1. Y.-M. Wu and Y.-G. Miao, High-dimensional Regular Reissner-Nordstrom Black Holes Associated with Linear Electrodynamics, arXiv:1810.08984[hep-th]. 2. Y.-G. Miao and Z.-M. Xu, Parametric Phase Transition for Gauss-Bonnet AdS Black Hole, Phys. Rev. D 98 (2018) 084051 (10 pages)[ariv:1806.10393[hep-th]]. 3. Y.-G. Miao and Z.-M. Xu, Interaction Potential and Thermo-correction to the Equation of State for Thermally Stable Schwarzschild AdS Black Holes, Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 62 (2019) 010412 (5 pages) [arXiv:1804.01743[hep-th]]. 4. Y.-G. Miao and Z.-M. Xu, Thermal Molecular Potential among Micromolecules in Charged AdS Black Holes, Phys. Rev. D 98 (2018) 044001 (7 pages) [arxiv:1712.00545[hep-th]]. 5. Y.-G. Miao and Z.-M. Xu, Microscopic Structures and Thermal Stability of Black Holes Conformally Coupled to Scalar Fields, arXiv:1711.01757[hep-th]. 6. Y.-G. Miao and L.Zhao, Complexity/Action Duality of the Shock Wave Geometry in a Massive Gravity Theory, Phys.Rev.D 97 (2018) 024035 (10 pages) arXiv:1708.01779[hep-th]. 7. Y.-G. Miao and Z.-M. Xu, Hawking Radiation of Five-dimensional Charged Black Holes with Scalar Fields,Phys. Lett. B 772 (2017) 542-546 [arXiv:1704.07086 [hep-th]]. 8. Y.-G. Miao and Z.-M. Xu, Validity of Maxwell Equal Area Law for Black Holes Conformally Coupled to Scalar Fields in AdS5 Spacetime, Eur. Phys. J. C 77 (2017) 403 (12 pages) [arXiv:1610.01769 [hep-th]]. 9. Y.-G. Miao and Y.-M. Wu, Thermodynamics of the Schwarzschild-AdS Black Hole with a Minimal Length, Adv. High Energy Phys. 2017 (2017) 1095217 (14 pages) [arXiv: 1609.01629 [hep-th]]. 10. Y.-G. Miao and Z.-M. Xu, Thermodynamics of Horndeski Black Holes with Non-minimal Derivative Coupling, Eur. Phys. J. C 76 (2016) 638 (10 pages) [arXiv:1607.06629 [hep-th]]. 11. Y.-G. Miao and Z.-M. Xu, Phase Transition and Entropy Inequality of Noncommutative Black Holes in a New Extended Phase Space,JCAP 03 (2017) 046 (14 pages) [arXiv:1604.03229[hep-th]]. 12. C. Liu, Y.-G. Miao, Y.-M. Wu, and Y.-H. Zhang, Self-Regular Black Holes Quantized by Means of an Analogue to Hydrogen Atoms, Adv. High Energy Phys. 2016 (2016) 5982482 (7 pages)[arXiv:1511.04865 [hep-th]]. 13. Y.-G. Miao and Z.-M. Xu, Thermodynamics of Noncommutative High-Dimensional AdS Black Holes with Non-Gaussian Smeared Matter Distributions, Eur. Phys. J. C 76 (2016) 217 (13 pages) [arXiv:1511.00853 [hep-th]]. 14. Y.-G. Miao, Y.-J. Zhao, and S.-J. Zhang, Maximally Localized Statesand Quantum Corrections of Black Hole Thermodynamics in the Framework of a New Generalized Uncertainty Principle, Adv. High Energy Phys. 2015 (2015)627264 (15 pages) [arXiv:1410.4115 [hep-th]]. 15. Y.-G. Miao, F.-F. Yuan, and Z.-Z. Zhang, Thermodynamic Approach to Field Equations in Lovelock Gravity and f(R) Gravity Revisited , Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 23 (2014) 1450093 (9 pages) [arXiv: 1407.1698 [gr-qc]]. 16. Y.-G. Miao and X.-D. Wang, All-Loop Renormalizable Wess-Zumino Modelon Bosonic-Fermionic Noncommutative Superspace , Phys. Rev. D 91 (2015) 025016 (15 pages) [arXiv:1403.5046 [hep-th]]. 17. Y.-G. Miao and X.-D. Wang, One-Loop Renormalizable Wess-Zumino Modelon Bosonic-Fermionic Noncommutative Superspace , Phys. Rev. D 90 (2014) 045036 (34 pages) [arXiv:1403.4705 [hep-th]]. 18. Y.-G. Miao and H. Wang, Energy Spectrum and Phase Transition of Superfluid Fermi Gas of Atoms on Noncommutative Space, SIGMA 10 (2014) 075 (19 pages) [arXiv: 1402.4606[hep-th]]. 19. Y.-G. Miao and Y.-J. Zhao, Interpretation of the Cosmological Constant Problem within the Framework of Generalized Uncertainty Principle, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 23 (2014) 1450062 (9 pages) [arXiv: 1312.4118 [hep-th]]. 20. Y.-G. Miao and Z.-M. Xu, Investigation of Non-Hermitian Hamiltoniansin the Heisenberg Picture, Phys. Lett. A 380 (2016) 1805-1810[arXiv: 1212.6705 [quant-ph]].
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