2023-05-11 21:05
  • 董红
  • 董红 - 副教授-南开大学-电子信息与光学工程学院-个人资料




博士后,德州大学达拉斯分校,2013.11-2014.7。 博士, 材料科学与工程,美国德州大学达拉斯分校 2009.8-2013. 08 毕业论文题目:磷化铟和磷化镓及与高介电常数材料表面、界面表征 导师: Prof. Robert M. Wallace (半导体高介电常数材料先驱之一,电气电子工程师学会(IEEE)和 美国真空学会(AVS)的委员(Fellow)) 硕士,物理学, 美国德州农工大学科莫斯分校, 2007.8- 2009.07 导师:Prof. Anil Chourasia 本科, 物理学基地班,兰州大学,2003.09- 2007.06




1. Maokun Wu, Xiaolong Yao, Yuan Hao, Hong Dong, Yahui Cheng, Hui Liu, Feng Lu, Weichao Wang, Kyeongjae Cho, Wei-Hua Wang, “Electronic structures, magnetic properties and band alignments of 3d transition metal atoms doped monolayer MoS2”, Physics Letter A, 2017, Accepted. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physleta.2017.10.024. 2. Hong Dong, Cheng Gong, Rafik Addou, Stephen McDonnell, Angelica Azcatl, Xiaoye Qin, Weichao Wang, Wei-Hua Wang, Christopher L Hinkle, and Robert M. Wallace “Schottky barrier height of Pd/MoS2 contact by large area photoemission spectroscopy”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Accepted. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.7b10974. 3. Xiaoran Shi, Xinglu Wang, Yong Sun, Chen Liu, WeiHua Wang, Yahui Cheng, Weichao Wang, Jiaou Wang, Kyeongjae Cho, Feng Lu, Hui Liu and Hong Dong*, “Interface chemistry study of InSb/Al2O3 stacks upon in situ post deposition annealing by synchrotron radiation photoemission spectroscopy”, Applied Surface Science, 425,927, 2017. 4. Xinglu Wang, Yanfei Zhao, Rong Huang, Fangsen Li, Xiaoming Lu, Yang Shen, Hu Wang, Dawei Shao, Baimei Tan, Jian Zhang, Xinjian Xie, An Dingsun*, and Hong Dong*, “Thermal Stability Study of GaP/high-k Dielectrics Interfaces”, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 4, 1700609, 2017, DOI:10.1002/admi.201700609. 5. Yunna Zhu, Xinglu Wang, Chen Liu, Wei-Hua Wang, Yahui Cheng, Weichao Wang, Jiaou Wang, Shengkai Wang, Hui Liu*, Hongliang Lu* and Hong Dong*, “Elemental diffusion study of Ge/Al2O3 and Ge/AlN/Al2O3 interfaces upon post deposition annealing”, Surfaces and Interfaces, 9, 51, 2017. 6. Dawei Shao, Yahui Cheng,* ,Jie He, Deqiang Feng, Lingcheng Zheng, Lijun Zheng, Xinghua Zhang, Jianping Xu, Weichao Wang, Weihua Wang, Feng Lu, Hong Dong, Luyan Li, Hui Liu, Rongkun Zheng, and Hui Liu, “A Spatially Separated Organic−Inorganic Hybrid Photoelectrochemical Cell for Unassisted Overall Water Splitting” ACS Catalyst, 7, 5308−5315, 2017. 7. M. Liu, L. Chen, X. Wang, Y. Cheng, F. Lu, W-H Wang, J. Yang, X. Du, J. Zhu, H. Liu, H. Dong*, W. Wang*, “A Rational Design of Heterojunction Photocatalyst CdS Interfacing with One Cycle of ALD Oxide”, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 32, 489, 2016. 8. H. Dong, R. Galatage, W. Cabrera, B. Brennan, X. Qin, J. Kim, C. L. Hinkle, Y. Chabal, and R. M. Wallace, “In situ study of Si interfacial passivation layer between high-k dielectrics and InP”. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 6, 7340,2014. 9. H. Dong, B. Brennan, D. Zhernokletov, J. Kim, C. L. Hinkle, and R. M. Wallace, “In situ study of Atomic layer deposition of HfO2 on InP (100)”, Applied Physical Letters, 102, 171602,2013. 10. H. Dong, W. Cabrera, R.V. Galatage, S. KC, B. Brennan, X. Qin, S. McDonnell, D. Zhernokletov, C. L. Hinkle, K. Cho, Y. J. Chabal, and R. M. Wallace, “Indium diffusion through high-k dielectrics in high-k/InP stacks”, Applied Physics Letters, 103, 061601,2013. 11. H. Dong, B. Brennan, X. Qin, D. Zhernokletov, C. L. Hinkle, J. Kim, and R. M. Wallace, “In situ study of atomic layer deposition of Al2O3 on GaP (100)”, Applied Physics Letters, 103, 121604,2013. 12. H. Dong, Santosh KC, W. Cabrera, A. Zacatzi, X. Qin, B. Brennan, C. L. Hinkle, Y. Chabal, K. Cho, and R. M. Wallace, “In situ study of e-beam evaporation of Al and Hf on native oxide InP”, Journal of Applied Physics, 114, 203505, 2013. 13. H. Dong, Santosh KC, X. Qin, B. Brennan, S. McDonnell, D. Zhernokletov, C. L. Hinkle, J. Kim, K. Cho, and R. M. Wallace, “In situ study of the role of substrate temperature during atomic layer deposition of HfO2 on InP”, Journal of Applied Physics, 114, 154105, 2013. 14. H. Dong, J. L. Edmondson, R. L. Miller, A. R. Chourasia, “Chemical reactivity at Fe/CuO interface studied in situ by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy”, Vacuum, 101, 27, 2014. 15. Santosh KC, H. Dong, R. C. Longo, W. Wang, K. Xiong, R. M. Wallace, and K. Cho, “Electronic properties of InP(100)/HfO2 (001) interface: band offset and oxygen dependence”, Journal of Applied Physics, 115, 023703,2014. 16. X. Qin, H. Dong, J. Kim, and R. M. Wallace, “A crystalline oxide passivation for Al2O3/AlGaN/GaN”, Applied Physics Letters, 105, 141604, 2014. 17. A. Azcatl, S. McDonnell, Santosh KC, X. Peng, H. Dong, X. Qin, R. Addou, G. I. Mordi, N. Lu, J. Kim, K. Cho, and R. M. Wallace, “MoS2 functionalization for ultrathin atomic layer deposited dielectrics” Applied Physics Letters, 104,111601,2014. 18. W. Cabrera, B. Brennan, H. Dong, T. P. O’Regan, I. M. Povey, E. O’Connor, P. K. Hurley, R. M. Wallace, Y. J. Chabal, “Diffusion of InGaAs elements through hafnium oxide during post deposition annealing”, Applied Physics Letters, 104, 011601, 2014. 19. C. Gong, S. McDonnell, X. Qin, A. Azcatl, H. Dong, Y. Chabal, K. Cho, R. M. Wallace, “Realistic Metal-Graphene Contact Structures”, ACS Nano, 8, 642, 2013. 20. W. Cabrera, B. Brennan, H. Dong, T. P. O’Regan, I. M. Povey, S. Monaghan, É O’Connor, P. K. Hurley, R. M. Wallace, and Y. J. Chabal, “Diffusion of In0.53Ga0.47As elements hafnium oxide during post deposition annealing, Applied Physics Letters, 104, 011601, 2013.

