2023-05-11 08:23
  • 曲文娟
  • 曲文娟 - 副教授 博士生导师-江苏大学-食品与生物工程学院-个人资料




2007年12月-2010年3月,美国加州大学戴维斯分校(University of California, Davis)、生物与农业工程专业、访问学者\r




(1)Wenjuan Qu, Raya Masoud Sehemu, Tian Zhang, Bingjie Song, Lan Yang, Xiaofeng Ren, Haile Ma, Immobilized Enzymolysis of Corn Gluten Meal under Triple-Frequency Ultrasound, International Journal of Food Engineering, 2018,14, 1-18.\r
(2)Wenjuan Qu, Xinxin Zhang, Xiao Han, Zhiping Wang, Ronghai He, Haile Ma, Structure and functional characteristics of rapeseed protein isolatedextran conjugates, Food Hydrocolloids, 2018, 82, 329-337. \r
(3)Wenjuan Qu, Xinxin Zhang, Zhiping Wang, Ronghai He, Haile Ma, Effects of ultrasonic and graft treatments on grafting degree, structure, functionality, and digestibility of rapeseed protein isolate-dextran conjugates, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2018, 42, 250-259. \r
(4)Wang juan, Ma Haile, Pan Zhongli, Qu Wenjuan*. Sonochemical effect of flat sweep frequency and pulsed ultrasound (FSFP) treatment on stability of phenolic acids in a model system. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2017, 39, 707-715;\r
(5) Qu Wenjuan, Ma Haile, Li Wen, et al. Performance of coupled enzymatic hydrolysis and membrane separation bioreactor for antihypertensive peptides production from Porphyra yezoensis protein. Process Biochemistry, 2015, 50(2), 245-252;\r
(6)Qu Wenjuan, Shi Shuangqian, Li Pingping, et al. Extraction Kinetics and Properties of Proanthocyanidins from Pomegranate Peel. International Journal of Food Engineering, 2014, 77(9), 683-695;\r
(7)Qu Wenjuan, Li Pingping, Hong, Jihua, et al. Thermal stability of liquid antioxidative extracts from pomegranate peel. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2014, 94(5), 1005-1012;\r
(8)Qu Wenjuan, Ma Haile, Liu Bin, et al. Enzymolysis reaction kinetics and thermodynamics of defatted wheat germ protein with ultrasonic pretreatment. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2013, 20(6), 1408-1413;\r
(9)Qu Wenjuan, Ma Haile, Zhao Weirui, et al. ACE-inhibitory peptides production from defatted wheat germ protein by continuous coupling of enzymatic hydrolysis and membrane separation: modeling and experimental studies. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 226, 139-145;\r
(10)Qu Wenjuan, Ma Haile, Wang Ting, et al. Alternating two-frequency countercurrent ultrasonic-assisted extraction of protein and polysaccharide from Porphyra yezoensis. Nongye Gongcheng Xuebao, 2013, 29(1), 285-292;\r
(11)Qu Wenjuan, Breksa Andrew P. III, Pan, Zhongli, et al. Quantitative determination of major polyphenol constituents in pomegranate products, Food Chemistry, 2012, 132(3), 1585-1591\r
(12)Qu Wenjuan, Ma Haile, Jia Junqiang, et al. Enzymolysis kinetics and activities of ACE inhibitory peptides from wheat germ protein prepared with SFP ultrasound-assisted processing, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2012, 19(5), 1021-1026;\r
(13)Qu Wenjuan, Breksa Andrew P. III, Pan Zhongli, et al. Storage stability of sterilized liquid extracts from pomegranate peel, Journal of Food Science, 2012, 77(7), C765-C772;\r
(14)Pan Zhongli, Qu Wenjuan, Ma Haile, et al. Continuous and pulsed ultrasound-assisted extractions of antioxidants from pomegranate peel, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2011, 18(5), 1249-1257;\r
(15)Qu Wenjuan, Ma Haile, Pan Zhongli, et al. Preparation and antihypertensive activity of peptides from Porphyra yezoensis, Food Chemistry, 2010, 123(1), 14-20;\r
(16)Qu Wenjuan, Pan Zhongli, Ma Haile, et al. Extraction modeling and activities of antioxidants from pomegranate marc, Journal of Food Engineering, 2010, 99(1), 16-23;\r
(17)Qu Wenjuan, Pan Zhongli, Zhang Ruihong, et al. Integrated extraction and anaerobic digestion process for recovery of nutraceuticals and biogas from pomegranate marc, Transactions of the ASABE, 2009, 52(6), 1997-2006;\r
(18)Qu Wenjuan, Pan Zhongli, Zhang Ruihong, et al. Antioxidant extraction and biogas production from pomegranate marc, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2009, 6, 3620-3637.\r
(19)曲文娟,张天,马海乐,何荣海. 高产蛋白酶菌株等离子体诱变及其在提高豆粕发酵效果中的应用,2018,34(10):133-140\r
(20)曲文娟, 王然然, 刘书元, 李倩, 马海乐. 不同方法萃取蜂胶的黄酮含量及地区化差异. 食品与发酵工业, 2014, 40(5):246-251.\r
(21)曲文娟, 马海乐, 贾俊强, 潘忠礼. 米糟蛋白酶解制备生物肽及其抗氧化活性的研究. 食品工业科技, 2011, 33(8):183-188.\r
(22)曲文娟, 张渭洁, 徐敏瑶, 杨洋, 蒋洁玮. 高效液相色谱测定石榴皮水提取物中4种多酚化合物的含量. 分析测试学报, 2011, 30(12):1425-1429.\r
(23)曲文娟, 马海乐, 张厚森. 钝顶螺旋藻藻蓝蛋白的脉冲超声辅助提取技术. 食品科技, 2007, 187(5):135-138.\r
(24)曲文娟, 马海乐. 茶黄素形成机理、制备与分析方法的研究进展. 食品工业科技, 2006, 27(6):197-201.

