2023-05-11 14:56
  • 高建华
  • 高建华 - 教授-南京大学-地理与海洋科学学院-个人资料




国家重大科学研究计划:人类活动对大三角洲体系地貌、资源稳定性的影响 (2013CB956503),2013-2017,项目骨干
国家海洋局公益性行业科研专项:南黄海辐射沙脊群空间开发利用及环境生态评估--辐射沙脊群空间开发的人工岛填筑技术 (201005006-01),2011-2014,项目骨干
国家海洋局公益性行业科研专项:珠江口、台湾浅滩地形变化监测管理保障系统—示范区沉积过程观测与数值模拟, 2012-2015年,项目骨干
江苏省908专项:南黄海辐射状沙脊群调查与评估, 2006-2012年,项目骨干
江苏省908专项:江苏海岸带与海岛调查, 2006-2012年,项目骨干




1)Chi Y., Zhang Z.*, Wang J., Xie Z., Gao J.H.*, 2020. Island protected area zoning based on ecological importance and tenacity. Ecological Indicators, 112, 106139.
2)Sheng H., Xu X.M., Gao J.H. *, Kettner A.J., Shi Y., Xue C.F., Wang Y.P.*, Gao S., 2020. Frequency and magnitude variability of Yalu River flooding: numerical analyses for the last 1000 years. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24, 4743–4761, https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-24-4743-2020
3)Gao J.H.*, Shi Y., Sheng H., Kettner A.J., Yang Y., Jia J.J., Wang Y.P., Li J., Bai F.L., Zou X.Q., Gao S., 2019. Rapid changes of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River and East China Sea source-to-sink conveying system in response to human induced catchment changes: a synthesis. Marine Geology, 414, 1-17
4)Sheng H., Gao J.H.*, Kettner A.J., Shi Y., Wang Y.P., Liu S.J., 2019. Variations in fluvial discharge of rivers along the east coast of the Liaodong Peninsula over the last millennium. Journal of Asia Earth Sciences,184, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2019.103993
5)Shi Y., Gao J.H. *, Sheng H., Du J.B., Jia J.J., Wang Y.P., Li J., Bai F.L., Chen Y.N, 2019. Cross-front sediment transport induced by quick oscillation of the Yellow Sea Warm Current: Evidence from the sedimentary record. Geophysical Research Letters, 46,226-234
6)Wang C.L., Liu Q., Gao J.H.*, Sheng H., Ai Q., Shi Y., Zhang D.L., Wang Y.P., 2019. Sedimentary record of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mud deposits along the southeastern coast of Liaodong Peninsula and its relation to the anthropogenic and natural activities in the Northeast China. Chemosphere, 216, 31-39
7)Gao J.H.*, Jia J.J., Kettner A.J., Xing F., Wang Y.P., Li J, Bai, F., Zou, X., Gao, S. 2018. Reservoir-induced changes to fluvial fluxes and their downstream impacts on sedimentary processes: the Changjiang (Yangtze) River, China. Quaternary International, 493, 187-197
8)Chen L.,Gao J.H.* , Zhu Q.G., Wang Y.P., Yang Y., 2018. The accumulation and output of heavy metals in Spartina alterniflora in a salt marsh. Pedosphere, 28(6), 884–894
9)Xu Y.H., Pan S.M.*, Gao J.H.*, Hou X.L., Ma Y.F., Hao Y.P., 2018. Sedimentary record of plutonium in the North Yellow Sea and the response to catchment environmental changes of inflow rivers. Chemosphere 207, 130-138
10)Gao J.H.* , Jia J.J., Sheng H., Yu R., Li G.C., Wang Y.P., Yang Y., Zhao Y., Li J., Bai F., Xie W.J., Wang A., Zou X.Q., Gao S.,2017.Variations in the transport, distribution and budget of 210Pb in sediment over the estuarine and inner shelf areas of the East China Sea due to Changjiang catchment changes. Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface, 122(1),235-247.
11)Shi Y., Liu Z.S., Gao J.H.*, Yang Y., Wang Y.P., 2017. The response of sediment record to catchment changes induced by human activities in the western intertidal flat of Yalu River Estuary, China. Acta Oceanologica Sinica,36(4), 54-63
12)Gao J.H.*, Feng Z.X., Chen L., Wang Y.P., Bai F.L., Li J., 2016. The effect of biomass variations of Spartina alterniflora on the organic carbon content and composition of a salt marsh in northern Jiangsu Province, China. Ecological Engineering, 95, 160-170.
