Srđan Mladenov Jovanović
Personal profile
Ph.D. in History, Department of History, Faculty of Philosophy, Palacký University Olomouc (2012)
Master of Arts in European Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, Palacký University Olomouc (2008)
Diploma in Scandinavian languages and literatures, Faculty of Philology, Belgrade (2006)
Academic positions
Associate Professor, Nankai University, Department of History, Tianjin, China (October 2018 – present)
Research Fellow, Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Institute for Advanced Study, Warsaw, Poland (March 2018 – July 2018)
Visiting Research Associate, Lund University, Sweden, Department of Communications and Media (September 2016 – December 2017)
Guest Lecturer, Rutgers University, Department of Political Science, New Jersey, USA (June 2016 – now)
Visiting Research Associate/Lecturer, Istanbul Sehir University, Istanbul, Turkey, TUBITAK research fellowship (July 2015 to July 2016)
Research Fellow, New Europe College, Bucharest, Romania (from March 2015 to July 2015)
Publications Manager, Center for Good Governance Studies, Belgrade, Serbia (March 2013- February 2015)
Visiting Fellow/Visiting Lecturer, University of Košice, Faculty of Social Studies, Košice, Slovakia (September 2012 – January 2014)
Lecturer, Department of History, Palacký University Olomouc, Olomouc, Czech Republic (2009-2012)
Junior Researcher, Center for Central-East Europe and the Balkans, University of Bologna, Faenza, Italy(2010-2012)
Visiting Lecturer, Department of European Studies and Political Science, University Olomouc, Olomouc, Czech Republic (2013)
Jovanović, S. M. (2017). The Creation and Breakup of Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia: Developing Polypeitharchic History, Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, Belgrade
Jovanović, S. M. (2013). Smrtnacije. Mali manifest slobode. Krug [Death of the Nation: A Small Freedom Manifesto]
Jovanović, S. M. (2012). Retrolingvistika: istraživanjelingvističkogatavizmauSrbiji. Krug / HelsinkiCommitteeforHumanrights. [Retrolinguistics: exploring linguistic atavism in Serbia]
Jovanović, S. M. (2011). Religija. Savremenaegzegeza: Filozofsko-naučnitraktat. Krug / Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, Belgrade. [Religion. A contemporary exegesis: a philosophical/scientific treatise]
Edited volumes:
Jovanović, S. M., Stančetić, V.(Eds.) (2014). History and Politics in the Western Balkans: Changes at the Turn of the Millennium, Center for Good Governance Studies, Belgrade.
Jovanović, S. M. (Ed.) (2011). Citizenship, Inclusion or Exclusion?, IDPress, Oxfordshire.
Working papers:
Jovanović, S. M. (2013). Serbia’s Road to the EU: History, Mentality and Philosophy, CGGS Working Papers, Center for Good Governance Studies, Belgrade.
Jovanović, S. M. (2013). Serbia and Pre-independent Kosovo: A Look Back into 2008, CGGS Working Papers, Center for Good Governance Studies, Belgrade.
Polish Institute of Advanced Study fellowship
Swedish Institute Fellowship for the Western Balkans (2016)
TUBITAK Research Fellowship, 2015/16 (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey)
New Europe College Research Fellowship, 2015
Swedish Institute scholarship, Ålsta Folkhögskola, Fränsta, Sweden, 2004
Slovak Academic Information Agency Research Grant, 2012
Slovak Academic Information Agency Research Grant, 2013
REVACERN grant, European Commission/University of Szeged, 2009 (Religions and Values: Central And Eastern European Research Network, funded by the European Commission) for research on religion and atheism.
Palacký University M.A. scholarship, 2006-2008
University of Bologna Ph.D. scholarship, 2010-2012\
European Studies: Central-Eastern Europe/South-Eastern Europe: 20th century history, politics, languages, society
Methodology: Critical Discourse Analysis, Qualitative Data Analysis, Content Analysis""
Jovanović, S. M. (2018). Headlines as Fake News: Discursive Deception in Serbia’s Daily Informer (2012-2018), Central and East European Review, vol. 12, pp. 1-22.
Jovanović, S. M. (2018). The Woman and the World – Women’s Magazines in Interwar Serbia and Croatia (1925-1941), Social Communication, Vol. 2, pp. 70-78.
Jovanović, S. M. (2018). The Dveri Movement through a Discursive Lens: Serbia’s Contemporary Right Wing Nationalism, Südosteuropa. Journal of Politics and Society, Leibnitz Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung, vol. 66, no. 4, pp. 481-502.
Jovanović, S. M. (2018). Confronting recent history: Serbia’s ‘fateful eight’ and a decade of Kosovo’s independence in the Serbian Media (2008–2018), Adeptus. Journal of the Humanities (Polish Academy of Sciences), vol. 12, pp. 1-16.
Jovanović, S. M. (2018). The Discursive Creation of the Montenegrin Language, Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: European and Regional Studies, vol. 13, pp. 67-86.
Jovanović, S. M. (2018). Assertive Discourse and Folk Linguistics: Serbian Nationalist Discourse about the Cyrillic Script in the 21st century, Language and Policy, 17(4), 611-631.
Jovanović, S. M. (2018). “You’re Simply the Best”: Communicating Power and Victimhood in Support of President Aleksandar Vučić in the Serbian Dailies Alo! and Informer, Journal of Media Research, Vol. 11, issue 2(31), pp. 22-42.
