2023-05-11 20:42
  • 寇蕾蕾
  • 寇蕾蕾 - 副教授-南京信息工程大学-大气物理学院-个人资料




教育经历: 2002.09—2006.07 北京信息科技大学信息与通信工程专业学习; 2006.09—2011.07 中国科学院电子学研究所信息与信息处理专业博士研究生;2014.02—2015.02 美国俄克拉荷马大学 访问学者。
工作经历: 2011.07—至今 南京信息工程大学大气物理学院大气探测系工作




1. 寇蕾蕾,王振会,楚志刚,等,基于小波域高斯尺度混合模型的天气雷达图像高分辨率插值. 气象学报,2019,77(1):142- 153.
2. Kou Leilei, Wang Zhenhui, Xu Fen. Three-dimensional fusion of satellite and ground radar reflectivity using a neural network-based approach. Advances in Atmosphere Sciences, 2018, 35:346-359.
3. 寇蕾蕾,李应超,楚志刚,等. C波段双偏振多普勒天气雷达资料分析及在定量估计降水中的应用研究. 热带气象学报, 2018, 34(4):460-471.
4. 寇蕾蕾,楚志刚,李南,王振会. TRMM星载测雨雷达和地基雷达反射率因子数据的三维融合. 气象学报,74(5):285- 297,2016.
5. Kou Leilei. Repeat-pass interferometric performance analysis for geosynchronous circular SAR. SPIE conference, September, 2014.
6. Kou Leilei, Wang Zhenhui, Chu Zhigang, etc., Three-dimensional Fusion of Reflectivities from Space and Ground-based Radar. SPIE conference, September, 2014.
7. Kou leilei, Wang Xiaoqing, Xiang Maosheng.Effects on Three-Dimensional Geosynchronous Circular SAR Imaging by Orbit Errors.J Indian Soc Remote Sens,42(1),pp.1-12, 2014.
8. Kou Leilei, Ionospheric effects on three-dimensional imaging of L-band geosynchronous circular synthetic aperture radar. IET Radar Sonar & Navigation, 8(8), pp.875-884, 2014.
9. 寇蕾蕾,向茂生. 大气折射率时间变化对地球同步轨道圆迹SAR聚焦性能的影响. 测绘学报,43(9),pp.917-923,2014.
10. Kou Leilei, Wang Xiaoqing, Xiang Maosheng, Zhu Minhui. High sidelobe effects on interferometric coherence for circular SAR imaging geometry. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics. 24(1),pp.76-83, 2013.
11. Kou Leilei, Xiang Maosheng, Zhu Minhui. Effect of temporal variation in tropospheric refractive index on GEOCSAR imaging. IET International Radar Conference, pp. 1-3, Xi’an, April, 2013.
12. Kou Leilei, Xiang Maosheng,Wang Xiaoqing. Tropospheric effects on L-band geosynchronous circular SAR imaging. IET Radar Sonar & Navigation, 7(6), pp.693-701, 2013.
13. Kou Leilei, Zhu Minhui, Wang Xiaoqing, Xiang Maosheng. Interferometric three-dimensional displacement measurement
14. Kou Leilei, Wang Xiaoqing, Xiang Maosheng, Zhu Minhui. Interferometric estimation of three-dimensional surface deformation using geosynchronous circular SAR. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronics System. 48(2), pp.1619-1634, 2012.

