太阳能光催化材料研究及应用;超级电容器的研究及应用低介电玻璃"1. 太阳能光催化材料研究及应用;2. 超级电容器的研究及应用3. 低介电玻璃"近期论文
A one-step and inexpensive method to synthezed mesoporous Co3O4 Journal of Physics D: Applied PhysicsElectronic structure and photocatalytic properties of In6WO12Journal of Physics.: Condens. MatterSynthesis of sensitized ZnS as a visible-light-driven photocatalyst via a facial solid state method Journal of Physics D: Applied PhysicsPreparation of Fe2O3/SrTiO3 composite powders and their photocatalytic properties Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids Preparation, characterization and photocatalytic activity of polycrystalline Bi2O3/SrTiO3 composite powders Journal of Physics and Chemistry of SolidsFacile synthesis organic–inorganic heterojunctions of HSbO3/g-C3N4 as efficient visible-light-driven photocatalyst for organic degradationChemical Engineering Journal 相关热点
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