2023-05-11 20:32
  • 杨州
  • 杨州 - 副教授-南京师范大学-生命科学院-个人资料








1. Yang Z*, Zhang L, Zhu XX, Wang J, Montagnes DJS*. 2016. An evidence-based framework for predicting theimpact of differing autotroph-heterotroph thermalsensitivities on consumer–prey dynamics. ISME Journal 10: 1767–1778.
2. Yang Z*, Lowe CD, Crowther W, Fenton A, Watts PC,Montagnes DJS*. 2013. Strain-specific functional and numerical responses are required to evaluate impacts on predator–prey dynamics. ISME Journal 7: 405-416.
3. Zhang L, Lyu K, Wang N, Gu L, Sun YF, Zhu XX, Wang J, Huang Y, Yang Z*. 2018. Transcriptomic analysis reveals the pathways associated with resisting and degrading microcystin in Ochromonas. Environmental Science & Technology52:11102–11113.
4. Lyu K, Meng QG, Zhu XX, Dai DX, Zhang L, Huang Y, Yang Z*. 2016. Changes in iTRAQ-based proteomic profiling of the cladoceranDaphnia magna exposed to microcystin-producing (MP) and microcystin-free (MF) Microcystisaeruginosa. Environmental Science & Technology50:4798–4807.
5. Lyu K, Zhu XX, Wang QQ, ChenYF, Yang Z*. 2013.Copper/zinc-superoxide dismutase from the CladoceranDaphnia magna: Molecular cloning and expression in response to different acute environmental stressors. Environmental Science & Technology 47: 8887-8893.
6. Lyu K, Gu L, Wang H, Zhu XX, Zhang L, Sun YF, Huang Y, Yang Z*. 2019. Transcriptomic analysis dissects the mechanistic insight into the Daphnia clonal variation in tolerance to toxic Microcystis. Limnology and Oceanography64:DOI:10.1002/lno.11038
7.Huang Y, Cui GL, Li BP, Zhu XX, Yang Z*. 2018. Elevated atmospheric CO2 enhances grazer-induced morphological defense in the freshwater green alga Scenedesmusobliquus. Limnology and Oceanography63:1004-1014.
8. Huang Y, Nan HH, Zhu XX, Li BP, Zhang Z, Yang Z*. 2016. Waterborne copper impairs grazer-induced colony formation and photosynthetic efficiency in Scenedesmusobliquus. Limnology and Oceanography61: 625-634.
9. Wang J, Tang HX, Zhang XX, Xue XF, Zhu XX, Chen YF*, Yang Z*. 2018. Mitigation of nitrite toxicity by increased salinity is associated with multiple physiological responses: A case study using an economically important modelspecies, the juvenile obscure puffer (Takifuguobscurus). Environmental Pollution 232: 137-145.
10. Lyu K, Zhang L, GuL, Zhu XX, Wilson AE, Yang Z*. 2017. Cladoceran offspring tolerance to toxicMicrocystis is promoted by maternal warming. Environmental Pollution 227: 451–459.
11. Zhang L, Gu L, HouXY, Kong QD, Chen K, Zhu XX, Huang Y, Chen YF, Yang Z*. 2018. Chlorophytes prolong mixotrophicOchromonas eliminating Microcystis: temperature-dependent effect. Science of the Total Environment 639C: 705-713.
12. Sun YF, Wang YY, Lei J, Qian CC, Zhu XX, Akbar S,Huang Y, Yang Z*. 2018. Temperature-dependent elimination efficiency on Phaeocystisglobosa by different initial population sizes of rotifer Brachionusplicatilis. Chemosphere203: 474-481.
13. Zhu XX, Sun YF, Zhang XX, Heng HL, Nan HH, Zhang L, Huang Y*, Yang Z*. 2016. Herbicides interfere with antigrazer defenses in Scenedesmusobliquus. Chemosphere162: 243-251.
14. Lyu K, Zhang L, Zhu XX, Cui GL, Wilson AE, Yang Z*. 2015. Arginine kinase in the cladoceranDaphnia magna: cDNA sequencing and expression is associated with resistance to toxic Microcystis. Aquatic Toxicology 160: 13-21.
15. Lyu K, Zhu XX, Chen R, ChenYF, Yang Z*. 2014.Molecular cloning of manganese superoxide dismutase gene in thecladoceranDaphnia magna: Effects of microcystin, nitrite, andcadmium on gene expression profile. Aquatic Toxicology 148: 55– 64.
16. Lyu K, Guan HY, Wu CC, Wang XY, Wilson AE, Yang Z*. 2016. Maternal consumption of non-toxicMicrocystis by Daphniamagna induces tolerance to toxic Microcystis in offspring. Freshwater Biology61: 219–228.
17. Lyu K, Wang QQ, Yang Z*, Montagnes DJS*. 2016. Cumulative effects matter: multi-brood responses ofDaphnia to hypoxia. Freshwater Biology61:1685–1693.
18. Sun HJ, LüK, Minter EJA, Chen YF, Yang Z*, Montagnes DJS. 2012. Combined effects of ammonia and microcystin on survival, growth, antioxidant responses, and lipid peroxidation of bighead carp Hypophthalmythysnobilis larvae. Journal of Hazardous Materials221/222: 213-219.
19. Yang Z*, Xiang FH,Minter EJA, LüK, Chen YF, Montagnes DJS. 2011. The interactive effects of microcystin and nitrite on life-history parameters of the cladoceranDaphnia obtusa. Journal of Hazardous Materials190:113–118.
20. Yang Z*, Liu Y, Ge J, Wang W, Chen YF, Montagnes DJS. 2010. Aggregate formation and polysaccharide content of Chlorella pyrenoidosa Chick (Chlorophyta) in response to simulated nutrient stress. Bioresource Technology 101: 8336–8341.

