2023-05-11 21:05
  • 董淑慧
  • 董淑慧 - 副教授-南开大学-汉语言文化学院-个人资料




董淑慧,南开大学副教授,硕士生导师,2008年南京大学文学博士毕业。她从事汉语教学20年。1997-2002年她在天津师范大学汉语国际教育交流学院任教;2002-2005年她在保加利亚索非亚大学东方语言文化中心教授“书面汉语”“实用汉语”。2006-2007年,她在美国亚利桑那大学扬子国际交流项目(南京)为美国学生讲授“中文听说读写”课程Level 1和Level 2。2008年她成为南开大学汉语言文化学院的教师。她教授过对外汉语的包括听说读写在内的所有语言技能型课程,还为中国本科生和研究生开设过汉语语素教学、语言研究方法、偏误分析、第二语言习得概论、汉语语法、现代汉语通论等。2010-2012她担任葡萄牙米尼奥大学孔子学院中方院长,负责汉语教学管理和文化推广活动。。
学术专著academic monographs
1. 《保加利亚汉语教学五十年》,保加利亚玉石出版社,2005年6月。
Fifty Years of Teaching Chinese in Bulgaria,Kamea Press,Bulgaria,2005
2. 董淑慧:《认知视野下的对外汉语语法教学——以趋向动词语法化为例》,南开大学出版社,2012年11月
The study of Chinese Grammar Teaching for foreigners From the Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics: Grammarticalization of Directional verbs, Nankai University Press,2012.
3. 董淑慧、宋春芝《汉语主观性主观量框式结构研究》,南开大学出版社,2013年10月。
The study Subjective structures and Subjective Quantity structures in Chinese,Nankai University Press,2013.
参编著作monographs as an editor
4. 张西平主编《世界汉语教育史》(参编)商务印书馆2009年12月
Zhang Xiping: History of World Chinese Education, Commercial Press,2009.
5. 刘叔新主编《现代汉语理论教程》(参编),高等教育出版社,2002年7月
Liu Shuxin: Modern Chinese Theory Course, Higher Education Press,2002
6. 谭汝为主编《民俗文化语汇通论》(参编),天津古籍出版社,2004年8月
Tan Ruwei: General Theory of Folk Culture and Vocabulary, tianjin ancient books publishing house,2004
7. 卢福波《汉语语法点教学案例研究——多媒体课件的运用》,商务印书馆,2016年7月
Lu Fubo: A Case Study of Chinese Grammar Teaching - The Application of Multimedia Courseware, Commercial Press,2016
2. 主持教育部人文社科2009年度青年基金项目“汉语趋向动词的认知研究——以对外汉语教学为立足点”(09YJC40044)(结项)
3. 主持南开大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金“汉语框式短语的构式语法阐释——以对外汉语教学为立足点”(NKZXB10014)(未结项)
Foundation projects:
Dong Shuhui, PhD is currently presiding as host of the Humanities and Social Science Fund Project of the Education Ministry of China’s event \




Discussions on dialectal words in Annotation to words in the Common Words Usage written by Pu Song-ling, Research on Pu Songling, 2017,II
河北孟村方言形容词短语儿化,《中国语文》2017 年第2期
Subjective Small Quantity of Adjective Phrases with Er-suffixes in Mengcun dialect of Hebei province, Studies of The Chinese Language, 2017,II
The Analisis and Thinking on Graduation Papers of Undergradute Students of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages(TCSOL) ,Journal of Cangzhou Normal University, 2016,IV
Semantic Function of A/shi/A,B/shi/B and its teaching, Contemporary research in modern Chinese,Asahi press, Japan,2016

