2023-05-11 21:10
  • 何明
  • 何明 - 教授-南开大学-电子信息与光学工程学院-个人资料




1997年毕业于天津南开大学物理系应用物理专业,获得学士学位;2002年毕业于南开大学通信与信息系统专业,获得工学硕士学位;2008年6月毕业于南开大学信息技术科学学院微电子学与固体电子学专业,获工学博士学位。2008年12月被聘为南开大学副教授,2015年12月被聘为南开大学教授。现任电子信息工程系主任。 2005年9月获得德国DAAD奖学金,在德国于利希(Juelich)研究中心从事了2年的研究工作。2008年到2010年期间多次受邀作为访问学者在德国于利希(Juelich)研究中心以及德国卡尔斯鲁厄大学从事相关科研工作。




Wang, Pei; He, Ming*; Wu, Hao; Ji, Min; Zhou, Xianjing; Zhao, Xinjie; Hatano, Takeshi; Wang, Huabing, Terahertz waves emission from two Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8mesas in series, IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 5(3), pp 512-517, 2015/5/1. Xie, Wei; Wang, Pei; He, Ming*; Qiao, Ren; Du, Jia-Nan; Gao, Xiao-Xin; Liu, Xin; Zhang, Xu; Ji, Lu; Chen, Hai-Hua; Zhao, Xin-Jie, Double-sided Tl2Ba2Ca2Cu3O10 thin films based high temperature superconducting filter operating above 100 K, Applied Physics Letters, 105(9), 2014/9/1. Gao, X. X.; Xie, W.; Wang, Z.; Zhao, X. J.; He, M.; Zhang, X.; Yan, S. L.; Ji, L., The Study of Purity Improvement on Tl-1223 Thin Films by DC Sputtering and Post-annealing Method, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 27(7), pp 1665-1670, 2014/7. Xie Wei; Wang Pei; Ji Lu; Ge De-Yong; Du Jia-Nan; Gao Xiao-Xin; Liu Xin; Song Feng-Bin; Hu Lei; Zhang Xu; He Ming; Zhao Xin-Jie, Formation of epitaxial Tl2Ba2Ca2Cu3O10 superconducting films by dc-magnetron sputtering and triple post-annealing method, Chinese Physics B, 23(7), 2014/7. Zhang, Li; Chen, Hai-Hua; He, Ming, Distributed beamforming with receive filter, Dianzi Yu Xinxi Xuebao/Journal of Electronics and Information Technology, 37(7), pp 1544-1549, 2015/7/1. Zhang, Li; Chen, Haihua; He, Ming, Worst-case-based robust beamforming for wireless cooperative networks, Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2014(96), 2014/6/19. P. Wang; W. Xie; L. Hu; X. Liu; X.J. Zhao; X. Zhang; L. Ji; M. He*; S.L. Yan, Millimeter-wave induced sloping step in Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 misaligned thin film, Physica C-Superconductivity and Its Applications, 497 Vol, pp 99-101, 2014/2/15. Hu, L.; Wang, P.; Xie, W.; Liu, X.; Zhao, X. J.; *He, M.; Ji, L.; Zhang, X.; Yan, S. L., Frequency Characteristics of Misaligned Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 Thin-Film Intrinsic Josephson Junction Arrays Irradiated by Millimeter-Wave, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 27(2), pp 353-358, 2014/2. Xie, Wei; Wang, Pei; He, Ming; Qiao, Ren; Du, Jia-Nan; Gao, Xiao-Xin; Liu, Xin; Zhang, Xu; Ji, Lu; Chen, Hai-Hua; Zhao, Xin-Jie, Double-sided Tl2Ba2Ca2Cu3O 10 thin films based high temperature superconducting filter operating above 100 K, Applied Physics Letters, 105(9), 2014. Wang, Pei; Xie, Wei; Hu, Lei; Liu, Xin; Ji, Lu; He, Ming*; Zhang, Xu; Zhao, XinJie; Yan, ShaoLin, Current-voltage characteristics of voltage-biased Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 intrinsic Josephson junctions, Science China Physics,Mechanics & Astonomy, 57(12), pp 2242-2245, 2014. Ji, Lu; Gao, Xiaoxin; Ge, Deyong; Xie, Wei; Wang, Pei; Zhao, Xinjie; Wang, Zheng; He, Ming; Zhang, Xu; Li, Wei; Song, Feng; Yan, Shaolin, The Influence of CeO2 Nano-Dots Decoration on Substrates on Flux Pinning Strength in Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 Thin Films, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 23(3), 2013/6. Wang Pei; Xie Wei; Hu Lei; Liu Xin; Zhao Xin-Jie; *He Ming; Ji Lu; Zhang Xu; Yan Shao-Lin, Energy gap suppression and excess current in Tl2Ba 22CaCu2O8 intrinsic Josephson junctions, Chinese Physics B, 22(5), 2013. Du, Jianan; Ge, Deyong; Gao, Xiaoxin; Xie, Wei; Wang, Pei; Zhao, Xinjie; He, Ming; Zhang, Xu; Ji, Lu, Miniaturization of high temperature superconductor filters with 2nd harmonic suppression by using quasi-fractal resonators, 2013 International Workshop on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Circuits and System Technology, MMWCST 2013, 2013/10/24-2013/10/25, pp 170-173, Emeishan, Sichuan, China, 2013. Zhang, Xu; He, Ming; Ji, Lu; Zhao, Xinjie; Fang, Lan; Yan, Shaolin, Compact design of high-temperature superconducting duplexer and triplexer for satellite communications, Superconductor Science and Technology, 25(10), 2012/10. Wang, P.; Wang, Zh; Fan, B.; Xie, W.; Zhao, X. J.; *He, M.; Zhang, X.; Ji, L.; Yan, S. L., Millimeter-Wave Radiation From Misaligned Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 Thin-Film Intrinsic Josephson Junctions, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 22(5), 2012/10. Wang, P.; Fan, B.; Wang, Z.; Xie, W.; Zhao, X. J.; Zhang, X.; Ji, L.; *He, M.; Fang, L.; Yan, S. L., Radiation from Intrinsic Josephson Junctions in Misaligned Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 Thin Films, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 25(5), pp 1427-1430, 2012/7. Wang, P.; Wang, Zh.; Fan, B.; Xie, W.; Liu, W.; Zhao, X. J.; Zhang, X.; Ji, L.; He, M.; Fang, L.; Yan, S. L., Influence of substrate on coupling of high temperature superconducting Josephson junction arrays, Physica C-Superconductivity and Its Applications, 483Vol, pp 97-100, 2012. Jin, Mengtong; He, Ming; Ji, Lu; Qu, Jingying; Liu, Yong; Wang, Songchao; Zhang, Xu; Zhao, Xinjie, A high-temperature superconducting diplexer for satellite communication applications, 2012 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Millimeter Wave Wireless Technology and Applications, IMWS 2012, 2012/9/18-2012/9/20, pp 156-159, Nanjing, China, 2012. Zhang Xu; Liu Jia; Chen ChuangYe; Liu Wei; Liu JingBin; Li BaoHui; He Ming; Zhou TieGe; Zhao XinJie; Yan ShaoLin; Fang Lan, Development of cryogenically-cooled low noise amplifier for mobile base station receivers, Chinese Science Bulletin, 56(35), pp 3884-3887, 2011/12. Wang, Zh; Yue, H. W.; Fan, B.; He, M.; Zhao, X. J.; Ji, L.; Yan, S. L.; Fang, L., Self-emission from intrinsic Josephson junction arrays in misaligned Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8+delta thin films at 78 K, Superconductor Science and Technology, 24(7), 2011/7.

