2023-05-11 21:25
  • 刘林
  • 刘林 - 教授-南开大学-药物化学生物学国家重点实验室-个人资料




学科方向\t 药物靶标的疾病分子机制研究
刘林,南开大学生命科学院,南开大学杰出教授。国家杰出青年基金获得者,科技部重大研究计划(973)项目首席科学家。入选国家百千万人才工程。1984年获江西农业大学学士学位;1987年获动物生理学和生物化学硕士学位;1993年获北京农业大学(现中国农业大学)生殖生理与生物技术博士学位。1994年至1998年分别在英国剑桥Babraham研究所、美国康奈尔大学,康州大学进行博士后和访问学者研究。1998年至2004年,在美国布朗大学妇产科系生殖医学实验室,任研究员、助理教授。1998年至2009年,美国海洋生物学实验室(MBL)兼职研究员。2005年获得国家杰出青年科学基金资助,2007 年被聘为南开大学生命科学院特聘教授,兼副院长。科研工作先后获得国家教育部博士点基金,国家自然科学基金面上项目,英国海外发展中英技术合作基金,美国农业部,美国卫生部,康乃尔大学及康州大学博士后基金,布朗大学妇女儿童医院教师研究基金,国家杰出青年科学基金、中国卫生部部属(管)医疗机构临床学科重点、广州市科技计划项目、中国-加拿大国际合作项目、国家重大科学研究计划(973)项目首席科学家、国家重大转基因专项、国家自然科学基金重点项目等科研基金的资助。
研究方向是生殖衰老的分子机制、端粒在体细胞重编程及多能性干细胞中的功能及调节机制。主要研究内容有:1.卵巢衰老的分子机理研究;2. 胚胎干细胞、孤雌胚胎干细胞等多能性干细胞的多能性维持机制研究;3.印记基因在胚胎干细胞及早期胚胎分化发育中作用机制研究;4.诱导多能干细胞(iPS细胞)以及胚胎干细胞多能性、肿瘤干细胞与端粒长度及表观遗传调控研究等。已发表SCI学术论文百余篇。




Guo RP, Ye XY, Yang J, Zhou ZC, Tian CL, Wang H, Wang HY, Fu HF, Liu C, Zeng M, Yang J & Liu L. Feeders facilitate telomere maintenance and chromosomal stability of embryonic stem cells. Nature Communications. 9(1):2620 (2018).\r
Zhou Z, Wang L, Ge F, Gong P, Wang H, Wang F, Chen L, Liu L. Pold3 is required for genomic stability and telomere integrity in embryonic stem cells and meiosis. Nucleic Acids Res. 46(7):3468-3486(2018).\r
Fu H, Tian CL, Ye X, Sheng X, Wang H, Liu Y, Liu L. Dynamics of Telomere Rejuvenation during Chemical Induction to Pluripotent Stem Cells. Stem Cell Reports. 11(1):70-87 (2018).\r
Wang H, Zhang K, Liu Y, Fu Y, Gao S, Gong P, Wang H, Zhou Z, Zeng M, Wu Z, Sun Y, Chen T, Li S, Liu L. Telomere heterogeneity linked to metabolism and pluripotency state revealed by simultaneous analysis of telomere length and RNA-seq in the same human embryonic stem cell. BMC Biol. 15(1):114(2017).\r
Yang J, Guo R, Wang H, Ye X, Zhou Z, Dan J, Wang H, Gong P, Deng W, Yin Y, Mao S, Wang L, Ding J, Li J, Keefe DL, Dawlaty MM, Wang J, Xu G, Liu L. Tet enzymes regulate telomere maintenance and chromosomal stability of mouse ESCs. Cell Reports 15:1809-1821 (2016).\r
Zhang H, Panula S, Petropoulos S, Edsgard D, Busayavalasa K, Liu L, Li X, Risal S, Shen Y, Shao J, Liu M, Li S, Zhang D, Zhang X, Gerner RR, Sheikhi M, Damdimopoulou P, Sandberg R, Douagi I, Gustafsson JA, Liu L, Lanner F, Hovatta O, Liu K. Adult human and mouse ovaries lack DDX4-expressing functional oogonial stem cells. Nature Medicine 21:1116-1118 (2015).\r
Chen H, Guo R, Zhang Q, Guo H, Yang M, Wu Z, Gao S, Liu L, Chen L. Erk signaling is indispensable for genomic stability and self-renewal of mouse embryonic stem cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 112: E5936–E5943 (2015).\r
Sung LY, Chang WF, Zhang Q, Liu CC, Liou JY, Chang CC, Ou-Yang H, Guo RP, Fu HF, TK Cheng, Ding ST, Chen CM, Okuka M, Keefe DL, Chen YE, Liu L, Xu J. Telomere elongation and naive pluripotent stem cells achieved from telomerase haplo-insufficient cells by somatic cell nuclear transfer. Cell Reports 9:1603–1609 (2014).\r
