1. Zhengyi Li. Optimal utilization of ports’ free-of-charge times in one distribution center and multiple ports inventory systems. Complexity, 2019, 2019(1): 1-12. (SCI)2. Zhengyi Li, Jiangtao Hai. Inventory management for one warehouse multi-retailer systems with carbon emission costs. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2019, 130: 565-574. (SCI)3. Zhengyi Li, Jiangtao Hai. A capacitated location-inventory model with demand selection. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2019, 2019(1): 1-11. (SCI)4. 韩⽂民,朱弢,李正义,翁红兵,蒋家尚. 订单陆续到达下虚拟单元重调度驱动决策. 中国管理科学,2017,25(12):126-137. (CSSCI)5. Taofeng Ye, Hao Sun, Zhengyi Li. Coordination of pricing and leadtime quotation under leadtime uncertainty. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2016, 102: 147-159. (SCI)6. 李正义,仲伟俊. 随机需求收益最⼤化分销⽹络设计问题. 运筹与管理,2014, 23(6):102-107. (CSSCI扩展)7. 李正义,仲伟俊. 具有免堆储存期的两级串联系统补货策略研究. 软科学,2014,28(7): 40-43. (CSSCI)8. Jia Shu, Zhengyi Li, Liya Huang. Demand selection decisions for a multi-echelon inventory distribution system. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2013, 64(9): 1307-1313. (SSCI)9. Jia Shu, Zhengyi Li, Weijun Zhong. A production-transportation problem with piecewise linear cost structures. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 2012, 23(1): 67-79. (SSCI)10. Jia Shu, Zhengyi Li, Houcai Shen, Ting Wu, Weijun Zhong. A logistics network design model with vendor managed inventory. International Journal of Production Economics, 2011, 135(2): 754-761.(SCI)11. Jia Shu, Zhengyi Li, Weijun Zhong. A market selection and inventory ordering problem under demand uncertainty. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2011, 7(2): 425-434. (SCI)12. Zhengyi Li. Inventory management for one warehouse multi-port systems with free storage periods. 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Control and Automation, 2017: 96-100.(EI)13.李正义,韩文民.工业工程人才培养模式探析.价值工程,2017,36(1):230-232.14.Zhengyi Li, Jia Shu, and Weijun Zhong. A Profit-Maximizing Supply Network Design Model with Vendor Managed Inventory[C]. 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, Tian Jin, 2011: 249-254. (EI) 相关热点
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