13)Gao J.H.* , Xu X.N., Jia J.J., Kettner A.J., Xing F., Wang Y.P., Yang Y., Zou X.Q., Gao S., Qi S.H., Liao F.Q.,2015. A numerical investigation of freshwater and sediment discharge variations of Poyang Lake catchment, China over the last 1000 years. The Holocene, 25(9),1470-1482
14)Gao J.H.*, Jia J.J., Wang Y.P., Yang Y., Li J., Bai F., Zou X.Q., Gao S., 2015. Variations in quantity, composition and grain size of Changjiang sediment discharging into the sea in response to human activities. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19, 645-655
15)He, X.Y., Wang, Y.P.*, Zhu Q.G., Zhang, Y., Zhang, D., Zhang J.C., Yang, Y., Gao, J.H.*, 2015. Simulation of sedimentary dynamics in a small-scale estuary: the role of human activities. Environmental Earth Sciences, 74,869-878
16)Gao J.H. *, Jia J.J., Kettner A.J., Xing F., Wang Y.P., Xu X.N., Yang Y., Zou X.Q., Gao S., Qi S.H., Liao F.Q., 2014. Changes in water and sediment exchange between the Changjiang River and Poyang Lake under natural and anthropogenic conditions, China. Science of the Total Environment, 481, 542-553
17)Jia J.J., Gao J.H.*, Liu Y.F., Gao S., Yang Y., 2012. Environmental changes in Shamei Lagoon, Hainan, China: Interactions between natural processes and human activities. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 52, 158-168
18)Gao J.H.*, Bai FL, Yang Y, Gao S, Liu ZY, Li J, 2012 . Influence of Spartina colonization on the supply and accumulation of organic carbon in tidal salt marshes of northern Jiangsu Province, China. Journal of Coastal Research, 28(2), 486-498
19)Gao J.H.*, Li, J., Wang H.V., Bai, F.L., Cheng, Y., Wang, Y.P.,2012. Rapid changes of sediment dynamic processes in Yalu River Estuary under anthropogenic impacts. International Journal of Sediment Research,27,37-49
20)Gao J.H.*, Li J., Wang H.V., Wang Y.P., Wang Z., Bai F., Gao S., Cheng Y.,2009. Distribution and their pollution assessment of heavy metals in the sediments of the Yalu River Estuary and its adjacent coastal waters. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 28(6),12-23
21)Gao J.H.*, Wang Y P, Pan S. M., Zhang R, LI J., Bai F.,2008. Distribution of Organic carbon in Sediments and its Influences on Adjacent Sea Area in Turbidity Maximum of Changjiang Estuary. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 27(4), 83-94
22)Gao J.H.*, Wang Y P, Pan S. M., Zhang R, Li J., Bai F.,2008. Spatial distributions of organic carbon and nitrogen and their isotopic compositions in sediments of the Changjiang Estuary and its adjacent sea area. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 18(1), 46-58
23)Gao J.H.*, Gao S., Cheng Y., Dong L., Zhang J., 2004. Formation of Turbidity Maxima in the Yalu River Estuary, China. Journal of Coastal Research,43,134-146
24)石勇, 高建华*, 刘强, 艾乔, 盛辉, 汪亚平, 李军, 白峰龙, 2019. 陆架环流作用下的北黄海中北部细颗粒物质输运.海洋学报, 41(3)
25)艾乔,石勇,高建华*,刘强,盛辉,汪亚平,李军,白凤龙,2019. 辽东半岛东岸近海泥区悬沙浓度的时空分布及控制因素分析. 海洋学报,41(1), 121-133
26)石勇, 高建华*,刘治帅, 汪小勇,李明亮, 2016. 鸭绿江河口及近岸地区沉积物的稀土元素对物质运移的指示意义.地球化学,45(1),52-61
27)冯振兴,高建华*,陈莲,汪亚平,高建慧,白凤龙,2016. 互花米草生物量变化对盐沼沉积物有机碳组分和来源的影响:以王港河口潮滩为例.地球化学,45(1),87-96
28)石勇,刘志帅,高建华*,李军,白凤龙,汪小勇, 2015. 鸭绿江河口西岸潮滩沉积物有机质对流域变化的响应.海洋学报,37(1),115-124
29)冯振兴, 高建华*, 陈莲, 汪亚平, 高建慧, 白凤龙,2015. 互花米草生物量变化对盐沼沉积物有机碳的影响.生态学报, 35(7), 2038-2047
32)石勇,高建华*,杨旸,冉隆江,李富祥,刘月,程岩,2012. 鸭绿江河口西岸潮滩沉积特征对流域变化的响应.第四纪研究,32 (6),1221-1233
33)于欣,杜家笔,高建华*,杨旸,冉隆江,李富祥,刘月,程岩,2012. 鸭绿江河口最大浑浊带水动力特征对叶绿素分布的影响,海洋学报,34(2), 101-113
34)高建华*,李军,汪亚平,白风龙,李家胜,程岩,2009. 鸭绿江河口及近岸海域沉积物中重矿物组成、分布及其沉积动力学意义.海洋学报,31(3),84-94
35)高建华*,李军,汪亚平,白风龙,程岩,2008. 鸭绿江河口及近岸地区沉积物中重金属分布的影响因素分析. 地球化学,37(5), 430-438
36)高建华*,白凤龙,杨桂山,欧维新. 苏北潮滩湿地不同生态带有机碳、氮、磷分布特征,第四纪研究,2007,(5),756-765
38)高建华,杨桂山,欧维新,2005. 苏北潮滩湿地不同生态带有机质来源的辨析与定量估算. 环境科学,26(6),51-56

