2023-05-11 21:19
  • 李任植
  • 李任植 - 教授-南开大学-物理科学学院-个人资料




1962年9月出生于韩国。1986年毕业于韩国釜山大学物理学系,获学士学位。1993年于英国Bristol大学物理学系获博士学位。后工作于英国、中国、美国和日本,历任英国Bristol大学(H.H.Wills物理学实验室)研究员,中国延边科学技术大学副教授,中国科学院化学研究所客座教授,香港大学客座教授,美国Case Western Reserve大学责任研究员,日本东京医科齿科大学客座教授等。现任中国南开大学物理学院生物物理系特聘教授。 主要从事生物界面方面的研究工作。在单分子和单分子界面相互作用,单分子和医用材料界面相互作用,单分子和单细胞界面相互作用方面取得了多方进展,先后在 Journal Applied Physics Letter, Surface Science, Biomaterials, PLoS ONE等杂志上发表;发表国际学术会议论文~100多篇。由于pN尺度上对单分子进行的一些研究,曾多次应邀参加学术会议阐述相关科研内容。2000年5月15日在国际生物材料学会第四次会议上获得优秀青年科学工作者奖。另外,还参与了 Surface Science, Ultramicroscopy, PLoS ONE, Biomaterials等十几种国际性刊物的某些评审工作。 教育经历 Ph.D in Bio(Polymer)-Physics H.H.Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, UK. Sept. 1989 – Jan. 1993 B.Sc. in Physics Pusan National University, Korea Mar. 1982 – Feb. 1986 工作经历 April. 2003 – Present Professor Institute of Physics, Nankai University, Tianjin, China Aug. 2002 – March 2003 Visiting Professor Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan July 1998 – July 2002 Sr. Researcher Department of Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, USA July 1995– June 1998 Research Fellow - Department of Chemistry, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (June 1997-July 1998) - Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, P.R.China (July 1995-June 1997) Dec. 1992 – June 1995 Assistant/Associate Professor Yanbain University of Science & Technology, Jilin, P.R.China Oct. 1991 – April 1992 Research assistant H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, UK


Questioning how the physical signals convert into the physiological signals, I have beeninterested in three main fields, bio-interfaces,physio-(eg. Mechanical / electromagnetic)interfaces, and chemo-interfaces; 1.Bio-interfaces:Nanotechniques make a possible to study singlemolecular kinetics at thenanobiointerface including ligand-receptor interactions. Applying dynamicmeasurement of the interaction, energy landscape could be understood at theligand-receptor binding. (Example: Single molecular GPIIb3a-RGD ligandinteraction,Surf. Sci 2001, 491: 433-443) 2.Chemo-interfaces: Biomimetic and bio-pattern studies: designing Biomimetic molecules and characterizing theirinterfacial properties at the single molecular level. The cellularnano-interfaces were also applied in controlling cell growth patterns.(Example:Biomimetic nanohydrogel, Biomaterials, 2004, 25,1911-1918). This work included the computer modeling and molecular designs. 3.Physio-interfaces:The conventional stimuli were considered only in biochemical stimulus. Myresearch investigates the physical stimuli such as mechanical, optical(electromagnetic) and thermal stimuli at the cells. How the cells respondingagainst physical stimuli is studying with combination of optical andbiophysical techniques. Another crucial question is how the physical stimuliwere converted into the physiological signals. From conventional staticphysical stimuli to dynamic stimuli is on characterizing. Those results willbuild a new paradigm in controlling biological functions with physicalstimulus. My current research topics were; -Mechanotransduction; Mechanical stimuli interact directly with cytoskeleton dynamicsand submembrane molecules, which are correlated with the physiologicalfunctions. Due to the dynamic responses of a living cell, dynamic stimuli interms of frequency, resting intervals, and amplitude are applied andcharacterized. Micro-fluid multishear channel was applied on this approach.(Example: Fig Microfluid mulitshearstress channels, BBRC 2011, 408, 350–355) -(Ir)radiation transduction; Optical sources were very good tools to monitor thebiological activities. However, it has not been considered, as an opticalsource itself is a stimulus in triggering the biological function. (Example:Fig. Frequency and intensity dependent signal, a) Empirical devices, BBRC 2010, 396, 662-666and b) Ca2+ signal of our theoretical model, Chin Phys Lett, 2009.26,1 017102). -Bio-signal pattern analysis: Bio-signals exposing the specified biological functionswere interested to de-cord. Biological and biochemical functions werecorrelated with the physical biosignals. The biosignals were attempted todetect by applying nano-senses, and obtained the signals were decording tocharacterize the corresponding biological functions.


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