2023-05-11 07:40
  • 闫勉
  • 闫勉 - 讲师-暨南大学-智能科学与工程学院-个人资料




闫勉博士,于香港大学取得人因与工效学(Human factors & ergonomics)博士学位。2017年加入暨南大学智能科学与工程学院


人因与工效学 人机交互 用户技术行为 消费者健康信息学 工程心理学


(1)Yan, M.*, Patient perceptions of the use of a technology-augmented healthcare system for the self-care of type 2 diabetes mellitus and/or hypertension. 2019, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 779. Springer: Cham. p. 234-239.
(2)Yan, M., Or, C.K.L., Factors in the 4-week acceptance of a computer-based, chronic disease self-monitoring system in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and/or hypertension, Telemedicine and e-Health, 2018, 24(2): 121-129.
(3)Ning, Y., Xu, S.X., Yan, M., Huang, G.Q., Digital pricing with piracy and variety seeking, International Journal of Production Economics, 2018, 206: 184-195.
(4)屈挺; 张凯; 闫勉; 郭洪飞; 黄国全; 李从东; 李晓敏, 物联网环境下面向高动态性生产系统优态运行的联动决策与控制方法, 机械工程学报, 2018. 54(16): p. 24-33.
(5)Yan, M., Qu, T., Li, C.D., Xu, S.X., Impacts of health information technology on health care quality in hospital-related settings: A systematic review, 15th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, March 27-29, 2018, Zhuhai, China.
(6)Wang, H.L., Tao, D., Yan, M.*, Qualitative synthesis of isometric handgrip strength for Chinese adults, 15th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, March 27-29, 2018, Zhuhai, China.
(7)Yan, M., Or, C.K.L., A 12-week pilot study of acceptance of a computer-based chronic disease self-monitoring system among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and/or hypertension, Health Informatics Journal, 2017, DOI: 10.1177/1460458217724580.
(8)Or, C.K.L., Yan, M., The development of a longitudinal study of acceptance of consumer health information technology among patients with comorbid type 2 diabetes and hypertension, 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, July 26-30, 2015, Las Vegas, USA.
(9)Shiu, L., Yan, M., Guo, J.Y., Or, C.K.L., Head and face anthropometric survey of Chinese adults in Hong Kong, 3rd South East Asian Network of Ergonomics Societies International Conference, December 1-4, 2014, Singapore.

