教育经历2006–2009:中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所,土壤学专业,博士学位;2003–2006:沈阳农业大学,农学院,作物栽培学与耕作学,硕士学位;1999–2003:黑龙江八一农垦大学,植物科技学院,农学专业,学士学位。工作经历2018–至今:南京信息工程大学,校聘教授;2016–2017:美国普渡大学,国家公派访问学者,合作导师:Timothy R. Filley教授;2012–2015:中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所,副研究员;2010–2011:中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所,助理研究员研究领域
Ding Xueli, Chen Shengyun, Zhang Bin, Liang Chao, He Hongbo, Horwath William R. 2019. Warming increases microbial residue contribution to soil organic carbon in an alpine meadow. Soil Biology & Biochemistry,135, 13-19Ding Xueli, Zhang Bin, Timothy R. Filley, Tian Chunjie, Zhang Xudong, He Hongbo. 2019. Changes of microbial residues after wetland cultivation and restoration. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 55, 405–409Ding Xueli, Zhang Bin, Lü Xinxin, Wang Jingkuan, William R. Horwath. 2017. Parent material and conifer biome influence microbial residue accumulation in forest soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 107, 1-9.Ding Xueli, Qiao Yunfa, Timothy Filley, Wang Haiying, Lü Xinxin, Zhang Bin, Wang Jingkuan. 2017. Long-term changes in land use impact the accumulation of microbial residues in the particle-size fractions of a Mollisol. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 53, 281-286.Ding Xueli, Liang Chao, Zhang Bin, Yuan Yaru, Han Xiaozeng. 2015. Higher rates of manure application lead to greater accumulation of both fungal and bacterial residues in macroaggregates of a clay soil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 84, 137-146. Ding, Xueli, Han, Xiaozeng, 2014, Effects of long-term fertilization on contents and distribution of microbial residues within aggregate structures of a clay soil, Biology and Fertility of Soils, 50, 549-554.Ding, Xueli, Yuan, Yaru, Liang, Yao, Li, Lujun, Han, Xiaozeng, 2014, Impact of long-term application of manure, crop residue, and mineral fertilizer on organic carbon pools and crop yields in a Mollisol, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 14, 854–859.Ding, Xueli, Han, Xiaozeng, Zhang, Xudong, 2013, Long-term impacts of manure, straw, and fertilizer on amino sugars in a silty clay loam soil under temperate conditions, Biology and Fertility of Soils, 49, 949-954.Ding, Xueli, Han, Xiaozeng, Zhang, Xudong, Qiao, Yunfa, 2013, Effects of contrasting agricultural management on microbial residues in a Mollisol in China, Soil & Tillage Research, 130, 13-17.Ding, Xueli, Han, Xiaozeng, Zhang, Xudong, Qiao, Yunfa, Liang, Yao, 2013, Continuous manuring combined with chemical fertilizer affects soil microbial residues in a Mollisol, Biology and Fertility of Soils, 49, 387-393.Ding, Xueli, Han, Xiaozeng, Liao, Yao, Qiao, Yunfa, Li, Lujin, Li, Na, 2012, Changes in soil organic carbon pools after 10 years of continuous manuring combined with chemical fertilizer in a Mollisol in China, Soil & Tillage Research, 122, 46-51.Ding, Xueli, He, Hongbo, Zhang, Bin, Zhang, Xudong, 2011, Plant-N incorporation into microbial amino sugars as affected by inorganic N addition: A microcosm study of 15N-labeled maize residue decomposition, Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 43, 1968-1974.Ding, Xueli, Zhang, Bin, Zhang, Xudong, Yang, Xueming, Zhang, Xiaoping, 2011, Effects of tillage and crop rotation on soil microbial residues in a rainfed agroecosystem of northeast China, Soil & Tillage Research, 114(1), 43-49.Ding, Xueli, Zhang, Xudong, He, Hongbo, Xie, Hongtu, 2010, Dynamics of soil amino sugar pools during decomposition processes of corn residues as affected by inorganic N addition, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 10(4), 758-766.Xinxin Jin, Tingting An, Aaron R. Gall, Shuangyi Li, Liangjie Sun, Jiubo Pei1, Xiaodan Gao, Xuan He, Shifeng Fu, Xueli Ding*, Jingkuan Wang*. 2018. Long-term plastic film mulching and fertilization treatments changed the annual distribution of residual maize straw C in soil aggregates under field conditions: characterization by 13C tracing. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 18, 169-178.Ming Li, Yang Wang, Fan Ding, Yingde Xu, Ping Zhu, Xueli Ding*, Jingkuan Wang*. 2018. Dynamics of maize straw residue 13C incorporation into aggregates of a Mollisol as affected by long-term fertilization. Journal of Soils and Sediments, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-018-2166-1Zhang Bin, He Hongbo, Ding Xueli, Zhang Xudong, Zhang Xiaoping, Yang Xueming, Filley Timothy R. 2012. Soil microbial community dynamics over a maize (Zea mays. L.) growing season under conventional- and no-tillage practices in a rainfed agroecosystem. Soil and Tillage Research, 124, 153-160.Li Lujun, Han Xiaozeng, You Mengyang, Yuan Yaru, Ding Xueli, Qiao Yunfa. 2013. Carbon and nitrogen mineralization patterns of two contrasting crop residues in a Mollisol: Effects of residue type and placement in soils. Eurpoean Journal of Soil Biology, 54, 1-6Li Lujun, You Mengyang, Hongai Shi, Ding Xueli, Qiao Yunfa, Han Xiaozeng. 2013. Soil CO2 emissions from a cultivated Mollisol: Effects of organic amendments, soil temperature, and moisture. European Journal of Soil Biology, 55,83-90 相关热点
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