2023-05-11 07:39
  • 杨伟莉
  • 杨伟莉 - 研究员 博士-暨南大学-粤港澳中枢神经再生研究院-个人资料




杨伟莉,博士,研究员。2016年底获得中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所博士学位,师从国际著名神经退行性疾病模型专家李晓江教授。随后2017年初进入暨南大学继续在李晓江课题组从事博士后研究,并于同年至加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)访问交流一年;2018-2019年至美国Emory大学人类遗传学系访问交流。2019年9月加入暨南大学粤港澳中枢神经再生研究院,如PINK1敲除的帕金森病猴模型和小鼠模型,Parkin敲除的帕金森病猴模型研究。杨伟莉博士自研究生阶段开始,多年来主要参与利用最新基因打靶技术TALEN及CRISPR/Cas9建立重大神经退行性疾病的猴模型研究,如参与创建出世界首例功能性敲除杜氏肌萎缩DMD基因猴模型,PINK1基因敲除的帕金森病猴模型, Parkin敲除猴模型及小脑症猴模型等,并对其病理机制进行了深入研究。近年来在Cell Research, Journal of Neuroscience, Molecular Neurodegeneration, Cell stem cell, Human Molecular Genetic, Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 等杂志发表多篇具有国际影响力的文章,获批3项发明专利授权,在神经退行性疾病的大动物模型制备及疾病机理研究上具有丰富经验。




1. Yang W, Liu Y, Tu Z, Xiao C, Yan S, Ma X, Guo X, Chen X, Yin P, Yang Z, Jiang T, Li, S, Qin C, Li XJ. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated PINK1 deletion leads to neurodegeneration in rhesus monkeys. Cell Res. 29(4):334-336, 2019.
2. Yang W,Li S, Li XJ.A CRISPR monkey model unravels a unique function of PINK1 in primate brains.Mol Neurodegener. 14(1):17, 2019.
3. Yang W, Wang G, Wang C, Guo X, Yin P, Gao J, Tu Z, Wang Z, Wu J, Hu X, Li S, Li XJ. Mutant Alphα-Synuclein Causes Age-Dependent Neuropathology in Monkey Brain, J Neurosci., 35: 8345-58, 2015.
4. Yang W, Tu Z, Sun Q, Li XJ. CRISPR/Cas9: Implications for Modeling and Therapy of Neurodegenerative Diseases, Front. Mol. Neurosci., 9:30, 2016.
5.Yang W, Zhang Y, Yang J, Tan L, Yang K. Potential anti-osteoporosis effect of biodegradable magnesium implanted in STZ-induced diabetic rats. J Biomed Mater Res A. 99, 386-94, 2011.
6. Tu Z*, Yang W*(co-first author), Yan S*, Yin A, Gao J, Liu X, Zheng Y, Zheng J, Li Z, Yang S, Li, SH, Guo X and Li X- J. Promoting Cas9 degradation reduces mosaic mutations in non-human primate embryos. Sci Rep. 7: 42081, 2017.
7. Chen Y*, Zheng Y*, Kang Y*, Yang W*(co-first author) , Niu Y, Guo X, Tu Z, Si C, Wang H, Xing R, Pu X, Yang SH, Li S, Ji W, Li XJ. Functional disruption of the dystrophin gene in Rhesus Monkey Using CRISPR/Cas9. Hum. Mol. Genet. 24, 3764-74, 2015.
8. Tu Z, Yang W, Yan S, Guo X, Li XJ*.CRISPR/Cas9: a powerful genetic engineering tool for establishing large animal models of neurodegenerative diseases. Mol Neurodegener. 10:35, 2015.
9. Li XJ, Tu Z, Yang W, Li S. CRISPR: Established Editor of Human Embryos? Cell Stem Cell. 21(3):295-296, 2017.
10. Yin P, Guo X, Yang W, Yan S, Yang S, Zhao T, Sun Q, Liu Y, Li S, Li XJ. Caspase-4 mediates cytoplasmic accumulation of TDP-43 in the primate brains. Acta Neuropathol. 137(6):919-937, 2019.
11. Yan S, Tu Z, Liu Z, Fan N, Yang H, Yang S, Yang W, Zhao Y, Ouyang Z, Lai C,Yang H, Li L, Liu Q, Shi H, Xu G, Zhao H, Wei H, Pei Z, Li S, Lai L, Li XJ. A Huntingtin Knockin Pig Model Recapitulates Features of Selective Neurodegeneration in Huntington's Disease. Cell. 173(4):989-1002, 2018.
12. Yang S, Yang HM, Chang RB Yang Y, Yin P, Yang W, Huang SS Geartig, MA, Li SH, Li XJ. MANF regulates hypothalamic control of food intake and body weight. Nature Commun, 18;8(1):579, 2017.
13. Zhao H, Tu ZC, Xu HJ, Yan S, Yan HH, Zheng YH, Yang W, Zheng JH, Li ZJ, Tian R, Lu YM Gao XY, Jiang YH, Li X-J. Zhang YQ. Altered neurogenesis and disrupted expression of synaptic proteins in SHANK3 deficient non-human primate prefrontal cortex. Cell Res, 27(10):1293-1297. 2017.
14. Niu Y, Guo X, Chen Y, Wang C, Gao J, Yang W, Kang Y, Si W, Wang H, Yang SH, Li S, Ji W, Li XJ. Early Parkinson's disease symptoms in α-synuclein transgenic monkeys. Hum. Mol. Genet. 24, 2308-17, 2015.

