2023-05-11 20:29
  • 徐晴
  • 徐晴 - 副教授-南京师范大学-食品与制药工程学院-个人资料




2007.6 本科毕业于南京工业大学生物工程专业,2010.6 硕士毕业于南京工业大学生物化工专业,2016.12 博士毕业于天津大学生物化工专业。2010.12-2018.12先后在南京工业大学生物与制药工程学院及药学院工作,2019.3-至今在南京师范大学食品与制药工程学院工作




(1) Xu Q, Li S, Wen JP, Huang H. Key technologies for industrial production of fumaric acid. Biotechnology Advances. 2012, 30(6): 1685-96.
(2) Xu Q, Li S, Tai C, Huang H. Two-stage utilization of corn straw by Rhizopus oryzae for fumaric acid production. Bioresour Technol. 2010,101(15):6262-4.
(3) Xu Q, Li S, Jiang L, Huang H, Jianping Wen. Transcriptome analysis of Rhizopus oryzae in response to xylose during fumaric acid production.[J]. Bioprocess & Biosystems Engineering, 2016, 39(8):1267-1280.
(4) Xu Q, Wang ZJ, Jianping Wen. Preparation and Properties of Cassava Starch-based Wood Adhesives[J]. Bioresources, 2016, 11(3).
(5) Xu Q, He SL, Jiang L, Li S, Wen JP, Guan Rf, Huang H. Extractive fermentation for fumaric acid production by Rhizopus oryzae. Separation Science and Technology, 2017, 52(9):1512-1520.
(6) Xu Q, Fu YQ, Li S, Jiang L, Guan RF, Huang H. Integrated transcriptomic and metabolomic analysis of Rhizopus oryzae with different morphologies[J]. Process Biochemistry, 2017, 64.
(7) Shi C†, Xu Q†, Ge Y, Jiang L, Huang H. A luciferase-zinc finger system for the rapid detection of pathogenic bacteria. Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry, 2017, 65(31):6674.
(8)Xu Q, Si M, Zhang ZM, Li ZZ, Jiang L, Huang H. Rational side-chain substitution in firefly luciferase for improved thermostability[J]. Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology, 2018, 54 (6): 584-590.
(9)Xu Q, Ming DM, Shi Chu, Lu Dan, Tang SS, Jiang L, Huang H. Catcher/Tag cyclization introduces electrostatic interaction mediated protein-protein interactions to enhance the thermostability of luciferase[J]. Process Biochemistry, 2019, 80:64-71.
(10)Wang ZJ, Zhu H, Huang JN, Ge Z, Guo J, Feng XY, Xu Q*. Improvement of the bonding properties of cassava starch-based wood adhesives by using different types of acrylic ester. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 126: 603-611.

