2023-05-11 14:55
  • 郭少华
  • 郭少华 - 副教授-南京大学-现代工程与应用科学学院-个人资料




筑波大学博士,AIST博士后。发表SCI论文50余篇,以第一或通讯作者身份在国际权威期刊Nature Commun、Joule、Angew Chem、Adv Mater、Adv Energy Mater、Energy Environ Sci、Nano today、Nano Energy等上发表多篇研究工作,并被 Angew Chem、Natl Sci Rev、Sci Bull、NPG Asia Mater以及国家自然科学基金委(科学传播中心)等学术媒体报道。担任Nature Commun、Adv Energy Mater等多个期刊审稿人。主持和参与国家自然科学基金、江苏省自然科学基金和国家重点研发计划等项目多项。




[1] S. Guo , Q. Li, P. Liu*, M. Chen, H. Zhou* “Environmentally Stable Interface of Layered Oxide Cathodes for Sodium-Ion Batteries”, Nat. Commun. 2017, 8, 135. [2] S. Guo , P. Liu, Y. Sun, K. Zhu, J. Yi, M. Chen, M. Ishida, H. Zhou* “A High-Voltage and Ultralong-Life Sodium Full Cell for Stationary Energy Storage”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54,11701-11705. [3] S. Guo †, P. Liu†, H. Yu*, Y. Zhu, M. Chen, M. Ishida, H. Zhou* “A Layered P2- and O3-Type Composite as a High-Energy Cathode for Rechargeable Sodium-Ion Batteries”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 5894-5899. [4] X. Li†, Y. Qiao†, S. Guo* , Z. Xu, H. Zhu, X. Zhang, Y. Yuan, P. He*, M. Ishida, and H. Zhou* “Direct visualization of reversible O2-/O- redox process in Li-rich cathode materials”, Adv. Mater. 2018, 1705197. [5] X. Li†, Y. Qiao†, S. Guo* , K. Jiang, M. Ishida, and H. Zhou* “A New Type of Li-Rich Rock-Salt Oxide Li2Ni1/3Ru2/3O3 with Reversible Anionic Redox Chemistry”, Adv. Mater. 2019, 1807825. [6] S. Guo , H. Yu*, P. Liu, Y. Ren, T. Zhang, M. Chen, M. Ishida and H. Zhou* “High-performance symmetric sodium-ion batteries using a new, bipolar O3-type material, Na0.8Ni0.4Ti0.6O2”, Energy Environ. Sci. 2015, 8, 1237-1244. [7] S. Guo †, J. Yi†, Y. Sun*, H. Zhou* “Recent advances in titanium-based electrode materials for stationary sodium-ion batteries”, Energy Environ. Sci. 2016, 9, 2978-3006. [8] Y. Sun, S. Guo*, and H. Zhou* “Adverse effects of interlayer-gliding in layered transition-metal oxides on electrochemical sodium-ion storage”, Energy Environ. Sci. 2018, DOI: 10.1039/c8ee01006d; [9] Y. Qiao, S. Guo* , K. Zhu, P. Liu, X. Li, K. Jiang, C.-J. Sun, M. Chen and H. Zhou* “Reversible anionic redox activity in Na3RuO4 cathodes: a prototype Na-rich layered oxide”, Energy Environ. Sci. 2018, 11, 299-305. [10] Q. Li, S. Guo* , K. Zhu, K. Jiang, X. Zhang, P. He, and H. Zhou* “A Post-Spinel Anode Enabling Sodium-Ion Ultralong Cycling and Superfast Transport via 1D Channels”, Adv. Energy Mater. 2017, 1700361. [11] Q. Li, K. Jiang, X. Li, Y. Qiao, X. Zhang, P. He, S. Guo*, and H. Zhou* “A high-crystalline NaV1.25Ti0.75O4 anode for wide-temperature sodium-ion battery”, Adv. Energy Mater. 2018, 1801162; [12] Y. Sun, S. Guo*, and H. Zhou* “Exploration of advanced electrode materials for rechargeable sodium-ion batteries”, Adv. Energy Mater. 2018, 1800212; [13] X. Zhang, S. Guo* , P. Liu, Q. Li, S. Xu, Y. Liu, K. Jiang, P. He, M. Chen, P. Wang, and H. Zhou* “Capturing Reversible Cation Migration in Layered Structure Materials for Na-Ion Batteries”, Adv. Energy Mater. 2019, 1900189. [14] Q. Li†, Y. Qiao†, S. Guo* , K. Jiang, Q. Li, J. Wu, H. Zhou* “Both Cationic and Anionic Co-(de)intercalation into a Metal-Oxide Material”, Joule, 2018, 2, 1134-1145. [15] Q. Li†, Y. Liu†, S. Guo* , H. Zhou* “Solar energy storage in the rechargeable batteries”, Nano Today 2017, 16, 46-60. [16] K. Jiang, S. Xu, S. Guo* , X. Zhang, X. Zhang, Y. Qiao, T. Fang, P. Wang, P. He, H. Zhou* “A phase-transition-free cathode for sodium-ion batteries with ultralong cycle life”, Nano Energy 2018, 52, 88-94.

