luo, M., Huang, W., Han, T., & Liu, X., Broadband optically controlled switching effect in a microfluid-filled photonic bandgap fiber. Journal of Optics, 18(5), 055706, 2016. 11. Wei Huang、Yange Liu、Zhi Wang、Wanchen Zhang、Mingming Luo、Xiaoqi Liu、Junqi Guo、Bo Liu、Lie Lin ,Generation and excitation of different orbitalangular momentum states in a tunable microstructure optical fiber,Optics Express, 2015, 23(26), p 33741. 12. Mingming Luo、Yange Liu、Zhi Wang、Tingting Han、Junqi Guo、Wei Huang ,Microfluidic assistant beat-frequency interferometer based on a single-hole-infiltrated dual-mode microstructured optical fiber,2014, Optics Express, 22(21), pp 25224-25232. 13. Han, Tingting、Liu, Yan-ge、Wang, Zhi、Guo, Junqi、Wu, Zhifang、Luo, Mingming、Li, Shuo、Wang, Jing、Wang, Wei ,Control and design of fiber birefringence characteristics based on selective-filled hybrid photonic crystal fibers,Optics Express, 22(12), 2014, pp 15002-15016. 14. Junqi Guo、Yange Liu、Zhi Wang、Tingting Han、Wei Huang、Mingming Luo ,Tunable fiber polarizing filter based on a single-hole-infiltrated polarization maintaining photonic crystal fiber,Optics Express, 2014, 22(7), pp 7607-7616. 15. Wei Huang、Yange Liu、Zhi Wang、Bo Liu、Jing Wang、Mingming Luo、Junqi Guo、Lie Lin,Multi-component-intermodal-interference mechanism and characteristics of a long period grating assistant fluid-filled photonic crystal fiber interferometer,Optics Express, 22(5), 2014, pp 5883-5894. 16. Luo M, Liu Y, Wang Z, Han T., Wu Z., Guo J., and Huang W., “Twin-resonance-coupling and high sensitivity sensing characteristics of a selectively fluid-filled microstructured optical fiber”, Optics Express, 2013, 21(25):30911-30917. 17. Zhifang Wu, Yan-Ge Liu, Zhi Wang, Meng Jiang, Wenbin Ji, Tingting Han, Shuo Li, Xuguang Shao, Xuan Quyen Dinh, Swee Chuan Tjin, and Perry Ping Shum, Simultaneous measurement of curvature and strain based on fiber Bragg grating in two-dimensional waveguide array fiber. Optics Letters, 2013, 38(20):4070-4073. 18. Tingting Han, Yan-ge Liu, Zhi Wang, Junqi Guo, Zhifang Wu, Shuanxia Wang, Zhili Li, and Wenyuan Zhou, Unique characteristics of a selective-filling photonic crystal fiber Sagnac interferometer and its application as high sensitivity sensor. Optics Express, 2013, 21(1): 122-128. 19. S. Li, Z. Wang, Y. Liu, T. Han, Z. Wu, C. Wei, H. Wei, J. Li, and W. Tong \