Jovanović, S. M. (2018). Antemurale Heterosexis: Securitization in Croatia via Contemporary Online Homophobia in the Case of the Portal “Narod”, Balkan Social Science Review, vol. 11, no. 11, pp. 81-94.
Jovanović, S.M. (2018). Laughter as Resistance: The Rise of Political Satire in Croatia and Serbia, Političke perspective, 6(3), pp. 33-48.
Jovanović, S. M. (2018). The Misuse of Language: Serbo-Croatian, ‘Czechoslovakian’, and the Breakup of States, East European Quarterly, vol 45, no 3-4 (CEU Budapest).
Jovanović, S. M., and Đidić, A. (2018). How Carl Schmitt and the Copenhagen School are still relevant for understanding Turkey: the presidential system explained through a security narrative, Politicke Vedy / Political studies, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 8-25.
Jovanović, S. M. (2018). Too much salt’: Czech Swedes, Journalism and (Anti)Xenophobic Discourse, Individual and Society, Man and Society, Vol. 21, n0. 1, 47-61.
Jovanović, S. M. (2017). ‘I Refuse to Sink’: Narratives of the Dispossessed within Refugee Stories on the Balkan Route, Cultural Studies-Critical Methodologies, 1-8 (Sage).
Jovanović, S. M. (2017). The Ottoman Empire as Friend and Foe: Perceptions of Ottoman Rule in Serbia and Bosnia and Thereupon Based Nationalisms, Review of Social Studies, Vol4. No1.
Jovanović, S. M. (2015). Discourses of Exclusion: Xenophobic Language in Contemporary Serbia, Romanoslavica, Vol. LI, nr. 4, University of Bucharest.
Jovanović, S. M. (2014). Failures in Western Conflict Prevention in Former Yugoslavia: An Exception to the Rule or its Confirmation? Savremena politika i upravljanje, 2(1) 2014.
Jovanović, S. M. (2014). Contribution to the Study of Accentual Quality and Quantity of the Serbian Version of the Polycentric Serbo-Croatian Language, Slavia. Časopis pro slovanskou filologii’, 83(2), Prague.
Jovanović, S. M. (2013). Dobroupravljanje: Cuibono? Elite, politike, nasilje i raspad Jugoslavije. Savremena politika i upravljanje, 1(1) 2013.
Jovanović, S. M. (2012). Employment in Serbia: a few Examples of Extreme Nepotism, Lidske zdroje a spoločnost’, Journal of the University of Košice, Faculty of Public Administration, Slovakia.
Jovanović, S. M. (2011). The influence of Evolutionary Psychology on Social Sciences and Humanities, The International Journal of the Humanities, vol. 9, issue 7.
Jovanović, S. M. (2010). Cultural and Perception Problems in Serbia’s EU Integration: A Memetics View, European Studies, vol 2 no. 2.
Jovanović, S. M. (2009). Pseudoliberalni diskurs i otpor nacionalizmu: analiza diskursa Stefa Jansena o otporu nacionalizmu ubivšoj Jugoslaviji, Philological studies, vol 1, Ljubljana/Zagreb/Skopje/Perm [Pseudo-liberalism and the opposition to nationalism: analysis of Stef Jansen’s discourse about the opposition to nationalism in former Yugoslavia]
Jovanović, S. M. (2009). Придонес кон разбирањето на концептите на националност и државјанство во денешна Eвропа, Evrodijalog, issue 11, Skopje [A contribution to the understanding of the concepts of nationality and citizenship in today’s Europe]
Encyclopedic entries:
1914-1918-Online: International Encyclopedia of the First World War, Freie Universitat Berlin, “Journalism in Serbia”
Articles in edited volumes:
Jovanović, S. M. (2017). Ancient Disbelievers: Notable Freethinkers and Atheists from Ancient History to the Middle Ages, in: Ateizam i moralni progres (ed. Marko Škorić & Aleksej Kisjuhas), University of Novi Sad.
Jovanović, S. M. (2015). Passportism: From Discourse to Policy. In: New Europe College Regional Yearbook Program 2015-2016, New Europe College, Bucharest.
Jovanović, S. M. (2014). Historical Consciousness in Serbia’s Lay Population, History and Politics in the Western Balkans: Changes at the Turn of the Millenium, Stančetić, V. and Jovanović, S. M. (eds), Center for Good Governance Studies, Belgrade
Jovanović, S. M. (2011). Citizenship and Passportism: Modern Means of Discrimination, in:Citizenship, Inclusion or Exclusion?, IDPress, Oxfordshire.
Jovanović, S. M. (2013). Retrolingvistički diskurs: savremeni srbijanski jezički nacionalizam, in: Tošović, Branko; Wonisch Arno (ed.). Srpski pogledi na odnose između srpskog, hrvatskog i bošnjačkoga jezika. I/4. – Graz – Beograd: Institut für Slawistik der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz – Beogradska knjiga: 2012.
Jovanović, S. M. (2012). Zamestnanost' a l'udske zdroje v Srbsku: nepotizmus a diskriminácia v oblasti vysokoškolského vzdelávania, in: L'udský Kapitál a Spoločnost' (Jelenova I., Moravcikova, A., Harausova, H., eds.), Košice, 2012.
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