2023-05-11 21:14
  • 孔祥蕾
  • 孔祥蕾 - 副研究员-南开大学-元素有机化学国家重点实验室-个人资料




2000-2003 Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS, Hefei, China. Received Ph.D. degree in July, 2003 (with Prof. Hai-Yang Li).
1997-2000 Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS, Hefei, China. Received MS degree in July, 2000 (with Prof. Pei-Ming Hao).
Academic Career
2010- Associate Prof., State Key Laboratory of Elemento-organic Chemistry, Nankai University, Tianjin, CHINA.
2006-2009 Postdoctoral associate, Department of Chemistry, Cornell University (with Prof. Fred W McLafferty).
2004-2006 Postdoctoral associate, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei (with Prof. Huan-Cheng Chang).
2003-2004 Assistant Prof., Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS, Hefei, China.
Professional Memberships
2022- Associate Editor of Frontiers in Physics
2022- Associate Editor of Frontiers in Chemistry


"""""(1) Mass spectrometry.
(2) Gas phase ion chemistry.
(3) Analytic chemistry."


Min Zhou, Luyang Jiao, Shiyin Xu, Yicheng Xu, Mengying Du, Xianyi Zhang, Xianglei Kong*, A Novel Method for Photon Unfolding Spectroscopy of Protein Ions in the Gas Phase., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 2022, 93, 043003.
Mengying Du, Kailin Zhang, Luyang Jiao, Yicheng Xu, Xianglei Kong*, Differentiation of Disaccharide Isomers via a Combination of IR and UV Photodissociation Mass Spectrometry. Rapid Comm. Mass. Spectrom. 2022, 36, e9218.
Yicheng Xu, Mengying Du, Luyang Jiao, Xianglei Kong*, Geometrical Structures and Dissociation Channels of CuP2n+ (n =2−11): Studied by Mass Spectrometry and Theoretical Calculations., ACS Omega 2022, 7, 7134−7138.
Ruxia Feng, Yicheng Xu, Xianglei Kong.* The Structural Diversity of Di-Metalized Arginine Evidenced by Infrared Multiple Photon Dissociation (IRMPD) Spectroscopy in Gas Phase\