Semantic Function of Commentary adverb Dabuliao and its grammarticalization,Construction Theory of Undergraduate Course of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages(TCSOL), Nankai university Prress,2016
Semantic Function and Syntactic Function of “V+Ta+Numeral-Measure”, Nankai Linguistics, 2015,II
A Study of classroom management cases of five Portuguese schools, Journal of Yunnan Normal University(Teaching and research on Chinese as a Foreign Language),2016 I
Value of History and Culture of Bai xue yi yin,Journal of Cangzhou Normal University, 2015,IV
The Analysis and Thinking of Chinese Teaching in Portugal, Research on Development of Confucius Institute, 2015,I
Explanation and Discussion of several dialectal words in Bai Xue Yi Yin, Journal of Cangzhou Normal University, 2015,II
Re-explanation of several words in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi, Research on Pu Songling, 2015,II
A Supplement and Correct about Classifiers in The Chinese Dictionary from Mengcun dialect,Journal of Cangzhou Normal University, 2014,IV
Multidimensional Thinking on Frame Structure Teaching of Chinese as a Foreign Language, Proceedings of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages(TCSOL), Nankai Press,2014
Semantic Function of “V/Adj+ Numeral-Measure(N)+Shi+ Numeral-Measure(N)”strictures and its Teaching, Research on Chinese Applies Linguistics, The Commercial Press,2014
Semantic Function and Semantic of web of “V+X+Suan+X”: The Replacement of “V+X+Suan+X” and “V+X+Shi+X”,Language and Translation,2014,II
The Contribution of Zhu Dexi in Teaching Chinese as a secound Language,Zhang Xiping, Liu Ruomei, Research on history of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages(TCSOL) ,Commercial Press,2014.
Re-explanation of six dialectal words in Xing Shi Yin Yuan Zhuan,Sinogram Culture, 2014,II
Thought on Compilation of Localized Chinese Textbooks: Based on the Contrastive Study about Chinese Textbook(1954), National Chinese Textbooks and Single-Edition-Multi-Version Chinese Textbooks, Overseas Chinese Education,2014,I
The evolution of Structure“huo Adj/Vsi” in Mengcun dialect, Hebei province, Journal of Cangzhou Normal University, 2013,III
About Semantic Function and Grammaticalisition of “V+Shang+ Numeral-Measure” Pattern, Chinese Language Leraning,2012,V
The Semantic Function and evolution of “Kanba+Np+V/Adj+de”stricture, Research on Chinese and Chinese teaching, Oriental bookstores (Japan) ,2011,II
The Stretch of Ta and Feminist Consciousness,South China Journal of Humanities,2011,III
The Semantic Function and Reduplicative interrogative Pronouns, Nankai Linguistics, 2015,II
Re-explanation of Shuishui, Lexicographical Studies,2011,VI
The Senantics construction and Pragmatics Function of Durn Exclamation and Compliment Exclamation, Journal of Tianjin University,2011,VI
The Grammarticalization of Preposition Ge: Discussion with Ms Hu Caimin, Chinese language communication(Hong Kong),2010
The usage of contra-sememe interrogative pronouns in mediaeval and neoteric Chinese and their effect, Journal of Chinese history,2010
The Grammaticalization of GUOLAI meaning completed and its Application in TCSL, Journal of Chinese language teaching ,Beijing University Ptess,2009
The Founder of Chinese Teaching in Bulgaria: Zhu Dexi and Zhang Sunfen, European language and culture study, Current affairs press,2009
Grammaticalization of GUOLAI & GUOQU and its Application in TCSL, Theoretical linguistics,2008 II
The semantic and textual function and error analysisof A Gui A Chinese Language Leraning, 2006 VI
Comment on The Chinese Textbook compiled by Zhu Dexi and Zhang Sunfen, Chinese Teaching in the World,2006,IV
The Status of Chinese Teaching in Bulgaria,Journal of Yunnan Normal University (Teaching and research on Chinese as a Foreign Language),2006 VI
The Sign of Subjective Quantity in the dialect of Mengcun county of Hebei Province:the Er termination and the Zi termination,Contemporary research in modern Chinese,Friends bookstore, Japan,2006
Research of interrogative sentence in Bai Yu Jing, Chinese language communication (Hong Kong), 2006
Introduction to Bulgarian Chinese Teaching History, Study on the History of World Chinese Education : Proceedings of The First International Conference on World Chinese Education History (Macao), Macao Polytechnic Institute Press,2005
Research on verbal stractures such as “V+guo”, Journal of Tianjin Normal University, 1999, IV
Research on Commonly used structure in newspaper language, Journal of Tianjin Normal University, 1998, III
The Evolution of Several Adverbs Usage of Que and parallel development of several related adverbs,Chinese Language Leraning,1996,IV
Analysis on Function words in Jin Ao Xin Hua(《金鳌新话》虚词分析),Dr. Habil. Alexander Fedotoff & Dr.Svetla Karteva-Dancheva:5 Years of center for Korean Studies at Saint Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia,KAMEA,Sofia,保加利亚玉石出版社,2008年。5 години център по Кореистика Софийския университет \

