2023-05-11 21:21
  • 李春晓
  • 李春晓 - 副教授 博士 博士生导师-南开大学-旅游与服务学院-个人资料




2009年09月—2013年10月 英国诺丁汉大学博士, 旅游营销
2007年09月—2009年06月 荷兰瓦格宁根大学硕士,休闲、旅游与环境
2003年9月-2007年6月 天津商业大学学士,旅游管理
2011年12月 -2011年3月 维也纳经济大学休闲与旅游研究所访问学者
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:恣纵背后:基于元需求的旅游消费行为及供给侧改革对策构建路径研究。(主持)
2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:“穷家富路?”解释水平视角下非惯常环境购买行为的心理机制研究。(主持)
3. 教育部社科基金青年项目:基于选择域模型的旅游目的地决策动态研究 (主持)
4. 国家旅游局规划面上项目:入境游客偏好动态分析——选择域视角。结题(主持)
5. 南开大学青年基金启动项目:非惯常环境下基于解释水平的购买行为研究。(主持)
6. 南开大学中央高校基本科研业务专项资金,结题。(主持)
7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:它在对我笑吗?动机和情绪双视角下的品牌拟人化、拟人方向及其效应研究。(参与)
8. 国家社科基金一般项目:乡村旅游实践中人文发展之自组织与他组织的复合作用机理研究。(参与)
1. “知行南开”研究生创新能力提升计划社会调研优秀项目:非惯常环境下游客冲动购买行为研究 (指导教师)。
2. 2019天津市大学生创新科研项目“身份匿名性对游客冲动购买意愿的影响研究”南开大学三等奖(指导教师)。
3. 2018天津市大学生创新科研项目“基于目的地形象的文化创意产品开发研究-以天津市旅游文创产品为例”南开大学一等奖(指导教师)。
4. 第一届中国青年旅游创意设计大赛全国一等奖(指导教师)
5. 第八届全国大学生红色旅游创意策划大赛华北赛区三等奖(指导教师)
6. 南开大学2019届本科生优秀毕业论文指导教师
7. 南开大学2016届本科生优秀毕业论文指导教师




1. Xingyang Lv , Yue Liu, Jingjing Luo, Yuqing Liu, Chunxiao Li* Does a cute artificial intelligence assistant soften the blow? The impact of cuteness on customer tolerance of assistant service failure. Annals of Tourism Research,2020 Accepted
2. Chunxiao Li, Yuting Wang, Xingyang Lv Huili* . To buy or not to buy? The effect of time scarcity and travel experience on tourists’ impulse buying. Annals of Tourism Research,2020.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2020.103083
3. Mingqiu Wei, Changhong Bai, Chunxiao (Spring) Li* & Hongyu Wang The effect of host–guest interaction in tourist co-creation in public services: evidence from Hangzhou. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 2020,25:4, 457-472.
4. Sai Liang., Chunxiao Li, Xiaoxia Zhang., & Hui Li*. The snowball effect in online travel platforms: How does peer influence affect review posting decisions?. Annals of Tourism Research, 2020,102876.
5. Xingyang Lv, Chunxiao (Spring) Li*, Scott McCabe. Expanding theory of tourists’ destination loyalty: The role of sensory impressions, Tourism Management. 2020,77.
6. Zsófia Tóth, Jan Dul, Chunxiao (Spring) Li, Necessary condition analysis in tourism research, Annals of Tourism Research.2019,79.
7. Shen, Xuerui; Lv, Xingyang; Lin, Shuang; Li, Chunxiao (Spring)*. Application of the Stereotype Content Model to Destination Image: Empirical Evidence from China, Journal of Destination Marketing and Management.2019,14:1-10
8. Liu, Yuqing; Li, Chunxiao (Spring)*; McCabe, Scott; Xu, Hong. How small things affect the big picture? The effect of service product innovation on perceived experience value. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2019 , 31(7):2994-3014 2.
9. He, Huiwen; Li, Chunxiao (Spring)*; Lin, Zhibin; Liang, Sai. Creating a high-performance event team: A temporary organization perspective. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2019,81:21-29
10.Li, Qiuyun; Li, Chunxiao (Spring)* ; McCabe, Scott ; Xu, Hong. Always Best or Good Enough? The effect of ‘mind-set’ on tourist’s destination preference consistency over time. Annals of Tourism Research, 2019, 75: 186-201
11.Li, Chunxiao (Spring); McCabe, Scott; Song, Haiyan*. Tourist choice processing: evaluating decision rules and methods of their measurement. Journal of Travel Research, 2017, 56(6): 699-711.
12.McCabe, Scott; Li, Chunxiao (Spring) *; Chen, Zengxiang. Time for a radical reappraisal of tourist decision making? toward a new conceptual model. Journal of Travel Research, 2016, 55(1): 3-15.
13.Li, Chunxiao (Spring) *; McCabe, Scott; Li, Xiang (Robert). Digging deeper into decision-making of Chinese long-haul outbound tourists: A two-stage preference-estimation approach. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 2017, 6(3): 267-275.
14.李春晓 冯浩妍 吕兴洋 李晓义.穷家富路?非惯常环境下的价格感知机制研究[J].旅游学刊,2020,35(11):42-53.
1. 梁赛 田佳佳 李春晓*.隐秘的情绪:在线评分背后游客不同情感维度及影响因素探究 2020旅游学刊中国旅游研究年会 (会议优秀论文奖)
2. 李春晓 冯浩妍 吕兴洋 李晓义.穷家富路?非惯常环境下的价格感知机制研究2019旅游学刊中国旅游研究年会 (会议优秀论文奖)。
3. 吕兴洋 李春晓* 李惠璠. 感官印象:旅游者忠诚的增益解. 2018旅游学刊中国旅游研究年会 (会议优秀论文奖)。
4. Li, Chunxiao; Feng Haoyan. The impact of unusual environmental differences on price perception from the perspective of construal level theory. TTRA Europe 2019, Bournemouth,UK, 2019;
5. Li, Chunxiao; Luan, Yue; Li, Hui. A typology study of international tourists' perception and experience of China based on big data analysis. International Conference on Tourism and Retail Management, Marcao, China, 2018;
6. Li,Chunxiao; Scott McCabe, 2013 Destination Choice amongst Chinese long-haul Outbound Tourists the 8th CPTHL Symposium Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
7. Li, Chunxiao; Eijk, C. and McCabe, S., 2011 Understanding the Choice Heuristic of Tourism Decision Making, at Consumer Behavior in Tourism Symposium Conference, Brunico City, Italy.
8. McCabe, S.; Foster, C.; Li, Chunxiao.; Nanda, B., 2010, Tourists' use of mobile digital media/online tools in shaping visitor experiences, at Paper presented to the 'Tourism Metrics' workshop, USI, Lugano, Switzerland。.
9. McCabe, S.; Joldersma, T.; Li, Chunxiao., 2008, Understanding the benefits of Social tourism: health, wellbeing and quality of life, at World Congress on Social Tourism/World Leisure Forum, Quebec City, Canada.
担任《Annals of tourism research empirical insights》编委
担任《Annals of tourism research》、《Journal of business research》、《Journal of travel research》等各类国际期刊的外审专家。

