2023-05-11 12:16
  • 张红霞
  • 张红霞 - 副教授-兰州大学-核科学与技术学院-个人资料




主要学习、工作简历 1994.9-1998.6 兰州大学化学系分析专业,获得学士学位; 1998.9-2001.6兰州大学化学化工学院无机化学专业,获得硕士学位; 2008.9-2011.6 兰州大学核科学与技术学院放射化学专业,获得博士学位; 2001.6-2006.2 兰州大学化学化工学院任教; 2006.2-至今 核科学与技术学院任教;




1. Zhang Hongxia, Xie Yongxin, Tao Zuyi, Sorption of uranyl ions on gibbsite: effects of contact time, pH, ionic strength, concentration and anion of electrolyte, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 252 (2005) 1-5 2. Zhang Hongxia, Guo Zhaowei, Tao Zuyi, Factors Affecting the Adsorption of 60Co onto a Peat from China, Adsorption Science & Technology, Vol.23, No. 6(2005), 479-485 3. Zhang Hongxia, Dong Zheng, Tao Zuyi, Sorption of thorium(IV) ions on gibbsite: Effects of contact time, pH, ionic strength, concentration, phosphate and fulvic acid, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 278(2006) 46-52 4. Zhang Hongxia, Yuan Jieqiong, Tao Zuyi,Effects of phosphate and Cr3+ on the sorption and transport of Th(IV) on a silica column,Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 273(2007) 465-471 5. ZhangHongxia,Yang Chao, Tao Zuyi, Effects of phosphate and Cr3+ on the sorption and transport of uranium(VI) on a silica column Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 279(2009) 317-323 6.Zhang Hongxia, Tang Qiang, Tao Zuyi, Effects of phosphate and Cr3+ on the sorption and transport of uranium(VI) on a silica, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 279(2009)855-861 7. Zhang Hongxia, Song Shengpan, Tao Zuyi, Effect of flow rate on the sorption breakthrough behaviors of uranium(VI), phosphate, and fulvic acid onto a silica column, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 281(2009)505-511 8. Guixia Zhao, Hongxia Zhang, Qiaohui Fan, Xuemei Ren, Jiaxing Li, Yixue Chen, XiangkeWang, Sorption of copper(II) onto super-adsorbent of bentonite–polyacrylamide composites. J. Hazard. Mat. (2010)173(1-3):661-668 9. Zhang Hongxia, Wen Chuanxi, Tao Zuyi, Wu Wangsuo, Effects of nitrate, fulvate, phosphate, phthalate, salicylate, and catechol on the sorption of uranyl onto SiO2: A comparative study,Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry,Volume 287(2011) 13-20

