2023-05-11 08:21
  • 马海乐
  • 马海乐 - 教授 博导-江苏大学-食品与生物工程学院-个人资料




2005-2006年美国加州大学戴维斯分校(University of California, Davis)访问学者。\r
江苏大学食品物理加工研究院 院长\r
农业部蔬菜脱水加工技术集成基地 主任\r
国家农产品加工技术装备研发分中心 主任\r
江苏省食品物理加工重点实验室 主任\r
江苏省食品智能制造工程技术研究中心 主任\r
江苏省食品智能制造装备工程实验室 主任\r
江苏省农产品生物加工与分离工程技术研究中心 主任




著作《生物资源的超临界流体萃取》获得第十四届华东地区科技出版社优秀科技图书二等奖和第五届安徽图书奖二等奖;最新在科学出版社出版的著作《食品物理加工技术及装备发展战略研究》,首次全面论述了食品物理加工制造的学术思想及其研究进展;2011年以来,在声学领域国际顶级期刊Ultrasonics Sonochemistry(一区,2018年IF6.012)发表论文34篇,列举如下:\r
1. Li, Suyun; Ma, Haile*; Guo, Yiting; Oladejo, Ayobami Olayemi; Yang, Xue; Liang, Qiufang; Duan, Yuqing. A new kinetic model of ultrasound-assisted pretreatment on rice protein. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2018,40: 644-650\r
2.Yu, Xiaojie; Bao, Xinjie; Zhou, Cunshan*; Zhang, Lei; Yagoub, Abu El-Gasim A.; Yang, Hongpeng; Ma, Haile*.Ultrasound-ionic liquid enhanced enzymatic and acid hydrolysis of biomass cellulose. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2018,41:410-418\r
3. Chunhua Dai, Feng Xiong, Ronghai He, Weiwei Zhang, Haile Ma*. Effects of low-intensity ultrasound on the growth, cell membrane permeability and ethanol tolerance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry.2017, 36:191-197\r
4. Xue Yang, Yunliang Li*, Suyun Li, Ayobami Olayemi Oladejo, Yucheng Wang, Shanfen Huang, Cunshan Zhou, Yang Wang, Li Mao, Yanyan Zhang, Haile Ma*, Xiaofei Ye. Effects of low power density muti-frequency ultrasound pretreatment on the enzymolysis and the structure characterization of defatted wheat germ protein. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry.2017, 38: 410-420\r
5. Xue Yang, Yunliang Li*, Suyun Li, Ayobami Olayemi Oladejo, Siyu Ruan, Yucheng Wang, Shanfen Huang, Haile Ma*. Effects of ultrasound pretreatment with different frequencies and working modes on the enzymolysis and the structure characterization of rice protein. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry.2017,38:19-28\r
6. Lei Zhang, Cunshan Zhou*, Bei Wang, Abu El-Gasim A. Yagoub, Haile Ma*, Xiao Zhang, Mian Wu. Study of ultrasonic cavitation during extraction of the peanut oil at varying frequencies.Ultrasonics Sonochemistry.2017,37:106-113\r
7. Yanyan Zhang, Bei Wang, Cunshan Zhou, Griffiths G. Atungulu, Kangkang Xu, Haile Ma*, Mohammed A.Y. Abdualrahman. Surface topography, Nano-mechanics and Secondary structure of wheat gluten pretreated by alternate dual-frequency ultrasound and the correlation to enzymolysis. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry.2016,31:267-275\r
8. Suyun Li, Xue Yang, Yanyan Zhang, Haile Ma*, Wenjuan Qu, Rahma Muatasim, Oladejo Ayobami .O.. Enzymolysis kinetics and structural characteristics of rice protein with energy-gathered ultrasound and ultrasound assisted alkali pretreatments. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry.2016,31:85-92\r
9. Suyun Li, Xue Yang, Yanyan Zhang, Haile Ma*, Qiufang Liang, Wenjuan Qu, Ronghai He, Cunshan Zhou, Gustav Komla Mahunu.Effects of ultrasound and ultrasound assisted alkaline pretreatments on the enzymolysis and structural characteristics of rice protein. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2016,31:20-28\r
10.Jian Jin,Haile Ma*,Bei Wang,Abu El-Gasim A. Yagoub,Kai Wang,Ronghai He,Cunshan Zhou.Effects and mechanism of dual-frequency power ultrasound on the molecular weight distribution of corn gluten meal hydrolysates.Ultrasonics Sonochemistry.2016,30:44–51\r
11. Bei Wang, Tingting Meng, Haile Ma*, Yanyan Zhang, Yunliang Li, Jian Jin, Xiaofei Ye. Mechanism study of dual-frequency ultrasound assisted enzymolysis on rapeseed protein by immobilized Alcalase. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry.2016,32:307-313\r
12. Jian Jin, Haile Ma*, Wenjuan Qu, Kai Wang, Cunshan Zhou, Ronghai He, Lin Luo, John Owusu. Effects of multi-frequency power ultrasound on the enzymolysis of corn gluten meal: kinetics and thermodynamics study. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry.2015,27 :46-53\r
13. Jian Jin, Haile Ma*, Kai Wang, Abu El-Gasim A. Yagoub, John Owusu, Wenjuan Qu, Ronghai He, Cunshan Zhou, Xiaofei Ye. Effects of multi-frequency power ultrasound on the enzymolysis and structural characteristics of corn gluten meal. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry.2015,24: 55-64\r
14. Xiulian Yin, Qinghong You, Haile Ma*, Chunhua Dai, Henan Zhang, Kexin Li, Yunliang Li. Biodiesel production from soybean oil deodorizer distillate enhanced by counter-current pulsed ultrasound. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry.2015,23:53-58\r
15. Haile Ma*, Liurong Huang, Lei Peng, Zhenbin Wang, Qiaorong Yang. Pretreatment of garlic powder using sweep frequency ultrasound and single frequency countercurrent ultrasound: optimization and comparison for ACE inhibitory activities. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2015,23:109-115\r
16. Cunshan Zhou, Haile Ma*, Xiaojie Yu, Bin Liu, Abu El-Gasim A. Yagoub, Zhongli Pan. Pretreatment of defatted wheat germ proteins (by-products of flour mill industry) using ultrasonic horn and bath reactors: Effect on structure and preparation of ACE-inhibitory peptides. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry.2013,20:1390-1400\r
17. Wenjuan Qu, Haile Ma*,Bin Liu, Ronghai He, Zhongli Pan, Ernest Ekow Abano. Enzymolysis reaction kinetics and thermodynamics of defatted wheat germ protein with ultrasonic pretreatment. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry.2013,20:1408-1413\r
18. Wenjuan Qu, Haile Ma*, Junqiang Jia, Ronghai He, Lin Luo, Zhongli Pan. Enzymolysis kinetics and activities of ACE inhibitory peptides from wheat germ protein prepared with SFP ultrasound-assisted processing. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry.2012,19:1021-1026\r
19. Haile Ma*, Liurong Huang, Junqiang Jia, Ronghai He,Lin Luo,Wenxue Zhu. Effect of Energy-gathered Ultrasound on Alcalase. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2011,18:419-424
兼任20个学术团体职务、8个国际国内核心学术期刊的编委: 亚洲农业工程学会(AAAE)副主席 中国食品科学技术学会理事 中国农业机械学会理事 中国食品科学技术学会食品机械分会副理事长 中国食品科学技术学会非热加工技术分会副理事长 中国农业机械学会农副产品加工机械分会副理事长 中国食品与包装机械工业协会果蔬保鲜加工机械分会副会长 中国食品与包装机械工业协会中央厨房工程与装备委员会副会长等

