2006.12-2009.12, University of California, Davis(化学系,博士后)。
目前已在Nature Biotechnology,Nature Chemical Biology,PNAS, JACS, ACS catalysis, Chemical Communication, JBC,ACS Bioconjugate 等SCI杂志发表论文41篇。
糖生物学,糖生物化学以及糖缀合物方法学"糖生物学,糖生物化学以及糖缀合物(活性糖肽、糖苷白以及糖脂)的酶-化学合成(Chemoenzymatic synthesis)"
1. Hou Jingli#,Pan Yiwa#, Zhu Dashuai#, Fan Yueyuan, Feng Guowei, Wei Yongzhen, Wang He, Qin Kang, Zhao Tiechan, Yang Qiang, Zhu Yan, Che Yongzhe, Liu Yangping, Cheng Jiansong*, Kong Deling, Wang Peng George, Shen Jie* and Zhao Qiang*, Targeted delivery of nitric oxide via a 'bump-and-hole'-based enzyme-prodrug pair., Nature Chemical Biology, 2019.1, 15(2): 151~160. (IF=13.8)
2. Na Lu#, Jinfeng Ye#, Jiansong Cheng#, Aniruddha Sasmal, Chang-Cheng Liu, Wenlong Yao, Jun Yan, Naazneen Khan, Wen Yi, Ajit Varki, and Hongzhi Cao*, Redox-Controlled Site-Specific α2−6-Sialylation, J Am Chem Soc. 2019; 141(11): 4547-4552. (IF=14.4)
3. Zhang P, Liu P, Xu Y, Liang Y, Wang PG, Cheng J*. N-acetyltransferases from three different organisms displaying distinct selectivity toward hexosamines and N-terminal amine of peptides. Carbohydr Res. 2019;472:72-75.
4. Xu Yangyang, Fan Yueyuan, Ye Jinfeng, Wang Faxing, Nie Quandeng, Wang Li, Wang Peng George*, Cao Hongzhi*, Cheng Jiansong*, Successfully Engineering a Bacterial Sialyltransferase for Regioselective alpha 2,6-sialylation, ACS Catalysis, 2018.08, 8(8): 7222~7227. (IF=11.4)
5. Xu Yangyang#, Wu Zhigang#, Zhang Peiru, Zhu He, Zhu Hailiang, Song Qitao, Wang Li, Wang Faxing, Wang Peng George* and Cheng Jiansong*, A novel enzymatic method for synthesis of glycopeptides carrying natural eukaryotic N-glycans, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 2017, 53(65): 9075~9077. (IF=6.3)
6. Song Qitao#,Wu Zhigang#, Fan Yueyuan, Song Woran, Zhang Peiru, Wang Li, Wang Faxing, Xu Yangyang, Wang Peng G*. and Cheng, Jiansong*, Production of homogeneous glycoprotein with multisite modifications by an engineered N-glycosyltransferase mutant, J Biol Chem. 2017, 292(21): 8856~8863. (IF=4.0)
7. Song Q, Zhang X, Li N, Shen J, Cheng J*. A propeptide-independent protease from Tannerella sp.6_1_58FAA_CT1 displays trypsin-like specificity. J Basic Microbiol. 2017; 57(1):50-56.
8. Wang, Y., Jiang, K., Ma, H., Zeng, W., Wang, PG., Yao, N., Han, W., Cheng, J.*, Wang, W., Enzymatic production of HMO mimics by the sialylation of galacto-oligosaccharides. Food Chem. 2015, 181, 51-6. (IF=4.9)
9. Wang W, Ma T, Zhang B, Yao N, Li M, Cui L, Li G, Ma Z, Cheng J.* A novel mechanism of protein thermostability: a unique N-terminal domain confers heat resistance to Fe/Mn-SODs. Sci Rep. 2014, 4:7284. (IF=4.1)
10. Meng, X., Yao, W., Cheng, J., Zhang, X., Jin, L., Yu, H., Chen, X., Wang, F., Cao, H., Regioselective chemoenzymatic synthesis of ganglioside disialyl tetrasaccharide epitopes. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136(14), 5205-8. (IF=11.4)
11. Wang, L., Han, W., Xie, C., Hou, J., Fang, Q., Gu, J., Wang, PG., Cheng, J.*, Comparing the acceptor promiscuity of a Rosa hybrida glucosyltransferase RhGT1 and an engineered microbial glucosyltransferase OleD(PSA) toward a small flavonoid library. Carbohydr. Res., 2013, 368, 73-77.
12. Han, W., Cai, L., Wu, B., Li, L., Xiao, Z., Cheng, J.*, Wang, P.G.. The wciN gene encodes an α-1,3-galactosyltransferase involved in the biosynthesis of the capsule repeating unit of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 6B. ACS Biochemistry. 2012, 51(29), 5804-10.
13. Cheng, J.; Huang, S.; Yu, H.; Li, Y.; Lau, K.; Chen, X. Trans-sialidase activity of Photobacterium damsel a2,6-sialyltransferase and its application in the synthesis of sialosides. Glycobiology. 2010, 20(2), 1077-88.
14. Yu, H.; Cheng, J.; Ding, L.; Khedri, Z.; Chen, Y.; Chin, S.; Lau, K.; Tiwari, V.; Chen, X. Chemoenzymatic synthesis of GD3 oligosaccharides and other disialyl glycans containing natural and non-natural sialic acids. J Am Chem Soc. 2009. 30;131(51), 18467-77.
15. Chokhawala, H. A.; Huang, S.; Lau, K.; Yu, H.; Cheng, J.; Thon, V.; Hurtado-Ziola, N.; Guerrero, J. A.; Varki, A.; Chen, X. Combinatorial chemoenzymatic synthesis and high-throughput screening of sialosides. ACS Chemical Biology. 2008, 3, 567-576.
16. Cheng, J.; Yu, H.; Lau, K.; Huang, S.; Chokhawala, H. A.; Li, Y.; Tiwari, V. K.; Chen, X. Multifunctionality of Campylobacter jejuni sialyltransferase CstII: Characterization of GD3/GT3 oligosaccharide synthase, GD3 oligosaccharide sialidase, and trans-sialidase activities. Glycobiology. 2008, 18, 686-697.
17. Wang, Z.; Gilbert, M.; Eguchi, H.; Yu, H.; Cheng, J.; Muthana, S.; Zhou, L.; Wang, P. G.; Chen, X.; Huang, X. Chemoenzymatic syntheses of tumor-associated carbohydrate antigen Globo-H and stage-specific embryonic antigen 4. Adv. Synth. Catal. 2008, 350, 1717-1728.
18. Feng, L.; Wang, W.; Cheng, J.; Ren, Y.; Zhao, G.; Gao, X.; Tang, Y.; Liu, X.; Han, W.; Peng, X.; Liu, R. and Wang, L. Genome and proteome of long-chain alkane degrading Geobacillus thermodenitrificans NG80-2 isolated from a deep-subsurface oil reservoir. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 2007, 104, 5602-5607.
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