2023-05-11 21:24
  • 罗延安
  • 罗延安 - 教授-南开大学-物理科学学院-个人资料




工作经历 2005---今天 南开大学 教授 2004---2005南开大学 副研究员 2003---2004美国路易斯安娜州立大学 访问学者 2001---2002法国GANIL 访问学者 2000---2001南开大学 副研究员 1998---2000南开大学 博士后 教育经历 1995---1998南京大学,获博士学位 1992---1995辽宁师范大学,获硕士学位 1988---1992辽宁师范大学,获学士学位




Y.Zhang,F. Pan,Y.A. Luo,J.P.Draayer,Critical point symmetry for the spherical to triaxially deformed shape phase transition, Phys. Lett. B751,423(2015). Y.Zhang,F. Pan,Y.X. Liu,Y.A. Luo and J.P.Draayer, Shape phase transition and phase coexistence in odd Sm nuclei, Phys. Rev. C88,014304(2013). Y.Zhang,F. Pan,Y.A.Luo,Y.X.Liu and J.P.Draayer,Critical-point symmetries in intermediately deformed odd- A nuclei,Phys. Rev. C86,044312(2012). Y.Z.Chen,J.M.Chen,Y.A.Luo, H.Shen, and X.Q.Li, Effects of nuclear deformation on the form factor for direct dark matter detection, Chin. Phys.C36,505(2012). Y.Zhang, F.Pan,Y.X.Liu,Y,A.Luo and J.P.Draayer, Analytically solvable prolate-oblate shape phase transitional description within the SU(3) limit of the interacting b oson model,Phys. Rev. C85,064312(2012). Y.Z.Chen,Y.A.Luo,L.Li,H.Shen and X.Q.Li, Deermining nuclear form factor for detection of dark matter in RMFT, Comm. Theor. Phys.55,1059(2011). Y.Zhang,F. Pan,Y.X.L i u,Y.A. Luo and J. P. Draayer,Simple d escription of odd- A nuclei around the critical p oint of the s pherical to axially deformed shape phase transition, Phys. Rev. C84,034306(2011). Y.WANG, L.LI,Y.A.LUO,Y.ZHANG,F.PAN and J.P.DRAAYER,γ-UNSTABLE SPECTRUM IN THE S D -PAIR SHELL MODEL FOR IDENTICAL NUCLEON SYSTEM, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E20,2229(2011). Y.A.Luo,Y.Zhang, X.F.Meng,F.Pan and J.P.Draayer, Quantum phase transitional patterns in the SD-pair shell model, Phys.Rev. C80,014311(2009). L.Bettermann, et.al., Y.A.Luo, Candidates for the one-phonon mixed symmetry state in Xe130, Phys. Rev. C79,034315(2009). L.Li,Y.A.Luo,T.Wang,F.Pan, and J.P.Draayer,Triaxiality in the SD-pair shell model,J.Phys. G:Nucl.Part.Phys.36,125107(2009). C.T.Liang,Y.A.Luo,X.H.Li and C.H.Cai,Systematic analysis of the reaction cross section for d, He3 and He4 as projectiles, J. Phys.G:Nucl. Part.Phys.36,015102(2009). F.R.Wang, L.Li and Y.A.Luo*,Structure of the even-even Kr isotopes within SD-pair shell model, Chin. Phys. C34,270(2010). Y.A.Luo, F. Pan, J.P.Draayer and P.Z,Ning, SD-pair shell model for even-even system, Int. J.Mod.Phys.E17,245(2008). X.F.Meng,F.R.Wang,Y.A.Luo*,F.Pan and J.P.draayer, SD-pair shell model study for Xe126 and Ba128, Phys. Rev. C77,047304(2008). J.Okolowicz, M.Ploszajczak and Y.A.Luo, Contonuum coupling effects in spectra of mirrot nuclei and binding sytematics, Acta Physica polonica B39,389(2008). F.R.Wang,L.Liu,Y.A.Luo*,F.Pan,J.P.Draayer, U(5)-O(6) phase transition in the SD-pair shell model, Chin. Phys. Lett.25,2432(2008). F.R.Wang, X.F.Meng,Y.A. Luo* and F.Pan, Projected SD-pair shell model study for even-even Xe isotopes, Chin. Phys.C32,1(2008). Y. A. Luo, Feng pan, Tao Wang, Pingzhi Ning and J. P. Draayer,Vibration-rotation transitional patterns in the SD-pair shell model, Phys.Rev.C73(2006)044323. Ruiping Zhang, Y. A. Luo(*) and Ping-zhi Ning, SD-pair shell mode calculation of even-even Mo isotopes, EUROPHYS. Lett. 73(2006)520. C. Bahri, Y. A. Luo(*), F. Pan and J.P.Draayer, On the survival of the SD-pair shell model under pseudo-spin transformation, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E,15(2006)101 Y. A. Luo, F. Pan, P. Z. Ning and J. P. Draayer, SD-pair shell model for identical system, Chin. Phys. Lett. 22(2005)1366. Y. A. Luo, F. Pan, C. Bahri and J.P.Draayer, SD-pair shell model and interacting boson model, Phys. Rev. C 71 (2005)044304.

