2023-05-11 20:30
  • 绪广林
  • 绪广林 - 副教授-南京师范大学-生命科学院-个人资料




绪广林,男,汉族,副教授。1995年在中国药科大学获中药制剂专业学士学位, 1998年在中国药科大学获药理学硕士学位,2002年在中国药科大学获药理学博士学位。1998年7月至1999年8月于香港联邦制药厂有限公司新药研发部工作。2003年3月至2005年4月于南京师范大学生命科学院博士后流动站进行博士后研究工作。2005年6月晋升为南京师范大学副教授并留校任教。2013.3至2014.3于美国密歇根大学进行访学研究。先后参与或主持国家重大科技专项“新药创制”两项、国家自然科学基金项目、江苏省自然科学基金项目、动物学国家重点学科培育点“创新基金”项目等多项课题,承担企事业单位委托项目多项。已发表学术论文50余篇,其中SCI收录近20篇(其中一区1篇,二区6篇),总影响因子达40余分,并申请发明专利6项。近年来,个人及课题组多次获奖,主要有:中法药理联合会颁发的“中法斯维雅(Servier)青年药理学工作者奖”“南京市第七届自然科学优秀学术论文奖”“优秀中青年骨干教师”“优秀博士后”等。


基础研究方向为:1 G蛋白及GPCR(G蛋白耦联受体)对炎症信号转导网络的调控 2 RGS(G蛋白信号调节蛋白)对GPCR的调控作用及对免疫应激反应和肿瘤发生的影响 3 YAP(Yes相关蛋白)对炎症及肿瘤信号通路的调节作用 4 YAP与肿瘤耐药性的关系 5 RGS、GPCR、YAP对气体信号分子信号通路的干预作用


1 Jing Cheng, Yifang Du, Lin Huan, Lili Pan, Wei Li, Zhunan Gong, Shaohua Wei, Shiqian Huang, Yi Zhang, Wei Xun, Leilei Chang, Mengyu Xie, Guizhen Ao, Jie Cai, Ting Qiu, Hao Wu, Ting Sun, Guanglin Xu. Growth inhibitory effect of KYKZL-1 on Hep G2 cells via inhibition of AA metabolites and caspase-3 pathway and cell cycle arrest. Toxicology and applied pharmacology, 2014,274(1):96-106. (通讯作者,SCI,二区,5-year average IF 4.117).
2 Xu GL, Du YF, Cheng J, Huan L, Chen SC, Wei SH, Gong ZN, Cai J, Qiu T, Wu H, Sun T, Ao GZ. Inhibition of inflammatory mediators contributes to the anti-inflammato ry activity of KYKZL-1 via MAPK and NF-κB pathway. Toxicology and applied pharmacology, 2013, 272(1) :221-9. (SCI,二区,5-year average IF 4.117)
3 Guanglin Xu, Guang Li, Huaping Ma, Hai Zhong, Fei Liu and Guizhen Ao.Preventive Effect of Crocin in Inflamed Animals and in LPS-Challenged RAW 264.7 Cells.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2009, 57:8325–8330. (SCI,一区)
4 Guanglin Xu, Fei Liu, Guizhen Ao, Shuying He, Min Ju, Yue Zhao, Ting Xue. Anti-inflammatory effects and gastrointestinal safety of NNU-hdpa, a novel dual COX/5-LOX inhibitor. European Journal of Pharmacology, 2009,611:100-106. (SCI)
5 Guanglin Xu, Fei Liu, Yue Zhao, Guizhen Ao, Liang Xi, Min Ju, Ting Xue. Biological Evaluation of 2-(4-Amino-Phenyl) -3-(3,5- Dihydroxyl phenyl) Propenoic Acid. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 2009,105(5):350-6. (SCI).
6 Guanglin Xu, Zhunan Gong, Weiping Yu, Lei Gao, Shuying He, and Zhiyu Qian. Increased Expression Ratio of bcl-2/bax Is Asssociated with Crocin-mediated Apoptosis in Bovine Aortic Endothelial Cells. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 2007,100,(1):31-35. (SCI)
7 Guanglin Xu, Lin Yao, Z.hunan Gong, Shuangquan Zhang, Shuqin Yu. Attenuation of acute lung injury in mice by oxymatrine is associated with inhibition of phosphorylated p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2005, 98(1-2):177-183. (SCI)
8 Guanglin Xu, Zhiyu Qian, Shuqin Yu,Zhunan Gong, Xiangchun Shen. Evidence of crocin against endothelial injury induced by hydrogen peroxide in vitro. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research,2006, 8(1-2):79-85. (SCI).
9 Yan T, Li Q, Zhou H, Zhao Y, Yu S, Xu G, Yin Z, Li Z, Zhao Z. Gu-4 suppresses affinity and avidity modulation of CD11b and improves the outcome of mice with endotoxemia and sepsis. PLoS One,2012,7(2): e30110. ((SCI, 二区, IF 4.4))
10 Li C, Zhang H, Wu P, Gong Z, Xu G, Cai C.Electrochemical detection of extracellular hydrogen peroxide released from RAW 264.7 murine macrophage cells based on horseradish peroxidase-hydroxyapatite nanohybrids. Analyst,2011, 136(6):1116-23. (SCI, 二区, IF 4.23)
11 Li L, Rui X, Liu T, Xu G, He S. Effect of heparin-derived oligosaccharide on vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and the signal transduction mechanisms involved. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther, 2012, 26(6): 479-88. (SCI, IF 3.1)
12 Li L, Li W, Ren Z, He S, Xu G, Yang L. Effect of heparin-derived oligosaccharide on vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation. Vasc Endovascular Sur, 2012, 46(5): 393-400. (SCI)
13 Liang Xi, Zhiyu Qian, Guanglin Xu, Shuguo Zheng, Sai Sun, Na Wen, Liang Sheng, Yun Shi, Yabing Zhang. Beneficial impact of crocetin, a carotenoid from saffron, on insulin sensitivity in fructose-fed rats. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 2007,18:64-72. (SCI, 二区, IF 3.5).
14 Zhiyu Qian, Liang Xi, Guanglin Xu, Chenghua Zhou, and Sai Sun. Crocetin attenuates palmitate-induced insulin insensitivity and disordered tumor necrosis factor-a and adiponectin expression in rat adipocytes. British Journal of Pharmacology, 2007,151(5):610-617. (SCI, 二区, IF 3.8).
15 Shuying He, Zhiyu Qian, Futian Tang, Na Wen, Guanglin Xu, Liang Sheng. Effect of crocin on experimental atherosclerosis in quails and its mechanisms. Life Sciences, 2005,77(8):907-921. (SCI).
16 Shuying He, Zhiyu Qian, Na Wen, Futian Tang, Guanglin Xu. Influence of Crocetin on experimental atherosclerosis in hyperlipidamic-diet quails. European Journal of Pharmacology. 2007,554,191-195. ( SCI).
17 Guanglin Xu, Zhunan Gong. The 3rd International Conference on Natural Products Development. 《Natural Products- Essential Resource for Human Survival》: Protective effect of crocin on rat heart ischemia-reperfusion injury and possible mechanisms. World Scientific (www.worldscientific.com) 2007,February.(世界科学出版社,新加坡).

