B.E. & Ph.D., Hydrology and Water Resources, Hohai UniversityV.S., Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, University of Wyoming研究领域
Hydrologic Modeling, Soil Hydrodynamics, Climate Variability近期论文
Deng, P., Zhu, J., 2016. Analysis of effective Green-Ampt hydraulic parameters for vertically layered soils. Journal of Hydrology, 538, 705-712. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.04.059Deng, P., Zhu, J., Sun, S., Guo, Y., 2016. Assessing the impact of climate variability on runoff using a new linear runoff generation model. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 61(6), 1040-1053. doi: 10.1080/02626667.2015.1006229Deng, P., Zhu, J., 2015. Anisotropy of unsaturated layered soils: Impact of layer composition and domain size. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 79(2), 487-494. doi: 10.2136/sssaj2014.08.0309Deng, P., Li, Z., Liu, Z., 2008. Numerical algorithm of distributed TOPKAPI model and its application. Water Science and Engineering, 1(4), 14-21.Deng, P., Li, Z., Xie, F., 2008. Application of TOPMODEL in Buliu river basin and comparison with Xin’anjiang model. Water Science and Engineering, 1(2), 25-32.标签: 南京信息工程大学 水文与水资源工程学院
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