2023-05-11 12:14
  • 严则义
  • 严则义 - 教授-兰州大学-核科学与技术学院-个人资料




教育背景、工作经历 2007-至今 兰州大学核科学与技术学院,讲师,副教授,教授 2011-2012 加州大学(圣巴巴拉)化学系(导师: liming zhang),访问学者 2009-2011 兰州大学核学院(导师: 陈熙萌),博士后 2004-2007 兰州大学化学院(导师: 梁永民),理学博士 2001-2004 兰州大学化学院(导师: 李志孝),理学硕士 1995-2001 Stahl化学亚洲分公司研发部,助理研究员 1991-1995 西北轻工业学院,工学学士 荣誉奖励 2017中国核学会学术年会二等奖 2009甘肃省自然科学二等奖(排名第五) 2007中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文奖


核燃料循环材料的合成及应用,新型萃取剂的合成, 功能化离子液体的制备及应用


1. “Synthesis and characterization of bisdiglycolamides for comparable extraction of Th4+, UO22+ and Eu3+ from nitric acid solution”. Ren P.; Yan Z.-Y.*; Li Y.; Wu Z.-M.; Wang L.; Zhao L.-B.; Gao Y.-Q.; Wu W.-S. J Radioanal Nucl Chem. 2017, 312, 487-494. 2. “Synthesis and characterization of bis-succinamides for extraction of UO22+ from nitric acid solution”. Yan Z.-Y.*; He M.-J.; Huang Q.-G.; Ren P.; Li Y.; Wu Z.-M.; Wu W.-S. J Radioanal Nucl Chem. 2016, 310, 1101-1106. 3. “Solvent extraction of uranyl ion with 4-oxaheptanediamide into ionic liquid system from HNO3 solution”. Yan Z.-Y.*; Ren P.; Huang Q.-G.; He M.-J.; Li Y.; Wu Z.-M.; Wu W.-S. J Radioanal Nucl Chem. 2016, 310, 703-709. 4. “Synthesis and characterization of N,N,N’,N’-tetraalkyl-4-oxaheptanediamide as extractant for extraction of uranium(VI) and thorium(IV) ions from nitric acid solution”. Ren P.; Yue Y.-Z.*; Wang K.; Wu W.-S.; Yan Z.-Y. J Radioanal Nucl Chem. 2014, 310, 1099-1103. 5. “Gold-Catalyzed One-Step Construction of 2,3-Dihydro-1H-Pyrrolizines with an Electron-Withdrawing group in the 5-position: A Formal Synthesis of 7-Methoxymitosene”. Yan Z.-Y., Xiao Y.-J.; Zhang L.-M. Angew. Chem. 2012, 124, 8752–8755. 6. “Synthesis of 5-Azaspiro[2.4]heptan and Penta-Substituted Pyrrole Derivatives via Pd-Catalyzed Intramolecular Cyclization Reaction of Alkynyl Carboxamides”. Hou J.-Y.; Wang D.-Z.; Li F.; Yan Z.-Y.*; Liang Y.-M.; Liu Y.-Q. Synthetic Communications, 2012, 42, 1070–1084. 7. “Regioselective Synthesis of Substituted Imidate N-[1-Methyleneisobenzo- furan-3(1H)-ylidene]benzenamines via Palladium-Catalyzed Tandem Heteroannulation of o-(1-Alkynyl)benzamides with Iodobenzene”. Yan, Z.-Y.*; Tan C.-M.; Wang X.; Li F.; Gao, G.-L.; Chen, X.-M.; Wu, W.-S.; Wang J.-J. SYNLETT, 2011, 1863–1870.

