2023-05-11 21:20
  • 李国峰
  • 李国峰 - 教授-南开大学-电子信息与光学工程学院-个人资料




1978.10-1982.7南开大学物理系读本科 1982. 9-1985.7南开大学电子科学系读硕士 1985. 7-今南开大学任教 2002. 1获博士学位




1. A novel 0.84 ppm/°C CMOS curvature-compensated bandgap with 1.2 V supply voltage,AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications,2018, 91: 66-74 2. A 0.45 ppm and low phase noise analog crystal oscillator using a four order temperature compensation algorithm,AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications,2018, 90: 69-78 3. A 1.2 V supply 0.58 ppm/°C CMOS bandgap voltage reference,IEICE Electronics Express,July, 2018 4. A Novel 1.03 ppm/°C Wide-Temperature-Range Curvature-Compensated Bandgap Voltage Reference,2018 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Circuits, System and Simulation (ICCSS),2018, pp. 22-26. 5. The cat and mouse in split manufacturing,Transactions on VLSI,2018, 26(5): 805-817 6. A Low-Power High-PSRR CMOS Voltage Reference with Active-Feedback Frequency Compensation for IoT Applications,2018 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Florence,May 2018 7. An amplifier‐offset‐insensitive and high PSRR subthreshold CMOS voltage reference,International Journal of circuit theory and applications, vol. 46,pp. 259-271, Feb. 2018 8. 基于高层次综合工具的 BIST 控制器设计,电子技术应用(44卷,8期),2018.8: 27-30 9. Analysis and design of a current-mode bandgap reference with high power supply ripple rejection,Microelectronic Journal,pp. 7-13, vol. 68, Oct. 2017 10. FFT算法硬件模块的高层次综合实现与优化,微电子学,2017.4,217-221 11. ATCXO数字数据修调电路设计,半导体技术,2016.9,658-663 12. A Scalable and Efficient Network-on-Chip Implementation for the CUDA-to-FPGA Flow,Transactions on VLSI,2016,24(6):2220-2233 13. 一款用于TCXO的三次方函数补偿电路,半导体技术,2016.5,357-361 14. H.264中DCT算法在FPGA上的高层次综合,实微电子学,2016.4,841-844 15. 低频低功耗无源RFID模拟前端设计与分析,半导体技术,2015.9,653-657 16. Leakage Analysis and Solution of the RFID Analog Front-END,Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics,Vol 3, No 3: September 2014,pp173-180 17. ULTRA-LOW-VOLTAGE GAIN-ENHANCED FOUR-PHASE CHARGE PUMP WITHOUT BODY EFFECT,Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers Vol. 23, No. 7 (2014) 18. THE THEORY OF FIELD PARAMETERS FOR HELMHOLTZ COIL. Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 24, No. 2 (2010) P201 19. Regression analysis for deflection magnetic field parameters measured by the dual-coil method. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2010