Dan J, Y Liu, N Liu, M Chiourea, M Okuka, T Wu, X Ye,C Mou, LWang, LL Wang, Y Yin, J Yuan, B Zuo, F Wang, Z Li, XPan, ZYin, L Chen, DL Keefe,S Gagos, A Xiao, Liu L. Rif1 maintains telomere length homeostasis of ES cells by mediating heterochromatin silencing. Developmental Cell 29: 7–19 (2014).\r
Yuan J, Zhang D, Wang L, Liu M, Mao J, Yin Y, Ye X, Liu N, Han J, Gao Y, Cheng T, Keefe DL, Liu L. No evidence for neo-oogenesis may link to ovarian senescence in adult monkey. Stem Cells 31:2538-2550 (2013).\r
Wang F, Pan X, Kalmbach K, Seth-Smith ML, Ye X, Antumes DM, Yin Y, Liu L, Keefe DL, Weissman SM. Robust measurement of telomere length in single cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 110:E1906-1912 (2013).\r
Jiang J, Lv W, Ye X, Wang L, Zhang M, Yang H, Okuka M, Zhou C, Zhang X, Liu L, Li J. Zscan4 promotes genomic stability during reprogramming and dramatically improves the quality of iPS cells as demonstrated by tetraploid complementation. Cell Research 23:92-106 (2013).\r
Liu M, Yin Y, Ye X, Zeng M, Zhao Q, Keefe DL, Liu L. Resveratrol protects against age-associated infertility in mice. Human Reproduction 28:707-717 (2013).\r
Wang F, Yin Y, Ye X, Liu K, Zhu H, Wang L, Chiourea M, Okuka M, Ji G, Dan J, Zuo B, Li M, Zhang Q, Liu N, Chen L, Pan X, Gagos S, Keefe DL, Liu L. Molecular insights into the heterogeneity of telomere reprogramming in induced pluripotent stem cells. Cell Research 22:757-768 (2012).\r
Huang J, Wang F, Okuka M, Liu N, Ji G, Ye X, Zuo B, Li M, Liang P, Ge WW, Tsibris JC, Keefe DL, Liu L. Association of telomere length with authentic pluripotency of ES/iPS cells. Cell Research 21:779-792 (2011).\r
Agarwal S, Loh YH, McLoughlin EM, Huang J, Park IH, Miller JD, Huo H, Okuka M, Dos Reis RM, Loewer S, Ng HH, Keefe DL, Goldman FD, Klingelhutz AJ, Liu L, Daley GQ. Telomere elongation in induced pluripotent stem cells from dyskeratosis congenita patients. Nature 464:292-296 (2010).\r
Huang J, Okuka M, Wang F, Zuo B, Liang P, Kalmbach K, Liu L, Keefe DL. Generation of pluripotent stem cells from eggs of aging mice. Aging Cell 9:113-125 (2010).\r
Li C, Chen Z, Liu Z, Huang J, Zhang W, Zhou L, Keefe DL, Liu L. Correlation of expression and methylation of imprinted genes with pluripotency of parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells. Human Molecular Genetics 18:2177-2187 (2009).\r
Chen Z, Liu Z, Huang J, Amano T, Li C, Cao S, Wu C, Liu B, Zhou L, Carter MG, Keefe DL, Yang X, Liu L. Birth of Parthenote mice directly from parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells. Stem Cells 27:2136-2145 (2009).\r
Huang J, Deng K, Wu H, Liu Z, Chen Z, Cao S, Zhou L, Ye X, Keefe DL, Liu L. Efficient production of mice from embryonic stem cells injected into four- or eight-cell embryos by piezo micromanipulation. Stem Cells 26:1883-1890 (2008)

