Shama Nazeen
2023-05-11 21:31
  • Shama Nazeen
  • Shama Nazeen - 管理学博士 助理研究员-南开大学-旅游与服务学院-个人资料




【Education Experience】
2016.09-2020.07 Ph.D. in Tourism Management, Nankai University, China
2015.09-2016.06 One year Chinese Language, Nankai University, China
2008.03-2010.02 Masters in Development Studies, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan
2005.08-2007.07 Bachelors of Arts, Karakorum International University, Pakistan
2003.07-2005.06 Pre-Engineering, Aga Khan Higher Secondary School, Pakistan
【Work Experience】
2020. 09- to present Post-doc Researcher, College of Tourism and Service Management, Nankai University
2013.08-2014.05 Training Officer, Aga Khan Planning and Building Service, Pakistan (Funded by KfW German)
2010.09-2013.07 Social Organizer, Aga Khan Planning and Building Service, Pakistan (Funded by KfW German)
2010.06 -2010.08 Health and Hygiene Promoter, Aga Khan Planning and Building Service, Pakistan, (Funded by UNICEF)
2010.03 -2010.05 Internship, National Commission for Human Development (NCHD)
【Conference Papers】
Ud Din, N., Cheng, X., & Nazneen, S. (2017). Accounting conservatism, debt covenants, and information asymmetry. In 2017, 3rd International Conference on Information Management, ICIM 2017 (pp. 107–111). ). https://doi.org/10.1109/INFOMAN.2017.7950356
1. Chinese Government Scholarship for Doctoral Studies (2016-2020)
2. Chinese Government Scholarship for Chinese Language Studies (2015-2016)
3. Nankai outstanding student award (2017)
【Social Work】
Contributing as a reviewer for multiple SSCI/SCI journals, such as Current Issues in Tourism, Tourism Review, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, Management Decision, Complexity, etc.


1. Tourism destination marketing and management
2. Rural tourism and rural enterprise business development
3. Tourism and sustainable development goals
4. Silk Road tourism""


1. Nazneen, S., Xu, H., Ud Din, N., Karim, R. (2021). Perceived COVID-19 impacts and travel avoidance: Application of protection motivation theory. Tourism Review, In press
2. Nazneen, S., Hong, X., Ud Din, N., Jamil, B. (2021). Infrastructure-driven development and sustainable development goals: Subjective analysis of residents’ perception. Journal of Environmental Management, 294, 112931
3. Nazneen, S., Xu, H., Jenkins, C. L., UD Din, N. (2021). China–Pakistan economic corridor (CPEC), tourism demand, and environmental concerns: Policy implications for sustainable tourism in Gilgit-Baltistan. Journal of public affairs, In press
4. Nazneen, S., Xu, H. (2021). Silk Route Tourism, Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. DOI: 10.4337/9781800377486.silk.route.tourism
5. Hussain, K., He, Z., Ahmad, N., Iqbal, M., Nazneen, S. (2021). Mapping Green, Lean, Six sigma enablers through the lense o construction sector: An emerging economies perspective. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, In press
6. Jamil B., Yaping S., Ud Din, N., Nazneen, S., Mushtaq, A. (2021). Do governance indicators interact with technological innovation and income inequality in mitigating CO2 emissions in Belt & Road Initiative countries? Environmental Science and Pollution Research, In press
7. Jamil, B., Yaping S., Ud Din, N., Nazneen, S. (2021). Do effective public governance and gender (in) equality matter for poverty? Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 2021, In press
8. Nazneen, S., Xu, H., Ud Din, N., 2019. Cross-border infrastructural development and residents' perceived tourism impacts: a case of China Pakistan Economic Corridor. International Journal of Tourism Research, 21 (3), doi.org/10.1002/jtr.2264, 2019/05/01
9. Nazneen, S., Xu, H. and Ud Din, N., (2020), Assessment of residents' destination image and their pro-tourism development behaviour: perspectives on the China–Pakistan economic corridor, Tourism Review, 76(1), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/TR-08-2019-0352
10. Hong Xu, Caicai Wang, Jing Wu, Yan Liang, Yan Jiao & Shama Nazneen.,(2018). Human Poverty Alleviation through Rural Women's Tourism Entrepreneurship. Journal of China Tourism Research, 14 (4), DOI: 10.1080/19388160.2018.1507860
11. Ud Din, N., Cheng, X., & Nazneen, S. (2018). Women’s skills and career advancement: A review of gender (in) equality in an accounting workplace. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 31(1), 1512-1525, DOI: 10.1080/1331677X.2018.1496845
12. Ud Din, N., Cheng X., Ahmad, B., Sheikh, M. F., Adedigba, O., ZHAO, Y., & Nazneen, S. (2020). Gender diversity in the audit committee and the efficiency of internal control and financial reporting quality. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 34, (1), DOI:10.1080/1331677X.2020.1820357

