教育经历 2007-2012 理学博士 南开大学 2003-2007 理学学士 南开大学 工作经历 2012-2015 博士后 香港中文大学 2016-今 副教授 南开大学研究领域
1.宇称-时间对称非厄米量子理论。宇称-时间对称光学系统:耦合光波导、微腔阵列 2 .自旋电子的微波激光理论。室温微波、激光器:金刚石室温微波器 3.拓扑量子系统 非厄米拓扑系统 拓扑量子系统的性质及动力学特性 4. 量子信息与量子计算。量子态传输、量子操控:量子比特 5. 强关联量子系统。 玻色、费米、电子自旋系统:动力学远程量子纠缠制备近期论文
36. L Jin*, Flat band induced by the interplay of synthetic magnetic flux and non-Hermiticity, Phys Rev A 99, 033810 (2019). 35. L Jin* & Z. Song, Bulk-boundary correspondence in a non-Hermitian system in one dimension with chiral inversion symmetry, Phys Rev B (Rapid Communication) 99, 081103 (2019). 34. L Jin* & Z. Song, Incident Direction Independent Wave Propagation and Unidirectional Lasing, Phys Rev Lett 121, 073901 (2018). 33. L Jin*, Scattering properties of a parity-time-antisymmetric non-Hermitian system, Phys Rev A 98, 022117 (2018). 32. P Wang, S Lin, L Jin* & Z Song*, Parallel dynamics between non-Hermitian and Hermitian systems, Phys Rev A 97, 062101 (2018). 31. L Jin*, Asymmetric lasing at spectral singularities, Phys Rev A 97, 033840 (2018). 30. L Jin*, Parity-time-symmetric coupled asymmetric dimers, Phys Rev A 97, 012121 (2018). 29. L Jin*, Tolological phases and edge states in a non-Hermitian trimerized optical lattice, Phys Rev A 96, 032103 (2017). 28. L Jin*, P Wang & Z Song, Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain with one pair of PT-symmetric defects, Sci Rep 7, 5903 (2017). 27. B B Wei* & L Jin*, Universal Critical Behaviours in Non-Hermitian Phase Transitions, Sci Rep 7, 7165 (2017). 26. X. Z. Zhang, L. Jin & Z. Song*, Non-Hermitian description of the dynamics of interchain pair tunneling, Phys Rev A 95, 052122 (2017). 25. C Li, L Jin & Z Song*, Non-Hermitianinterferometer: Unidirectional amplification without distortion, Phys Rev A95, 022125 (2017). 24. L Jin*, P Wang & Z Song, One-way light transport controlled bysynthetic magnetic fluxes and PT-symmetric resonators, New J Phys 19, 015010 (2017). 23. L Jin*, P Wang & Z Song, Unidirectional perfect absorber, Sci Rep 6, 32919 (2016). 22. L Jin*, Quantum transport in coupled resonators enclosed synthetic magnetic flux, Ann Phys 370, 1 (2016). 21. L Jin* & Z Song, Parity-time symmetry under magnetic flux, Phys Rev A 93, 062110 (2016). 20. P Wang, L Jin*, G Zhang & Z Song, Wave emission and absorption at spectral singularities, Phys Rev A 94, 053834 (2016). 19. L Jin*, X Z Zhang, G Zhang & Z Song, Reciprocal and unidirectional scattering of parity-time symmetric structures, Sci Rep 6, 20976 (2016). 相关热点
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