2023-05-11 20:28
  • 王文
  • 王文 - 副教授-南京师范大学-生命科学院-个人资料




女,1957年4月出生,新疆石河子市人。研究生学历,博士学位,教授、博士生导师。江苏省水生甲壳动物病害重点实验室主任。1980年南京师范学院生物系毕业留校工作至今。1989年获南京师范大学生物系理学学士学位,2006获南京大学生命科学学院理学博士学位。1995年任细胞生物学专业硕士生导师,1998年任水产养殖专业硕士生导师,2004年6月任动物学博士生导师,2006年任水生生物学博士生导师2007.12-2008.12 美国哥伦比亚大学微生物学系高级访问学者一年。




Amaro F, Wang W, Gilbert JA, Roger Anderson O, Shuman HA. Diverse protist grazers select for virulence-related traits in Legionella. ISME J. 2015 1-12. (IF=9.267).
Xiu Y, Wu T, Meng X, Meng Q*, Wang W*. Identification and isolation of a spiroplasma pathogen from diseased oriental river prawn, Macrobrachium nipponense, in China: A new freshwater crustacean host. Aquaculture. 2015, 437: 270-274.
Huang Y1, Ma F1, Wang W*, Ren Q*. Identification and molecular characterization of a peritrophin-like gene, involved in the antibacterial response in Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis. Dev Comp Immunol. 2015, 50:129-138.
Huang X, Huang Y, Shi Y, Ren Q*, Wang W* Function of a novel C-type lectin with two CRD domains from Macrobrachium rosenbergii in innate immunity. Dev Comp Immunol. 2014, 46 (2):255-266.
Huang Y, Chen H, Wang Z, Wang W*, Ren, Q* Novel myeloid differentiation factor 88, EsMyD88, exhibits EsTube-binding activity in Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis Dev Comp Immunol. 2014, 47:298-308.
Huang Y, Huang X, Hou L, An L, Hui K, Ren Q*, Wang W* Molecular cloning and characterization of three novel Hemocyanins from Chinese mitten crab,Eriocheir sinensis Aquaculture 2014, 434: 385-396.
Huang Y, An L, Hui K, Ren Q*, Wang W* An LDLa domain-containing C-type lectin is involved in the innate immunity of Eriocheir sinensis Dev Comp Immunol 42: 333-344, 2014.
Huang Y, Huang X, Wang Z, Tan J, Hui K, Wang W*, Ren Q* Function of two novel single-CRD containing C-type lectins in innate immunity from Eriocheir sinensis Fish Shellfish Immunol 37 :313-321, 2014.
Huang Y, Tan J, Wang Z, Yin S, Huang X, Wang W*, Ren Q* Cloning and characterization of two different L-type lectin genes from the Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis Dev Comp Immunol 46: 255-266, 2014. (SCI)
吴霆,丁正峰,朱春艳,薛中仪,顾伟,孟庆国,王文*,异育银鲫鳃出血病流行病学调查和研究,水产科学, 33(5):283-287, 2014.
吴霆,丁正峰,朱春艳,薛中仪,顾伟,孟庆国,王文*,江苏省宝应县异育银鲫鳃疱疹病毒病流行病学调查和研究,科学养鱼,7: 52-53, 2014.
Meng Q, Hou L, Zhao Y, Huang X, Huang Y, Xia S, Gu Wei, Wang W*. iTRAQ-based proteomic study of the effects of Spiroplasma eriocheiris on Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis hemocytes Fish Shellfish Immunol, 40:182-189, 2014.
Gu W, Chen J, Hou L, Huang Y, Xia S, Meng Q, Wang W*. The Superoxide Dismutase from Red Claw Crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus Molecular Cloning and Characterization Analysis. See comment in PubMed Commons belowZoolog Sci. 31(11):725-734. 2014.
Gu W, Yao W, Zhao Y, Pei S, Jiang C, Meng Q, Wang W*. Establishment of spiroplasma-infected hemocytes as an in vitro laboratory culture model of Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis Vet Microbiol. 171(1-2):215-220, 2014.
Xiu Y, Feng J, Lu W, Liu D, Wu T, Zhu H, Liu P, Li W, Ren Q, Gu W, Meng Q, Wang W*. Identification of a novel cognate cytosolic Hsp70 gene (MnHsc70-2) from oriental river prawn Macrobrachium nipponense and comparison of its expressions with the first cognate Hsc70 (MnHsc70-1) under different stresses. Cell Stress Chaperones. 19(6): 949-961,2014
Xiu Y, Wu T, Liu P, Huang Y, Ren Q, Gu W, Meng Q, Wang W* Molecular cloning and characterization of the lipopolysaccharide and b-1,3-glucan binding protein from oriental river prawn, Macrobrachium nipponense, Mol Biol Rep 41:3935–3944, 2014.
Ding Z, Tang J, Xue H, Li J, Ren Q, Gu W, Meng Q*, Wang W*. Quantitative detection and proliferation dynamics of a novel Spiroplasma eriocheiris pathogen in the freshwater crayfish, Procambarus clarkii. J Invertebr Pathol, 115:51-54, 2014.
Wu T, Ding Z, Ren M, An L, Xiao Z, Liu P, Gu W, Meng Q*, Wang W*. The histo- and ultra-pathological studies on a fatal disease of Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio) in mainland China associated with cyprinid herpesvirus 2 (CyHV-2). Aquaculture 412-413: 8-13, 2013.
Huang Y, Li YR, An L, Hui KM, Ren Q*, Wang W*. Cloning and characterization of a clip domain serine protease and its homolog (masquerade) from Eriocheir sinensis. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 35(4):1155-1162. 2013.
Zhu H, Du J, Hui K, Liu P, Chen J, Xiu Y, Yao W, Wu T, Ren Q, Meng Q, Gu W, Wang W*. Diversity of lectins in Macrobrachium rosenbergii and their expression patterns under spiroplasma MR-1008 stimulation. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2013. 35(2): 300-309, 2013.

