2023-05-11 20:38
  • 钟伯坚
  • 钟伯坚 - 教授-南京师范大学-生命科学院-个人资料




2010年-2014年,新西兰梅西大学,博士(导师David Penny教授);助理讲师 (2014年2月-11月)
2007年-2010年,复旦大学,硕士(导师钟扬教授、Masami Hasegawa教授)




Nie Y, Foster C, Zhu T, Yao R, Duchêne D, Ho S, Zhong B*. (2019). Accounting for uncertainty in the evolutionary timescale of green plants through clock-partitioning and fossil calibration strategies. Systematic Biology. https://doi.org/10.1093/sysbio/syz032. (5-Yr IF=10.48)
Han X, Chang X, Zhang Z, Chen H, He H*, Zhong B*, Deng X*. (2019). Origin and evolution of core components responsible for monitoring light environment changes during plant terrestrialization. Molecular Plant. 12: 847-862. (5-Yr IF=10.68)
Zhang Z†, Qu C†, Yao R, Nie Y, Xu C, Miao J, Zhong B*. (2019). The parallel molecular adaptations to the Antarctic cold environment in two psychrophilic green algae. Genome Biology and Evolution. 11: 1897-1908. (5-Yr IF=4.02)
Fang L, Leliaert F, Novis P, Zhang Z, Zhu H, Liu G, Penny D, Zhong B*. (2018). Improving phylogenetic inference of core Chlorophyta using chloroplast sequences with strong phylogenetic signals and heterogeneous models. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 127: 248-255. (5-Yr IF=4.38)
Zhang Z, An M, Miao J, Gu Z, Liu C, Zhong B*. (2018). The Antarctic sea ice alga Chlamydomonas sp. ICE-L provides insights into adaptive patterns of chloroplast evolution. BMC Plant Biology. 18: 53. (5-Yr IF=4.31)
Zhong B†*, Betancur-R R†*. (2017). Expanded taxonomic sampling coupled with gene genealogy interrogation provides unambiguous resolution for the evolutionary root of angiosperms. Genome Biology and Evolution. 9: 3154-3161. (5-Yr IF=4.02)
Zhong B*, Xi Z, Goremykin V, Fong R, McLenachan T, Novis P, Davis C, Penny D. (2014). Streptophyte algae and the origin of land plants revisited using heterogeneous models with three new algal chloroplast genomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 31: 177-183. (5-Yr IF=13.94)
Zhong B†*, Liu L†, Yan Z, Penny D. (2013). Origin of land plants using the multispecies coalescent model. Trends in Plant Science. 18: 492-495. (5-Yr IF=14.02) (ESI高被引论文)
Zhong B*, Yonezawa T, Zhong Y, Hasegawa M*. (2010). The position of Gnetales among seed plants: Overcoming pitfalls of chloroplast phylogenomics. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 27: 2855-2863. (5-Yr IF=13.94)

Fang L, Leliaert F, Zhang Z, Penny D, Zhong B*. (2017). Evolution of the Chlorophyta: Insights from chloroplast phylogenomic analyses. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 55: 322-332.
Sun L, Fang L, Zhang Z, Penny D, Zhong B*. (2016). Chloroplast phylogenomic inference of green algae relationships. Scientific Reports. 6: 20528.
Finet C*, Floyd S, Conway S, Zhong B, Scutt C, Bowman J. (2016) Evolution of the YABBY gene family in seed plants. Evolution & Development. 18: 116-126.
Edwards S *, Xi Z, Janke A, Faircloth B, McCormack J, Glenn T, Zhong B, Wu S, Lemmon E, Lemmon A, Leaché A, Liu L, Davis C. (2016). Implementing and testing the multispecies coalescent model: A valuable paradigm for phylogenomics. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 94: 447-462.(ESI高被引论文)
Zhong B*, Sun L, Penny D. (2015). The origin of land plants: a phylogenomic perspective. Evolutionary Bioinformatics. 11: 137-141.
Penny D*, Zhong B. (2015). Two fundamental questions about protein evolution. Biochimie. 119: 278-283.
Zhong B*, Liu L*, Penny D. (2014). The multispecies coalescent model and land plant origins: a reply to Springer and Gatesy. Trends in Plant Science. 19: 270-272.
Zhong B*, Fong R, Collins L, McLenachan T, Penny D. (2014). Two new fern chloroplasts and decelerated evolution linked to the long generation time in tree ferns. Genome Biology and Evolution. 6: 1166-1173.
Goremykin V *, Nikiforova S, Biggs P, Zhong B, DeLange P, Martin W, Woetzel S, Atherton R, McLenachan T, Lockhart P. (2013). The evolutionary root of flowering plants. Systematic Biology. 62: 51-62.
White W†, Zhong B†, Penny D*. (2013). Beyond reasonable doubt: evolution from DNA sequences. PLoS ONE. 8: e69924.
Zhong B*, Deusch O, Goremykin V, Penny D, Biggs P, Atherton R, Nikiforova S, Lockhart P. (2011). Systematic error in seed plant phylogenomics. Genome Biology and Evolution. 3:1340-1348.
Zhong B, Yonezawa T, Zhong Y, Hasegawa M*. (2009). Episodic evolution and adaptation of chloroplast genomes in ancestral grasses. PLoS ONE. 4: e5297.
Hasegawa M*, Zhong B, Zhong Y. (2009). Adaptive evolution of chloroplast genomes in ancestral grasses. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 4: 623-624.

