2023-05-11 16:04
  • 董文杰
  • 董文杰 - 讲师-南京航空航天大学-经济与管理学院-个人资料




董文杰,男,河南叶县人。现为南京航空航天大学经济与管理学院管理科学与工程系助理教授,硕士生导师,机械工程一级学科博士后流动站研究人员,灰色系统研究所核心成员,首届“百强创新团队”骨干成员。2021年6月毕业于南京航空航天大学管理科学与工程专业,获管理学博士学位(硕博连读)。于2018年12月至2019年2月在韩国汉阳大学(Hanyang University)工业工程系访问交流3个月,2019年8月至2020年8月在新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore)工业系统工程与管理系联合培养12个月。
主要研究方向为工业工程,可靠性建模,维修决策,备件管理等,曾主持完成南京航空航天大学研究生创新基金项目一项和江苏省研究生科研与实践创新项目一项,参与国家科技重大专项-大型飞机,国家自然科学基金面上项目,国家社会科学基金重点项目,江苏省自然科学基金青年项目等多项科研课题的研究,研究成果发表于Reliability Engineering & System Safety,IEEE Transactions on Reliability,Computers & Industrial Engineering,ISA Transactions,Journal of Risk and Reliability,Quality and Reliability Engineering International,Grey Systems: Theory and Application,系统工程理论与实践等领域内知名期刊上。曾获2021年中国产学研合作创新成果优秀奖,2018GSUA&GSSC会议优秀论文奖,第19届中国管理科学学术年会优秀论文奖,入围2021年清华大学质量与可靠性研究院年会暨第十届质量科学与可靠性技术国际研讨会理论类最佳论文奖等。
2016.9 -- 2021.6南京航空航天大学 管理科学与工程 博士研究生毕业
2019.8 -- 2020.8新加坡国立大学 工业系统工程与管理系 联合培养博士研究生
2010.9 -- 2014.7山东建筑大学 工业工程 大学本科毕业
2021.9 -- 至今南京航空航天大学 经济与管理学院
2014.7 -- 2015.7浙江吉利汽车有限公司杭州湾分公司

工程经济与项目管理 /2021-2022 /春学期 /0.0学分 /09102570.09
高级质量管理与实践 /2021-2022 /春学期 /0.0学分 /0910361Q.01
灰色系统理论及应用 /2021-2022 /秋学期 /32课时 /0.0学分 /09102400




[1] Wenjie Dong,Sifeng Liu,Yingsai Cao等.Scheduling optimal replacement policies for a stochastically deteriorating system subject to two types of shocks.ISA Transactions,2021
[2] Wenjie Dong,Sifeng Liu,Zhigeng Fang等.Reliability Evaluation of Uncertain Multi-State Systems based on Weighted Universal Generating Function.International Journal of Performability Engineering,2019
[3] Wenjie Dong,Sifeng Liu,Liangyan Tao等.Reliability variation of multi-state components with inertial effect of deteriorating output performances.Reliability Engineering & System Safety,2019
[4] Wenjie Dong,Sifeng Liu,Yangyang Du.Optimal periodic maintenance policies for a parallel redundant system with component dependencies.Computers & Industrial Engineering,2019
[5] Wenjie Dong,Sifeng Liu,Yingsai Cao等.Reliability modeling and optimal random preventive maintenance policy for parallel systems with damage self-healing.Computers & Industrial Engineering,2020
[6] Wenjie Dong,Sifeng Liu,Suk Joo Bae等.A multi-stage imperfect maintenance strategy for multi-state systems with variable user demands.Computers & Industrial Engineering,2020
[7] Wenjie Dong,Sifeng Liu,Yingsai Cao等.Time‐based replacement policies for a fault tolerant system subject to degradation and two types of shocks.Quality and Reliability Engineering International,2020
[8] Wenjie Dong,Sifeng Liu,Qin Zhang等.Reliability assessment for uncertain multi-state systems: an extension of fuzzy universal generating function.International Journal of Fuzzy Systems,2019
[9] Wenjie Dong,Sifeng Liu,Suk Joo Bae.Which Replacement Maintenance Policy Is Better for Multi-State Systems?: Policy T or Policy N?.Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering,2020
[10] 董文杰,刘思峰,方志耕等.多维随机向量传递机制下的RV-GERT网络模型及其解析算法.系统工程
[11] Wenjie Dong,Sifeng Liu,Xiaoyu Yang等.Balancing reliability and maintenance cost rate of multi-state components with fault interval omission.Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc – Maintenance and Reliability
[12] Wenjie Dong,Sifeng Liu,Zhigeng Fang等.A model based on hidden graphic evaluation and review technique network to evaluate reliability and lifetime of multi-state systems.Journal of Risk and Reliability,2019
[13] Wenjie Dong,Sifeng Liu,Zhigeng Fang等.Study of a discrete grey forecasting model based on the quality cost characteristic curve.Grey Systems: Theory and Application,2017
[14] Wenjie Dong,Sifeng Liu,Zhigeng Fang.On modeling mechanisms and applicable ranges of grey incidence analysis models.Grey Systems: Theory and Application,2018
[15] Wenjie Dong,Sifeng Liu,Suk Joo Bae.Reliability Variation and Optimal Age Replacement Schedule of Compensated Discrete Multi-state Systems.2019 IEEE 6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications (ICIEA),2019
[16] 董文杰,刘思峰,方志耕等.基于HGERT网络模型的退化型失效可靠性评估.系统工程与电子技术
[17] 董文杰,刘思峰,曹颖赛等.同轨热备份GEO星座网络可靠性建模.系统工程理论与实践
[18] 董文杰,刘思峰,陶良彦等.考虑性能分布信息的多态系统可靠性评估模型.工业工程与管理
[19] 董文杰,刘思峰,方志耕等.贫信息背景下朱兰质量成本灰色GM(1,1)测算模型.数学的实践与认识
[20] Wenjie Dong,Sifeng Liu,Zhigeng Fang等.Control and optimization of quality cost based on discrete grey forecasting model.2017 International Conference on Grey Systems and Intelligent Services (GSIS),2017
担任国际期刊International Journal of Grey Systems副主编(Associate Editor),国际期刊Management Science and Business Decisions副主编(Associate Editor),并长期担任Reliability Engineering & System Safety,Computers & Industrial Engineering,Quality Engineering,Applied Mathematical Modelling,Business Strategy and the Environment,Journal of Risk and Reliability,Grey Systems: Theory and Application,The Journal of Grey System,Journal of Manufacturing Systems,IMA Journal of Management Mathematics,系统工程理论与实践等国内外知名期刊匿名审稿人

