2023-05-11 07:39
  • 杨万才
  • 杨万才 - 教授-暨南大学-生物医学转化研究院-个人资料




1985.09-1990.06: 新乡医学院医学系,医学学士
1993.07-1994.08: 上海交通大学(上海第二医科大学)病理学教研室进修
1994.09-1997.07: 郑州大学医学院(原河南医科大学),病理学研究生
1998.02-1999.12: 美国洛克菲勒大学(Rockefeller University)肿瘤病理学,博士后
1999.12-2001.12: 美国爱因斯坦医学院(Albert Einstein College of Medicine),病理学和肿瘤生物学,博士后
1990.07-1993.08: 新乡医学院病理学教研室,助教
1997.08-1998.02: 新乡医学院病理学教研室,讲师
2002.01-2006.09: 美国爱因斯坦医学院(Albert Einstein College of Medicine)肿瘤病理学讲师、助理教授
2006.10-2012.02: 伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校(University of Illinois Chicago)病理学系助理教授、副教授、博士生导师
2012.02- 新乡医学院,病理学教授,基础医学院院长
2012.02- 伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校病理学系兼职副教授,博士生导师
2014 暨南大学生物医学转化研究院 研究员




1. Yang W, Mathew J., Velcich A., EdelmannW., Kucherlapati R., Lipkin M., Yang K., and Augenlicht L.H. Targetedinactivation of p21WAF1/Cip1 gene enhances Apc initiated tumor formation andthe tumor promoting activity of a Western-style high-risk diet by altering cellmaturation in the intestinal mucosa. Cancer Res. 2001, 61(2):565-569
2. Yang W.,Velcich A., Mariadason J., Nicholas C., Corner G., Houston M., Edelmann W.,Kucherlapati R., P. Holt, and Augenlicht L.H. p21WAF1/Cip1 is an important determinant of intestinal cellsresponse to sulindac in vivo and in vitro. Cancer Res,2001, 61(16): 6297-6302
3. Velcich A., Yang W., HeyerJ., Fragale A., Nicholas C., Viani S., Kucherlapati R., Lipkin M., Yang K. andAugenlicht L.H. Colorectal cancer inmice genetically deficient in the mucin Muc2. Science, 2002, 295:1726-1729.
4. Yang W, Bancroft L, Nicholas N, LozonschiI and Augenlicht LH. Targeted inactivation of p27kip1 issufficient for large and small intestinal tumorigenesis in the mouse, which canbe augmented by a Western-style high-risk diet. Cancer Res, 2003,63: 4990-4996.
5. Gao Y, Yang W, Pan M, GirardiM, Scully E, Augenlicht LH, Craft J and Yin Z. gd-T cells provide an early source ofIFN-g in tumor immunity. J.Exp. Med. 2003, 198 (3): 433-442.
6. Yang W *, Bancroft L and Augenlicht LH. Methylation in thep21WAF1/cip1 promoter of Apc+/-,p21+/- mice and lack of response to sulindac. Oncogene,2005, 24: 2104-2109.
7. Yang W *,Velcich A, Lozonschi I, Liang J, Nicholas C, Zhuang M, Bancroft L andAugenlicht LH. Inactivation of p21WAF/cip1enhances intestinal tumor formation in Muc2-/- mice. Am J Pathol, 2005, 166:1239-1246
8. Yang W *, Bancroft L, Liang J and Augenlicht LH. p27kip1 in intestinaltumorigenesis and chemoprevention in the mouse. Cancer Res, 2005, 65:9363-9368. (media coverage)
9. Tong C, Yin Z, Song Z, Liang L, Dockendorff A, HuangC, Mariadason J, Nasser S, Davis R, Flavell RA, Augenlicht LH, and Yang W*. c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase 1 plays a critical role in intestinalhomeostasis and tumor suppression.Am J Pathology.2007 Jul;171(1):297-303
10. Bi X, Tong C, Dockendorff A, Bancroft L, Gallagher L,Guzman G, Iozzo RA, Augenlicht L, YangW*. Genetic deficiency of decorin causes intestinal tumor formationthrough disruption of intestinal cell maturation in mouse. Carcinogenesis, 2008, Jul;29(7):1435-40
11. YangK, Popova N, Yang WC, Lozonschi I,Tadesse S, Kent S, Bancroft L, Matise I, Cormier R, Scherer S, Edelmann W, Lipkin M, Augenlicht L and Velcich A.Interaction of Muc2 and Apc on Wnt signaling and in intestinal tumorigenesis:potential role of chronic inflammation. Cancer Research, 2008, Sep 15;68(18):7313-22
12. Hu D, Fang W, Han A, Galagther L, Xiong B, Davis RJ, Yang W*. JNK1 interacts with andnegatively regulates beta-catenin signaling through gsk3beta pathway. Carcinogenesis,2008, Dec. 29: 2317-24
13. Hu D, BiX, Fang W, Han A, Yang W*. GSK3β is involved in JNK2-mediated downregulation ofβ-catenin. PLoS One. 2009 Aug 13; 4(8):e6640.
14. Pohl N,Tong C, Fang W, Bi X, Yang W*. Transcriptionalregulation and biological functions of selenium-binding protein 1 in colorectalcancer in vitro and in nude mouse xenografts. 2009, PLoS One 2009 Nov 16; 4(11):e7774.
15. Fang W,Han A, Bi X, Xiong B, Yang W*. Tumor inhibition by Sodium selenite is associated with activation of c-JunNH2-terminal kinase 1 and suppression of β-catenin signaling. Int.J. Cancer 2010Jul 1; 127(1):32-42.
16. Fang W,Goldberg M, Bi X, Pohl NM, Tong C, Xiong B, Koh T, Diamond A, Yang W*. Functional and physicalinteraction between the selenium binding protein 1 (SBP1) and the GlutathionePeroxidase 1 selenoprotein. Carcinogenesis. 2010 Aug;31(8):1360-6
17. Bi X, Fang W, Wang LS, Stoner G, Yang W*. Black Raspberries Inhibit Intestinal Tumorigenesis in Apc638+/- andMuc2-/- Mouse Models of Colorectal Cancer. CancerPrev. Res. 2010 Nov. 3:1435-1442 (Media coverage)
18. Bi X, Pohl NM, Yin Z, YangW*. JNK2 Loss IncreasesIntestinal tumor Susceptibility in Apc+/- Mice with Dietary Modulation. Carcinogenesis, 2011 Apr;32(4):584-8
19. Bi X, Pohl N, Qian Z, Yang GR, GouY, Guzman G, Balla A, Iozzo R, Yang W*. Decorin-mediated inhibition of colorectalcancer growth and migration is associated with E-Cadherin in vitro and in mice.Carcinogenesis. 2012Feb;33(2):326-30.
20. Agrawal N, Jiao Y, Bettegowda C,Hutfless SM, Wang Y, David S, Cheng Y, Twaddell WS, Latt NL, Shin EJ, Wang LD,Wang L, Yang W, Velculescu VE,Vogelstein B, Papadopoulos N, Kinzler KW, Meltzer SJ.. Comparative GenomicAnalysis of Esophageal Adenocarcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma. CancerDiscovery. 2012 Oct;2(10):899-905.
伊利诺伊大学Universityof Illinois芝加哥分校病理学系兼职副教授,博士生导师
德克萨斯大学University of Texas, El Paso生物学系兼职教授,博士生导师

