2023-05-11 07:40
  • 殷鹏
  • 殷鹏 - 研究员 博士-暨南大学-粤港澳中枢神经再生研究院-个人资料




殷鹏,博士,2019年7月至今任粤港澳中枢神经再生研究院,研究员。2012年于复旦大学获博士学位。2012-2015年于中科院遗传发育所任助理研究员。2015-2019年于美国Emory大学进行博士后研究。多年来一直从事脑遗传性神经变性疾病研究,尤其在利用病毒载体建立灵长类神经退行性模型和分子机制阐述积累了丰富经验。在Acta Neuropathol,EMBO Reports,Hum Mol Genet,Cell Signal等期刊上发表实验论文,曾主持结题国自然青年基金一项。




Yin, P.*, Liu, Q., Pan, Y., Yang, W., Yang, S., Wei, W., Chen, X., Hong, Y., Bai, D., Li, X., and Li, S.*. Phosphorylation of myelin regulatory factor by PRKG2 mediates demyelination in Huntington's disease. EMBO Reports (2020).21: e49783.

Liu, Q., Huang S, Yin, P., Yang, S., Zhang J., Jing L., Cheng S., Tang B, Li, X.,Pan, Y.*, and Li, S.*. Cerebellum-enriched protein INPP5A contributes to selective neuropathology in mouse model of spinocerebellar ataxias type 17. Nature Communications (2020). 11 (1), 1101.

Yang HM, Yang S, Jing L, Huang LX, Chen LX, Zhao XX, Yang WL, Pan YC, Yin P, Qin Z, Li SH, Li X-J. Truncation of mutant huntingtin in knock-in mice demonstrates exon1 huntingtin is a key pathogenic form. Nature Communications (2020). May 22;11(1):2582.

Yin, P., Guo, X., Yang, W., Yan, S., Yang, S., Zhao, T., Sun, Q., Liu, Y.*, Li, S.*, and Li, X.*. Caspase-4 mediates cytoplasmic accumulation of TDP-43 in the primate brains. Acta Neuropathologica (2019). 137(6):919-937.

Yang W, Liu Y, Tu Z, Xiao C, Yan S, Ma X, Guo X, Chen X, Yin P, Yang Z, Yang S, Jiang T, Li S, Qin C, Li XJ. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated PINK1 deletion leads to neurodegeneration in rhesus monkeys.Cell Research (2019) Apr;29(4):334-336.

Zhao, T., Hong, Y., Yin, P., Li, S.* and Li, X.*. Differential HspBP1 Expression Accounts for the Greater Vulnerability of Neurons Than Astrocytes to Misfolded Proteins. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2017). 114 (37), E7803-E7811.

Yang S, Yang H, Chang R, Yin P, Yang Y, Yang W, Huang S, Gaertig MA, Li S, Li XJ. MANF regulates hypothalamic control of food intake and body weight. Nature Communications (2016), 8: 579.

Yin, P., Tu, Z., Yin, A., Zhao, T., Yan, S., Guo, X., Chang, R., Zhang, L., Hong, Y., Huang, X., Zhou, J., Wang, Y., Li, S., and Li, X.*, Aged monkey brains reveal the role of ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme UBE2N in the synaptosomal accumulation of mutant huntingtin. Human Molecular Genetics (2015). 24, 1350-1362.

Yang W, Wang G, Wang CE, Guo X, Yin P, Gao J, Tu Z, Wang Z, Wu J, Hu X, Li S, Li XJ. Mutant Alpha-Synuclein Causes Age-Dependent Neuropathology in Monkey Brain. Journal of Neuroscience. (2015) 35(21):8345-58.

Wang, G.#, Yang, H.#, Yan, S.#, Wang, C.E., Liu, X., Zhao, B., Ouyang, Z., Yin, P., Liu, Z., Zhao, Y., Liu, T., Fan N., Guo, L., Li, S., Li, X.* and Lai, L.*. Cytoplasmic mislocalization of RNA splicing factors and aberrant neuronal gene splicing in TDP-43 transgenic pig brain. Molecular Neurodegeneration (2015). 10, 42.

Yin P, Zhao C, Li Z, Mei C, Yao W, Qi J, Wang L, Shi Y, Qiu S, Fan J, Zha X. Sp1 Is Involved in Regulation of Cystathionine γ-lyase gene Expression and Biological Function by PI3K/Akt pathway. Cellular Signalling. (2012) 24(6):1229-40

Zhao C, Yin P, Mei C, Li N, Yao W, Li X, Qi J, Fan K, Li Z, Wang L, Shi Y, Qiu S, Fan J, Zha X. Down-regulation of DNA methyltransferase 3B in staurosporine-induced apoptosis and its mechanism in human hepatocarcinoma cell lines. Mol Cell Biochem. (2012)376(1-2):111-9.

