刘云飞,男,南京林业大学信息科学技术学院教授、博士、博士生导师。现任南京林业大学信息科学技术学院党委书记、测试与控制技术研究所所长,曾任南京林业大学信息科学技术学院副院长、院长等职。专利1.森林环境因子远程监测系统,发明专利,ZL 201410027793.62.一种基于物联网的环境监测分站及设计方法,发明专利,ZL 201110216309.0 3.基于MSP430单片机的手持式林业环境检测仪,实用新型专利,ZL 201220297157.14.人工林物联网可视化系统软件V1.0,计算机软件著作权,2013SR134461科研课题与项目1、植物线虫太赫兹特征光谱及其无标记基因识别研究(国家自然科学基金,主持,2012-)2、基于太赫兹光谱的松材线虫病诊断技术研究(国家自然科学基金,主持,2008-)3、纤维植物细胞壁结构的结晶学分析(国家自然科学基金,主持,2003-)4、基于WSN的中山陵风景区生态环境智能监测研究(江苏省第七批“六大人才高峰”项目,主持,2008-)5、智能环境监测示范,江苏智能环保物联网示范工程子课题(江苏省经济和信息化委员会,主持,2011-)6、竹材细胞壁构造的理论分析(江苏省高校自然科学基金,主持,2002-)7、刨花干燥管道内自动探火装置的研制(林业部“八五”攻关项目子课题,主持,1998-)8、林业物联网研发及其信息类专业教学平台建设(中地共建项目,主持,2013-)获奖情况1、江苏省“六大人才高峰”人才,江苏省政府,2010年。研究领域
1.Fang Wang, Dongbo Zhao, Hao Dong, Ling Jiang, Lin Huang, Yunfei Liu* , Shuhua Li,THz spectra and corresponding vibrational modes of DNA base pair cocrystals and polynucleotides, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular, Spectroscopy, Available online 15 April 2018,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.saa.2018.04.024(SCI 2区)2.Fang Wang, Dongbo Zhao, Hao Dong, Ling Jiang, Yunfei Liu*, Shuhua Li*, Terahertz spectra of DNA nucleobase crystals: A joint experimental and computational study, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular, Spectroscopy, Vol. 179, pp.255–260,2017(SCI 2区)3.Fang Wang, Dongbo Zhao, Ling Jiang, Li Xu, Haijun Sun, Yunfei Liu*,A comparative study on the experimental and calculated results of mid-infrared and Raman vibrational modes of nucleic acid bases, Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, Vol.74, pp. 305–314, 2017(SCI 4区)4.Haifeng Lin, Xiaoyu Liu, Xinyue Wang, and Yunfei Liu*, A fuzzy inference and big data analysis algorithm for the prediction of forest fire based on rechargeable wireless sensor networks, Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, Available online 20 May 2017(SCI 4区)5.Feng Xu, Xiping Wang*, Marko Teder, Yunfei Liu*, Acoustic Impact Testing and Waveform Analysis for Damage Detection in Glued Laminated Timber, Holzforschung-International Journal of the Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Technology of Wood, Available online June 2017(SCI 3区)6.王芳, 赵东波, 蒋玲, 徐莉, 孙海军, 刘云飞*, RNA碱基的太赫兹光谱和拉曼光谱特征研究, 光谱学与光谱分析, Vol.36, No.12, pp.3863-3869, 2016(SCI 4区)7.Jiang L, Li M, Li C, Sun Hai-jun, Xu L, Liu YF*, Terahertz spectra of biotin and pyridoxine, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, Vol.35, No.10, pp.2946-2951(SCI 4区), 20158.Ling Jiang, Miao Li, Chun Li, Haijun Sun, Li Xu, Biaobin Jin, Yunfei Liu*, Terahertz Spectra of L-Ascorbic Acid and Thiamine Hydrochloride Studied by Terahertz Spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Vol.35, Iss.10, pp 871–880, 2014(SCI 3区), 20149.Vakhtang Jandieri, Peiwen Meng, Kiyotoshi Yasumoto, and Yunfei Liu, Scattering of light by gratings of metal-coated circular nanocylinders on a dielectric substrate, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol. 32, Issue 7, pp. 1384-138, 201510.Peiwen Meng, Kiyotoshi Yasumoto, Yunfei Liu, Surface plasmon resonant scattering in metal-coated dielectric nanocylinders, Optics Communications, Vol. 32, No.4, pp. 18–24, 201411.Gao Demin, Liu, Yunfei, Zhang, Fuquan, Song, Jun, Data Aggregation Routing for Rechargeable Wireless Sensor Networks in Forest Monitoring, WIRELESS PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS Vol.79, No.1, pp. 773-788, 201412.Yasumoto, K., Jandieri, V., Yunfei Liu, Coupled-mode formulation of two-parallel photonic-crystal waveguides, Journal of the Optical Society of the American A, Vol. 30, Issue 1, pp. 96-101 ,201313.Amit Kumar, Jyotsna Sengupta, Yun-fei Liu, 3GPP LTE: The Future of Mobile Broadband, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 62, Issue 3, pp. 671-686, 201214.Yunfei Liu, Zhe Yuan, Hongwei Lu, Ling Jiang, Feng Xu, Online Test and Automatic Recognition of Acoustic Emission Signals from Flaw or Damage in Wood-Plastic Composites, International Journal of Computer Science and Technology, v 2, n 1, p 10-14, March 201115.Yunfei Liu, Ling Jiang, Jiajin Tan, Zhenwei Zhang, Cunlin Zhang, Application of Terahertz Spectroscopic Technology in Identification of Pine Wood Nematode Disease, Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference 2010 .pp. 159-16216.Liu YunFei, Shen XiaoFang, Shi Shengcai, Yu Shenglin, “Study of the power distribution of submillimeter Gaussian beams from a wire grid”, International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology, vol.1, no.2, 200617.YunFei Liu, ShengCai Shi, and ShengLin Yu, “Effects of evanescent space-harmonics on the transmission characteristics of a Gaussian beam by cylindrical wire grids,” Int. J. of IR & MM Waves, vol.24, no.12, pp.2069-2077, 200318.YunFei Liu, ShengCai Shi, and ShengLin Yu, “Transmission characteristics of a Gaussian electromagnetic beam by a cylindrical wire grid,” Int. J. of IR & MM Waves, vol.23, no.12, pp. 1727-1742, 2002兼任中国林学会林业计算机应用分会副主任,江苏省农业自动化分会副主任,全国高等院校计算机基础育研究会农林类专业委员会委员。1、International Journal of Computer Science and Technology 编委2、南京林业大学(自然科学版)编委 相关热点
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