教育经历:2012/9-2013/3,英国莱斯特大学(University of Leicester),工程系和数值模拟中心,国家公派访问学者.2010/3/18-2013/3/18,江苏大学机械工程博士后流动站与江苏共昌轧辊有限公司联合培养博士后,现出站,入选“2011年度江苏省企业博士聚集计划”.2012/02-2012/0,上海外国语大学出国培训部,出国英语培训,能用英语进行学术交流2012/3-2013/3,江苏大学机械工程学院,机械工程一级学科博士后2003/09-2007/06,江苏大学材料科学与工程学院,材料学博士1998/09-2001/3,安徽工业大学冶金工程系,硕士1994/09-1998/6,河北理工大学冶金工程系,学士 教学经历:2013/1至今,上海交通大学金属基复合材料国家重点实验室,访问学者, 主持开放基金.2012/9-2013/3,英国莱斯特大学(University of Leicester),工程系和数值模拟中心,国家公派访问学者.2011/1-2012/12,中国科学院物理化学研究所低温工程学重点实验室,访问学者,并主持开放基金.2009/4至今,江苏大学,材料科学与工程学院,副教授,硕士生导师,本科生学业导师.2004/1-2009/3,江苏大学,材料科学与工程学院,讲师.2001/3-2003/12,江苏大学,材料科学与工程学院,助教.研究领域
2014、2015年:[1]李桂荣,王宏明.材料电磁过程.江苏大学出版社,2014年12月.(38万字,江苏大学出版基金资助出版)[2]G.R. Li, Y.M.Li , F.F.Wang, H.M.Wang .Microstructure and performance of solid TC4 titanium alloy subjected to the high pulsed magnetic field treatment. J alloys and compounds2015,644:750-756.[3]李桂荣,王宏明,李沛思,高雷章,彭琮翔,郑瑞.磁致塑性效应下的位错动力学机制.物理学报,2015,64(14):148102.[4]王宏明,李沛思,郑瑞,李桂荣*(通讯作者),袁雪婷(桂荣)强脉冲磁场冲击处理对铝基复合材料塑性的影响机制.2015,64(8):087104.[5]王宏明,郑瑞,李桂荣*(通讯作者),李沛思. 第一性原理研究 MgZn2 相的电子结构及磁性质.无机化学学报,2015,31(11):2143-2151[6]李桂荣,崔玉华,王宏明,赵玉涛.深冷时效循环处理铝基原位复合材料的微观组织和力学性能.中国有色金属学报,2015,25(5):1168-1175[7]李桂荣*,李月明,王芳芳,王宏明.脉冲强磁场处理对TC4钛合金微观组织及力学性能的影响.中国有色金属学报,2015,25(5):1168-1175.2014年7月之前↓[1] Guirong Li, Hongming Wang, Xueting Yuan, Yutao Zhao.Microstructure of nanometer Al2O3 particles reinforced aluminum matrix composites processed by high pulsed electromagnetic field. Materials Letters, 2013,99(15):50-53*the paper is evaluated with” Experimentally, good work and the results are important in some application”)(SCI收录,2012年影响因子2.307)(Master work)[2] Gui-rong LI, Hong-ming WANG, Yun CAI, Yu-tao ZHAO , Simon P A Gill and Jun-jie WANG.Microstructure and Mechanical Property of AZ91 Magnesium Alloy with Deep Cryogenic Treatments. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2013,20(9):896-901. (Master work)[3] 李桂荣,王宏明,袁雪婷,蔡云.脉冲磁场处理颗粒增强铝基复合材料的组织演变(Structural evolution and mechanism of particles reinforced aluminum matrix),材料研究学报,2013,27(4):397-403.[4] Li, G.R., Zhao, Y.T., Wang, H.M., Chen, G., Dai, Q.X., Cheng, X.N.Fabrication and properties of in situ (Al3Zr + Al2O3)p/A356 composites cast by permanent mould and squeeze casting.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009,471(1-2):530-535. (Master work)[5] G.R.Li, Y.T.Zhao, Q.X.Dai, X.N.Cheng,H.M.Wang,G.Chen. Fabrication and properties of in situ synthesized particles reinforced aluminum matrix composites of Al-Zr-O-B system.J.Mater.Sci.2007, 42(14):5442-5447. (Master work)[6] Li Guirong,Wang Hongming, Yuan Xueting, Cai Yun, ZhaoYutao, Wang Junjie The Structure Evolution and Properties of 7055 Aluminum Alloy with Cycle Cryogenic Treatment. Rare.Met.Mater.Eng.(accepted,稿件编号20100963)(Master work)[7] Li GR,Wang HM.Microstructure of in situ Al3Ti/6351Al composites fabricated with electromagnetic stirring and fluxes.Trans Nonferrous Met Soc China, 2010;18:577-583. (Master work)[8] LI Gui-rong, Zhao Yu-tao, Dai Qi-xun, Zhang Hong-jie, Wang Hong-ming. In-situ fabrication of particulate reinforced aluminum matrix composites under high- frequency pulsed electromagnetic field. J.Uni.Sci.Technol.Beijing. 2007,14(5):460-463. (Master work)[9] H.M Wang, G.R.Li, Y.T.Zhao, G.Chen. In situ fabrication and microstructure of Al2O3 particles reinforced aluminum matrix composites. Mat. Sci.Eng. A,527 (2010) 2881–2885.(Master work)[10] LI Gui-rong , WANG Hong-ming, ZHAO Yu-tao, CHEN Gang, DAI Qi-xun , CHENG Xiao-nong The mechanism study of in situ fabricating composites in the system Al-Zr-O with low frequency electromagnetic field.Mat.Sci.Technol., 2008,16(2):158-162. (Master work)[11] Li Guirong, Wang Hongming, Zhao Yutao, Chen Gang, Chen Dengbin, Han Jian, Dai Qixun .Effect Mechanism of Yttrium on Melting and Solidification of 7055 Aluminum Alloy. Rare Metal Materials And Engineering, 2010,39(1):80-84. (Master work)[12] Hongming Wang, Guirong Li, Yutao Zhao, Zhao Zhang. Microstructure, billet surface quality and tensile property of (Al2O3 + Al3Zr)p/Al composites in situ synthesized with electromagnetic field. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2011,509(18):5696-5700.(Master work)[13] Wang Hongming, Li Guirong. Effect of High Frequency Amplitude-Modulated Magnetic Field on Billet Surface Temperature during Electromagnetic Continuous Casting. Rare Metal Mat. Eng., 2010, 39(2):347-351. (Master work) 相关热点
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